I was listening to a report on NPR about some biologists in China, Americans I think, taking samples of bat guano in caves and in some forested areas. They're all hasmatted up hunting for viruses. In the mean time tourists with guides are strolling through these places with flip-flops, short sleeves, cameras clicking. The woman being interviewed was amazed that these people didn't even flinch when seeing them in their protection gear. They just took pictures.
As far as China "creating" this bug. It's possible. What Country doesn't play with bio-chemical stock.
I'm still curious who builds a viral lab right next door to a very crowded open air market.
I'm in Massachusetts.
The city of Cambridge took a knutty when they found out that M.I.T. wanted to build a level 4 Bio lab.
Anybody remember the movie "The Andromeda Strain"? Cool movie. Twelve Monkeys? The Kingsmen?
That last one is cheecky.
How many movies have we seen that portray some whacko running around the world with a vial of something with the soul intent of devastation.
Think of it. Create a bug that spreads fast. You have a vaccine. Or as in what just happened, release it on your public. You have had practice with SARS, I think a few others of containing it.
One just around the bend
Your population has a value of about a-dime-a-dozen. But the world...well.
I hope it's just natural jump.
Did you see that documentary on the Spanish flu? I didn't know it started here.