Pandemic 2020

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And that alone sucks my friend.

It all sucks.
You know what sucks worse? Telling the whole world that coronavirus is a hoax. telling everybody not to get vaccinated and then getting iCovid and the last lucid moments or your life are the last moments before they put you under for intubation.

Getting vaccinated, masking up, following social distancing guidelines, home cooking and doing what's best for me and mine aren't that bad.. Covid sucks. Avoiding it isn't much fun but it's easy compared to the alternative.
You know what sucks worse? Telling the whole world that coronavirus is a hoax. telling everybody not to get vaccinated and then getting iCovid and the last lucid moments or your life are the last moments before they put you under for intubation.

Getting vaccinated, masking up, following social distancing guidelines, home cooking and doing what's best for me and mine aren't that bad.. Covid sucks. Avoiding it isn't much fun but it's easy compared to the alternative.

I posted that my wife's boss, the one that refused to enact just a few simple safeguards that forced her to quit, very recently died....of covid.

The worst is our inability to raise him from his coffin and shout to his fucking fat face " we told you".
It seems that the preventive effect the booster provides lasts only weeks for the elderly, if at all.

I posted a 30+ year and still ongoing study in early 2020 that said natural immunity from known corona viruses did not last more than a year.
We better hope this new vaccine the army came up with takes a new approach that gives lasting immunity or like I've been saying all along, get used to yearly shots.
As for the new Army vaccine, the tRUmptards will never take it,never. Almost every pandemic or zombie movie ever made was about a military bio warfare or super soldier virus gone wrong. tRUmptards do not have the ability to tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
You know what sucks worse? Telling the whole world that coronavirus is a hoax. telling everybody not to get vaccinated and then getting iCovid and the last lucid moments or your life are the last moments before they put you under for intubation.

Getting vaccinated, masking up, following social distancing guidelines, home cooking and doing what's best for me and mine aren't that bad.. Covid sucks. Avoiding it isn't much fun but it's easy compared to the alternative.
You know what sucks is the collective biases and maladaptive behaviour of people focused on the polarisation of society such as we have seen with racist bigots, homophobes and now antivaxers/vaccine enthusiasts.
As for the new Army vaccine, the tRUmptards will never take it,never. Almost every pandemic or zombie movie ever made was about a military bio warfare or super soldier virus gone wrong. tRUmptards do not have the ability to tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
I can live with biannual boosters, but 40% of republicans won't, the cleansing of America might take a couple more years. Five times as many will become disabled by covid than die and for most that will mean economic dislocation, loss of jobs and homes in gerrymandered districts. Serious cases of covid have become more or less optional now, in the beginning they viewed it as a form of biological warfare against blacks, but since vaccines, the tables have been turned on them.

Perhaps covid might end up saving the country by killing maiming and adjusting the attitudes of enough republicans and independents. Maybe America needs a real hard bitch slap to bring it around and keep the republicans home in November. You can rest assured that the unvaxxed will get covid by spring though and in America the vast majority of them are hardcore republican Trumpers.
Army to announce vaccine that protects omicron and other variants: report
The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) has been developing a Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle (SpFN) since early 2020, and began early-stage human trials of the vaccine in early April.

Kayvon Modjarrad, director of WRAIR’s infections disease branch, told Defense One that the early-stage trials ended this month, and yielded positive results that are currently under review.

“It's very exciting to get to this point for our entire team and I think for the entire Army as well,” Modjarrad told the news outlet.

The SpFN vaccine uses a protein with 24 faces which allows for scientists to attach the spikes of multiple coronavirus strains on different faces, according to Defense One.

Modjarrad told the outlet that the rapid spread of the omicron and delta variant, as well as increasing vaccination rates, made the early trials take longer than expected. Those trials needed subjects who had neither been vaccinated nor previously infected with COVID-19.

Going forward, WRAIR needs to test how the vaccine interacts with people who were previously vaccinated or previously sick.

“We need to evaluate it in the real-world setting and try to understand how does the vaccine perform in much larger numbers of individuals who have already been vaccinated with something else initially…or already been sick,” he said
This was deliberate where republicans were in power.

