Pandemic 2020

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i don't think the russians or anyone else are wasting time on developing a weapon that makes people feel odd for a few minutes, but if they were, you think listening to music on your ear buds would stop it?....¿

it was reported that in havana the change in room actually made a difference but when going into say perhaps bedroom where they spend hours sleeping the feeling of sickness was concentrated.

i use noise cancelling feature and don't have to hear anything i don't wish to..wear mask to say anything and shade my's my version of deprivation tank on the cheap.
nope. different specialist. and it was the person who was performing the test. when we we're going into the high notes i kept hearing this whirring sound lower than the high notes i was supposed to be listening for. i stopped the test and told her i could here something whirring and that it was complicating my ability to hear the high notes because i can hear them just not with competing sound.

she looked at me and said 'you could hear that?' me: 'yes, can you turn it off please?' her 'no it's the fan for inside the soundproof room and it's calibrated to not interfere..if you can hear that, we can stop the test'.:lol:
That’s incredible :o!
i don't think the russians or anyone else are wasting time on developing a weapon that makes people feel odd for a few minutes, but if they were, you think listening to music on your ear buds would stop it?....¿

what would make you think you can hear anything else other than your ear buds?
what would make you think you can hear anything else other than your ear buds?
you think subsonics only penetrate your ears? they vibrate and resonate through your whole body, your ears are probably not even a factor when it can make your bones and brain vibrate within your body...the concept works, but it requires large "speakers", a large truck full of equipment, and a considerable power source...and then it makes people feel "uncomfortable" causes headaches and perhaps a little's not a pocket death ray they can whip out at an event and target a single person with, although it would probably effect a small group around the target, as well.
there is another type, that is more weaponized, but again, it's a truck or vehicle mounted system, not a thing that can be concealed on someones person...

the gut punch effect requires a short range, and a lot of power, both of which are going to be pretty noticeable....
these things exist, but get very little use, because they're not very practicle, and other devices exist already that do the job effectively...
you think subsonics only penetrate your ears? they vibrate and resonate through your whole body, your ears are probably not even a factor when it can make your bones and brain vibrate within your body...the concept works, but it requires large "speakers", a large truck full of equipment, and a considerable power source...and then it makes people feel "uncomfortable" causes headaches and perhaps a little's not a pocket death ray they can whip out at an event and target a single person with, although it would probably effect a small group around the target, as well.
there is another type, that is more weaponized, but again, it's a truck or vehicle mounted system, not a thing that can be concealed on someones person...

the gut punch effect requires a short range, and a lot of power, both of which are going to be pretty noticeable....
these things exist, but get very little use, because they're not very practicle, and other devices exist already that do the job effectively...
Subsonic is airspeed. The word you want is infrasonic.
i don't think the russians or anyone else are wasting time on developing a weapon that makes people feel odd for a few minutes, but if they were, you think listening to music on your ear buds would stop it?....¿

Didn't see Russians on the list but LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Devices) has been used by over 20 countries. LRADs were used against Somalian pirates, Occupy Wall Street, Branch Davidian cult complex, U.S. invasion of Panama ,etc.

As a teenager in the 80s, I built pest repellers (for mice) using ultrasonic piezoelectric transducers before they were commercially available. I have a solar powered probe that sticks in the ground, that produces frequencies that gets rid of moles.

this is what you are talking of but not the 'trumpet' sound that i posted.

last time i heard the HUM, it was someone outside my window area in their car sleeping with the heat on..and that is a bitch of a sound..sadly i can hear better than most as verified by the physicians here in Colorado:lol:

if there is hum that i can't identify i invented the use of ear buds..hum, noisy neighbors i'm experimenting with white noise currently as people pass by my front door and i don't wish to hear them or conversation. had a cheap fan that was dual purpose fan/white noise but it broke so i need to replace.

Correct. - not the trumpet sound.

Low frequencies (infrasound) below 20Hz affect some people to the degree that they are ill. I believe this technique was used in Cuba.

The Zug Island mystery has been solved - it was US Steel.

yes and i posted the YT here on this very thread. nobody could answer my question after listening to it.

here it is again. the first three sound samples.

I’m going to indulge in some blue sky thinking.

My best guess has to do with the acoustic version of mirage. Mirage is an optical distortion that happens because you have a refraction gradient from a shallow but intense inversion. Mirage can project an optical image from well below the horizon.

Many of those sounds could be from quite far away and, like a mirage, focused in on the spot where they heard it.
But that tubalike hum? That’s just freaky weird.
NIH director says Trump, Republicans pressured him to back unproven COVID-19 remedies
On his last day as director of the National Institute of Health (NIH), Francis Collins spoke on how former President Trump pressured him to endorse unproven medical treatments for COVID-19, such as "hydroxychloroquine and blood plasma."

Speaking with "CBS Sunday Morning" correspondent Rita Braver, Collins said, "I have done everything I can to stay out of any kind of political, partisan debates, because it really is not a place where medical research belongs."

However, Collins said he often had to face off against Trump for his refusal to recommend medical treatments for COVID-19 that had not been shown to improve illnesses.

"And I got into a difficult place, and got a bit of a talking-to by the President of the United States about this," he said. "But I stuck my ground."
yes and i posted the YT here on this very thread. nobody could answer my question after listening to it.

here it is again. the first three sound samples.

i'm not trying to be rude, but i don't give a shit about this horseshit, take it to the metaphysical mythological garbage forum and see what the navel starers there have to say, maybe? this has nothing to do with the pandemic...or anything else, as far as i can tell
You can't make money on alternative medicines like ivermechtin, its only 2.50 down here in Mexico. I don't advocate taking it I just find it interesting that all of the alternatives seem to cost less than tylenol in the states.
You can say whatever you want dude, the mexican people down here who had covid took it and either it worked or the virus wasn't so bad because they swear by it. But you know, internet doctors know everything. I wasn't claiming it did shit because A. I didn't take it and B. I am not a doctor, but this forum is full of retarded fucks who think they know everything.
Yeah if you think this is coming from some internet doctor you should think that.

But what you are saying is still bullshit. Based on actual doctors, actual scientists, and the makers of the shit you named, all saying that it is pure nonsense and is not effective at all in preventing or curing the Corona virus.
Reuters just posted an article saying Omicron is no less severe than Delta. It’s like creeping death for the unvaxxed unmasked. They were warned and given every opportunity to protection so as they drop dead I have little sympathy.
You can say whatever you want dude, the mexican people down here who had covid took it and either it worked or the virus wasn't so bad because they swear by it. But you know, internet doctors know everything. I wasn't claiming it did shit because A. I didn't take it and B. I am not a doctor, but this forum is full of retarded fucks who think they know everything.
Wishful thinking is helpful due to the placebo effect.
Reuters just posted an article saying Omicron is no less severe than Delta. It’s like creeping death for the unvaxxed unmasked. They were warned and given every opportunity to protection so as they drop dead I have little sympathy.
The way cases are multiplying it won't be creeping for long, most cases are still delta though. Let's hope the breakthrough cases of omicron are mild at least.
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