Pandemic 2020

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But, but.... ...Trump ripped his mask off after he got out of the hospital.

I always imagined that like when Tupac got shot the first time and yelled thug life and walked out of the hospital. Just much more poorly done.

My response to both was the same,, a disapproving head shake and a "what are you doing dude???"
I always imagined that like when Tupac got shot the first time and yelled thug life and walked out of the hospital. Just much more poorly done.

My response to both was the same,, a disapproving head shake and a "what are you doing dude???"

except Tupac didn't need two takes.
I just found out my anti-vaxer brother and his wife have covid..........I had to bite my tongue when he told me.
I imagine it will ravage his family..........they had their kids, their spouses, and their grandchildren over for christmas dinner........all of which are not vaccinated.
Frankly I'm amazed it took this long for them to get it.
I hope they come through it ok.
Doctors should refuse to see those who are unvaxxed, I doubt if I could get an appointment without being vaxxed, phone consultations only, or find a doctor they can trust more than the internet. As for the clown with the 9mm, he can find another doctor too, I wouldn't subject my staff to that bullshit.

Family practice physicians can dismiss patients and more should do it to the antivaxxer crowd, who would want one of them showing up in a waiting room full of patients?
Healthcare Workers Face Anger From Vaccine Hesitant Patients

With reports of doctors and nurses facing hostile patients, emergency physician Dr. Rob Davidson tells Jonathan Capehart that he’s frustrated with people who have chosen not to get vaccinated, but, he adds, “I’m really, really mad at the folks out there perpetrating the disinformation … basically spending every day undermining our efforts to do what’s right.”
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Chris Hayes: How Omicron’s Contagiousness Is Changing The Pandemic Normal

“This moment is, in some ways, one of the weirdest of the pandemic. We are nearing the two-year mark, and all of a sudden dealing with a somewhat different beast,” says Chris Hayes, discussing omicron’s contagiousness and how it’s changing the pandemic.
They say there are 150 million unvaxxed in America and right now there are over 250K cases reported a day, but the number of infections is probably many times that, if you take into account mild and asymptomatic cases among the vaxxed. So let's say that the pandemic burns through most of America in say 100 days (ditto for Canada). So that means we should be through the worst of it by spring or summer and after that we will treat it as another endemic disease like influenza, perhaps biannual boosters for a few years until an effective vaccine is found or we become naturally immune to this coronavirus to the point where it acts more like influenza.

One way or another we should be done with this shit by summer except for boosting and that might depend on age an other factors, we are gonna learn to live with it, adapt. However we have a winter to get through first and need to slow the transmission down and over more time, to protect the healthcare systems from being overwhelmed.

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