Pandemic 2020

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There is a nasty cold going around too, you have fever/chills? The symptoms of omicron are different, but the case count is so low at this point it is unlikely you caught it. There are a lot of other things that can make you feel like shit though and if you are feeling sick when tested, if it's covid, it should show positive, if there is enough virus to make you feel ill.
Yeah your right it’s probably something else. I have to call my doctor about my blood work results. One of the readings was super high .
You do it first and let me know how you feel k lol.
You'll miss out on that super immunity! :lol:
The Foo Fighters was so loud, my chest hurt. May just have been my distance/location from the speakers but it was uncomfortable.

Although not produced by trumpets, there is this:

The most dangerous frequency is at the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain: 7 hz. This is also the resonant frequency of the body’s organs. At high volumes, infrasound can directly affect the human central nervous system, causing disorientation, anxiety, panic, bowel spasms, nausea, vomiting and eventually organ rupture or even death from prolonged exposure.

isn't that what they think Havana Syndrome is from and the Russians are to blame?
Trumpets and sound engineers??? The telling of the future?? Do you have citation for this trumpet noise?? You seem to be heading into a bit of a crisis situation :o! I would suggest going out more but well that’s not good advice right now. Perhaps PM DIY for some meditative support! :o!

it would be the first three sound samples like trumpet on this YT can an Engineer here identify? obvi we know what sound barrier break and meteors are and it's not this..what is it?

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The Foo Fighters was so loud, my chest hurt. May just have been my distance/location from the speakers but it was uncomfortable.

Although not produced by trumpets, there is this:

The most dangerous frequency is at the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain: 7 hz. This is also the resonant frequency of the body’s organs. At high volumes, infrasound can directly affect the human central nervous system, causing disorientation, anxiety, panic, bowel spasms, nausea, vomiting and eventually organ rupture or even death from prolonged exposure.

this is what you are talking of but not the 'trumpet' sound that i posted.

last time i heard the HUM, it was someone outside my window area in their car sleeping with the heat on..and that is a bitch of a sound..sadly i can hear better than most as verified by the physicians here in Colorado:lol:

if there is hum that i can't identify i invented the use of ear buds..hum, noisy neighbors i'm experimenting with white noise currently as people pass by my front door and i don't wish to hear them or conversation. had a cheap fan that was dual purpose fan/white noise but it broke so i need to replace.
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You'll miss out on that super immunity! :lol:

it's almost as if nature crossed a cold with ebola..transmits like a cold; bleed out circulatory like ebola. if you cross them they each lose certain components yet maintain the goal of rapid transmission; rapid deaths. Omicron at 70% faster spread in lung than Delta?

did we think this could even happen?

i know Uncle Joe didn't; instead of wait and see after 'there's more where that came from'..we got the one round of pandemic
money + two more variants; he made a mistake by thinking vaccine would fix it; all would willingly take it as @Roger A. Shrubber would say 'wrong'. this month is our last month that everyone no matter who you are will get $250 from Biden for food and i swear that last guy is still in charge because the calendar says the 19th and gee, would really like to have my SNAP..he says there's only 2M out of work?..i don't believe that.

but yeah immunity..because when they gave us $600, we stayed inside because we had pandemic relief to spend and keep us busy, the economy going. cheap asses.
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Luckily, I'm sick and poor enough that mine was re-certified before the stampede like SNAP even my Case Worker couldn't get anyone was on hold for 3 hours everyone wants to know where their SNAP is. Maybe MAGAT Space Lasers disintegrated the cash?
the same ones that say you're "neurologically different" ? i think you may need to consult a physician from a different state...

nope. different specialist. and it was the person who was performing the test. when we we're going into the high notes i kept hearing this whirring sound lower than the high notes i was supposed to be listening for. i stopped the test and told her i could here something whirring and that it was complicating my ability to hear the high notes because i can hear them just not with competing sound.

she looked at me and said 'you could hear that?' me: 'yes, can you turn it off please?' her 'no it's the fan for inside the soundproof room and it's calibrated to not interfere..if you can hear that with earphones on, we can stop the test'.:lol:
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