Pandemic 2020

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that is what happened; to make a few dollars, short staffed; let's just get everyone sick.

what happened to National Guard for hospitals? Javitz Center incoming? Tents?

according to the Biden Administration the Pandemic is over as of 1/1/22- a little short sighted..Trump is nuts;perhaps Biden should've taken the temperature of the patient before declaring a country free from plague.
Imo declaring the pandemic over is a big miss from the White House. It is so obviously not the case that its one effect will be to reduce this administration’s credibility.

I wonder about more insidious effects, like reducing emergency aid to healthcare providers.
Imo declaring the pandemic over is a big miss from the White House. It is so obviously not the case that its one effect will be to reduce this administration’s credibility.

I wonder about more insidious effects, like reducing emergency aid to healthcare providers.

he did that right away before Delta- one round of money? 'there's more where that came from' -Joseph R. Biden to make us feel secure after the Crimes Against Humanity we had to ENDURE every day!

Wake up, Joe! ..The Fvck, Man?
Imo declaring the pandemic over is a big miss from the White House. It is so obviously not the case that its one effect will be to reduce this administration’s credibility.

I wonder about more insidious effects, like reducing emergency aid to healthcare providers.

part 2.

sending us test kits en masse..for?<shrug>

people flying home Christmas and expecting a ride back? a fools errand:lol:

Imo declaring the pandemic over is a big miss from the White House. It is so obviously not the case that its one effect will be to reduce this administration’s credibility.

I wonder about more insidious effects, like reducing emergency aid to healthcare providers.
does it matter what they declare? those that are going to get vaccinated, have, those that are going to mask, are, those that try to avoid crowds, do...the rest ignore any advice, and live like there's no threat, and continue to die from covid at at 5 to 7 times the rate vaccinated people die, depending on which vaccines they've taken...
businesses refuse to enforce mask mandates, karens and kens refuse to follow mask mandates, republikkkan governors sue to stop federal mask mandates...why even bother anymore? Biden should just come out and say "you all know what you need to do to save yourselves and your loved ones.
if you think that includes refusing the vaccine, taking invermectin, continuing to attend large gatherings, and going unmasked, then take what you get, and do not blame us for your ignorance, after we have given you all the information necessary and then some, and provided three separate vaccines for free to protect you...but hey, at least you'll die worm free."
does it matter what they declare? those that are going to get vaccinated, have, those that are going to mask, are, those that try to avoid crowds, do...the rest ignore any advice, and live like there's no threat, and continue to die from covid at at 5 to 7 times the rate vaccinated people die, depending on which vaccines they've taken...
businesses refuse to enforce mask mandates, karens and kens refuse to follow mask mandates, republikkkan governors sue to stop federal mask mandates...why even bother anymore? Biden should just come out and say "you all know what you need to do to save yourselves and your loved ones.
if you think that includes refusing the vaccine, taking invermectin, continuing to attend large gatherings, and going unmasked, then take what you get, and do not blame us for your ignorance, after we have given you all the information necessary and then some, and provided three separate vaccines for free to protect you...but hey, at least you'll die worm free."
It matters because we endured four years of the Oval Office converted into a bullshit factory. I don’t want to see bullshit from this administration, and officially declaring the pandemic to be over in a coupla days while the case graph climbs for orbit
is some bullshit.
It matters because we endured four years of the Oval Office converted into a bullshit factory. I don’t want to see bullshit from this administration, and officially declaring the pandemic to be over in a coupla days while the case graph climbs for orbit
is some bullshit.
yes, it is, but states aren't going to do fuck all about it now...they half ass complied the first time around because they were expecting bodies in the streets and many more that they know that isn't the case, florida, texas, louisiana, al...won't enforce anything the white house mandates, so why bother...
Biden should say it's not over, continue to take whatever measures you can to protect yourselves, and then dump the responsibility directly into governors laps...give them total and complete control of their states responses...put the blame for the fuckery in the laps of those with their dicks in their hands...
and if you want to do any kind of business with the federal government, you follow federal mandates, or we can find new contractors that will, and that WILL be enforced by osha inspectors on a random basis, often.
but yeah, Biden shouldn't declare this's far from over...and republican governors are stretching it out for as long as they can
the difference could be life or death. many a healthy person died with no co-morbilities..white, too.
That was an answer to whether cats and dogs get the virus. There are reports of them getting it but not bad enough to cause them harm. But this opinion could change over time. Yes, normal white people in good health can get sick and die.
that is what happened; to make a few dollars, short staffed; let's just get everyone sick.

what happened to National Guard for hospitals? Javitz Center incoming? Tents?

according to the Biden Administration the Pandemic is over as of 1/1/22- a little short sighted..Trump is nuts;perhaps Biden should've taken the temperature of the patient before declaring a country free from plague.

now you'll have people sick, out of work or dead. UI is over:clap: SNAP has up until 12/31 to give the special pandemic allotment:clap:(our last).

i heard at the Food Bank last week was mobbed no one had food because no one's SNAP has been re-upped. yes, yes 12/31, the Great Goodbye!

