Pandemic 2020

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Ursus marijanus
Sounds like nothing more than just your opinion.

And my take on those first four words are simple. I'm not sick, so I see no point in someone making me act like I am sick - ordering mask wearing, trying to make us stay away from friends and family, forcing certain businesses to close while allowing others to remain open, banning funerals for the "common people" banning graduations, etc. And it most certainly applies to this particular horseshit "vaccine" that does fuck all to prevent actually getting the coof while the biden admin decided to try and make getting it mandatory through OSHA or you lose your job. I don't recall my employer making any other vaccine mandatory or requiring proof. Even the BP shit is optional and last time I checked...if we get stuck with a needle it's our choice to go get checked and retested for 6-12 months. They will pay for it, and that is awesome, but it isn't mandatory.

When you're sick, wear your mask, get your shots, stay isolated - or don't. You're an adult and you can decide for yourself. But that's just my opinion. As valid or worthless as yours.
View attachment 5135317
I see.


Well-Known Member
Good god. It’s never going to be over. You should change your name to
It's here to stay and we obviously need better vaccines and treatments, as I said before, then only the stupid need die and a minimum number of the innocent. If they aren't stupid now, they will be after a few go rounds with this fucker in it's various incarnations. New vaccines will mean a new America, as all the Trumpers croak or get too stupid so the can't register to vote.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
It's here to stay and we obviously need better vaccines and treatments, as I said before, then only the stupid need die and a minimum number of the innocent. If they aren't stupid now, they will be after a few go rounds with this fucker in it's various incarnations. New vaccines will mean a new America, as all the Trumpers croak or get too stupid so the can't register to vote.
We are going to get our 4th shot sometime soon. There is some gossip that our government has run out of funds to produce enough vaccines to meet demands this fall and winter. So now I have to think should I get it as soon as possible before they run out or wait a few more
Months. I get the shot on the Friday to have the weekend to deal with symptoms and rest up. The calculations for every 6 months makes
Me have to do some scheduling . Soo like if I get the shot now then it wears off in Nov and that will be peak time and when supplies might be in high demand. If I wait until Aug or Sept I might be in better shape. Community spread here isn’t hitting yet. I see no positives in the hospital at all. 220 bed hospital. I did take an at home covid test last night and was negative. Place an order
For more yesterday on the government site. So I have like 3 test kits now and getting some more. Currently masking up everywhere i go now. Cancelled my gym membership yesterday .


Well-Known Member
We are going to get our 4th shot sometime soon. There is some gossip that our government has run out of funds to produce enough vaccines to meet demands this fall and winter. So now I have to think should I get it as soon as possible before they run out or wait a few more
Months. I get the shot on the Friday to have the weekend to deal with symptoms and rest up. The calculations for every 6 months makes
Me have to do some scheduling . Soo like if I get the shot now then it wears off in Nov and that will be peak time and when supplies might be in high demand. If I wait until Aug or Sept I might be in better shape. Community spread here isn’t hitting yet. I see no positives in the hospital at all. 220 bed hospital. I did take an at home covid test last night and was negative. Place an order
For more yesterday on the government site. So I have like 3 test kits now and getting some more. Currently masking up everywhere i go now. Cancelled my gym membership yesterday .
Get the antiviral drugs to knock it down ASAP, if you get it.


Well-Known Member


Since you scare so easy I will lessen this one fear for you. The UN has no power without the countries giving it to them. So you can sleep easy at night.


Well-Known Member
Lye soap?
and you make it?

Let me make your life easier.

Use this & your arse will be as clean as a whistle & you'll smell like blooming field of wildflowers in a meadow in Tipperary on a sunny morn.:)
I use lye soap made by the old lady who has since died. I have a couple three dozen bars left, then we will be forced to make some.

I did buy a box of Irish Spring last year. To keep bugs out of the riverhouse. That shit smells way to strong for me to use for washing.


Well-Known Member
. . . . . . . . . . . When you're sick, wear your mask, get your shots, stay isolated - or don't. You're an adult and you can decide for yourself. But that's just my opinion. As valid or worthless as yours. . . . .
You see there is the rub. When you are sick. As everyone who has been paying attention knows, 60% of cases the folks don't know they have it. So when the cases are high in your area, you wear the mask to protect other folks in case you have it. But you know all that.

Nice meme btw. Congrats on the 1M dead. Covid could not have done it alone. Folks like you play an important role.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
You see there is the rub. When you are sick. As everyone who has been paying attention knows, 60% of cases the folks don't know they have it. So when the cases are high in your area, you wear the mask to protect other folks in case you have it. But you know all that.

Nice meme btw. Congrats on the 1M dead. Covid could not have done it alone. Folks like you play an important role.
You see there is the rub, you're spreading it too. You think your stupid mask is actually working. A disease so horrible and deadly I gotta get a test to find out if I even have it? I'm not concerned about it, but by all means, if your mask works (lol) then fucking wear it. I ain't stopping you, I encourage you to wear it.
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