Yea, right?
Fuck it
I had fun
I pretty much have laid out my soul to you guy's & you might have gotten a gist of what my exitance has been like , good & bad.
I think I'm slightly ahead on the good meter,
Nah, fuck it
This life basically sucked, but being Irish, that's a common feeling (sad but true)
But whose life has actually been without calamity at one point or another, it's all how you deal with it.
I pretty much wouldn't change much that I did, and I did a lot

(been told write a book)
So, I'm getting tested this afternoon & getting a fucking booster which I neglected to do so far
I've have dodged more than a few bullets & actually I can't figure out why I'm still standing.
To be tortured by God with exuberance?
Just got the results back
Both myself & son have the COVID 19 variant
God fuckingdamn man, just fucking once give me a fucking break.
Not in this lifetime, me thinks (no fucking prayers for me/just my wife and kid)
God can suck my dick

(Yea, fuck you God/what more are you going to do to me? Kill me?/go right the fuck ahead/let's get it over with)