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part 2.

sending us test kits en masse..for?<shrug>

people flying home Christmas and expecting a ride back? a fools errand:lol:

Trump fires up vaccine tensions
Veteran GOP strategist Keith Naughton said he was “a little” surprised by Trump’s recent cheerleading of the vaccines, given the former president's claim earlier this year that he was unlikely to get a COVID-19 booster. But he said it also made political sense.

“On the surface it’s surprising. But when you think about it, it’s a sensible thing,” he said. “It’s a sign that he is running. I think he knows he can’t just be part of that extremist side, he’s got to branch out.”

Days before the Owens interview, Trump was booed by some in the crowd when he told conservative commentator Bill O'Reilly that he had received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot.

The former president seemed frustrated, saying it was a mistake for people to turn against the vaccines and that it was smart to campaign on their development.

“Look, we did something that was historic, we saved tens of millions of lives worldwide. We, together, all of us, not me,” said Trump.

“Take credit for it. Take credit for it. It's great. What we've done is historic. Don't let them take it away. Don't take it away from ourselves. You are playing right into their hands when you sort of like, 'Oh, the vaccine,’” he added.

Some Republicans welcomed Trump’s remarks, saying it will help their party if they are not tagged with an anti-vaccine label. A few also think it could lead to more people getting vaccinated.

“Absolutely. Because what you had is just a crescendo of misinformation from the small but loud anti-vaccine voice,” one Trump ally said when asked if the remarks could lead to more Republicans getting vaccinated.

“For the past year, some of these fringe voices were allowed to speak, and then he didn't respond to it. Now he spoke, and now these fringe voices just realize how small their voices are compared to the former president of the United States.”

GOP pollster Robert Blizzard said if Trump does run, he needs to expand his base, as does his party. He and other sources suggested the recent messaging offered some potential for doing so.

The pro-vaccine remarks from Trump did not trigger a notable backlash, though Owens later suggested Trump was unable to adequately research the vaccines online because of his age. Infowars host Owen Shroyer said the remarks could “leave a bad taste in our mouth.”

It’s unclear how Trump plans to proceed talking about the vaccines, which would inevitably lead to conflict with parts of the right.

“There is a chunk of the base that just doesn’t trust the vaccines, and I think there was a real feeling that Trump was with them on that,” one Republican operative said. “I think hearing him actually point out that, you know, the vaccines are safe — there’s kind of this inherent tension with the anti-vax crowd who likes the president, who, rightly or wrongly, thinks he’s on their side.”

“It’s a weird dynamic,” the operative added.
does it matter what they declare? those that are going to get vaccinated, have, those that are going to mask, are, those that try to avoid crowds, do...the rest ignore any advice, and live like there's no threat, and continue to die from covid at at 5 to 7 times the rate vaccinated people die, depending on which vaccines they've taken...
businesses refuse to enforce mask mandates, karens and kens refuse to follow mask mandates, republikkkan governors sue to stop federal mask mandates...why even bother anymore? Biden should just come out and say "you all know what you need to do to save yourselves and your loved ones.
if you think that includes refusing the vaccine, taking invermectin, continuing to attend large gatherings, and going unmasked, then take what you get, and do not blame us for your ignorance, after we have given you all the information necessary and then some, and provided three separate vaccines for free to protect you...but hey, at least you'll die worm free."

yes. because Joe Rob was supposed to be the kindler gentler man who worked across the aisle for so many years and was the VP for 8..the experienced one who will put an end to the Trump Horror Show.

THE ONE WHO UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WOULD LIE TO US? 2M UI? LIE! 'there's more where that came from' on $1400 +300 for UI. LIE!

i personally would love to have a Class Action suit on behalf of the American people for Crimes Against Humanity and yes, it was.

i'm worse off this year than i was with last Christmas because SNAP is making everyone wait until tomorrow for benefits that should've been already 12/31, infvckingdeed.

i'm hearing lots of horns out there like a celebration did someone just die? checking memory banks for new info now..nothing i guess.

the issue at hand and that @CatHedral agreed; no aide to our hospitals by National Guard; ummmmmm that's what they're there for? antivaxxers will continue to show up at the ER and they will continue to take them with what medical staff?

this doesn't add up; something is not right..who is really running our country?
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