I think people forget that though nationally 49% of republicans are ant vaxx, that many of them are concentrated in geographic areas that is reflected by their vaxx rate. Vaxx data is county by county, just like votes and the vaxx map looks like the election map. Because of this concentration of republican antivaxxers and anti maskers and because of behavior in these areas it should amplify the effects of the pandemic, like high community spread and overwhelmed local hospitals where the mortality rate shoots up and people die at home.

I compared the vaxx rates between Canada and America and the difference is purely political, there could be as many as 30 million unvaaxxed people who voted for Trump in 2020. Omicron is becoming dominate, but it's delta that is mostly filling the hospitals to bursting now with the winter surge. Some say Omicron is from 5 to 7 times more contagious than delta, as contagious as measles, few unvaxxed and even many vaxxed will escape infection by spring.
Bats may have evolved their unusual physiology and immune system just to cope with corona viruses and other deadly viruses. It may be beyond our ability at this time to develop a long lasting vaccine against corona viruses.
There was a very good Nova about this. About five million years ago when they learned to fly is when their T cells started staying on all the time. My thoughts is that since they fly at over 100 mph, the amount of shit they breathed in while flying triggered the mutation.

Paxlovid combines a new antiviral drug named nirmatrelvir and an older one called ritonavir. Last week, Pfizer released updated results that showed the treatment cut the risk of hospitalization or death by 89% if given to high-risk adults within a few days of their first symptoms. If given within the first five days of symptoms, the efficacy was similar: 88%.
China imposes lock down of up to 13M people in Xi'an amid COVID-19 spike
China will impose an indefinite lockdown on as many as 13 million people in the city of Xi’an to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the region.

The decision was announced on Wednesday and will take effect immediately.

Under the mitigation measures, one person from each house is allowed to leave every two days to purchase necessities. People must have an important reason to leave their homes otherwise, according to The Associated Press.

Per the order, all transit in and out of the city will also be suspended except for special circumstances, the AP reported.

The decision came after the city saw just over 50 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases. The policy is one of the strictest the country has seen since the lockdown in 2020 in Wuhan, where the disease was first discovered, according to the wire service.

China has taken a hardline approach to COVID-19 measures, imposing lockdowns and strict masking and testing requirements.

As the country prepares for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, set to begin on Feb. 4, measures have increased.
China imposes lock down of up to 13M people in Xi'an amid COVID-19 spike
China will impose an indefinite lockdown on as many as 13 million people in the city of Xi’an to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the region.

The decision was announced on Wednesday and will take effect immediately.

Under the mitigation measures, one person from each house is allowed to leave every two days to purchase necessities. People must have an important reason to leave their homes otherwise, according to The Associated Press.

Per the order, all transit in and out of the city will also be suspended except for special circumstances, the AP reported.

The decision came after the city saw just over 50 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases. The policy is one of the strictest the country has seen since the lockdown in 2020 in Wuhan, where the disease was first discovered, according to the wire service.

China has taken a hardline approach to COVID-19 measures, imposing lockdowns and strict masking and testing requirements.

As the country prepares for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, set to begin on Feb. 4, measures have increased.
Wow, we were just taking about China at work this morning and their early lockdown in Wuhan back at the start of the pandemic. Too bad it had already gotten out into the rest of the world before they went full lockdown though.
Much like omicron now, it seemed like COVID was already everywhere once testing for it was ramped up back then though.
Even with the polarized BS in the US over masks, vaccines, etc., I’m still glad I live here and not China.
Wow, we were just taking about China at work this morning and their early lockdown in Wuhan back at the start of the pandemic. Too bad it had already gotten out into the rest of the world before they went full lockdown though.
Much like omicron now, it seemed like COVID was already everywhere once testing for it was ramped up back then though.
Even with the polarized BS in the US over masks, vaccines, etc., I’m still glad I live here and not China.
I listen to a music program from a guy from here who has been in China teaching for years. While we had people dying and the economy closed down, they had life generally go on as normal once they reduced the transmission. I would not want to trade places, but there is no BS there about doing your part for society.
Politics always play a big part in which deaths get counted. Most blacks were not counted among the Spanish Flu deaths.

which really didn't originate in Spain but a US Military base in the midwest- see? we were blaming shit on others all the way back in 1918.
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