Pandemic 2020

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What ever is going on in Ohio doesn't sound right, the symptoms are extreme and numerous. Feeling like you have broken glass in your joints, one guy said he had a burning tingling sensation in his skull at the brain stem area,lots have serious headaches for days uncontrollable nose bleeds and others have symptoms similar to lupus,rashes and cold sores. Maybe there is just so many cases that these rarer symptoms just seem normal now but I don't think that's whats going on.
What ever is going on in Ohio doesn't sound right, the symptoms are extreme and numerous. Feeling like you have broken glass in your joints, one guy said he had a burning tingling sensation in his skull at the brain stem area,lots have serious headaches for days uncontrollable nose bleeds and others have symptoms similar to lupus,rashes and cold sores. Maybe there is just so many cases that these rarer symptoms just seem normal now but I don't think that's whats going on.
Anecdotal and not peer reviewed data, but I know a couple of people that had the broken glass feeling in the joints last year and a bunch that have had the horrible headaches. Several were COVID skeptics before they got it but their experiences changed their minds. The other symptoms you mentioned are alarming. It does seem like almost everyone we know either has it now or has had it over the last 4-5 weeks. It’s way, way more people than at previous times in the pandemic.
"The World Health Organization this week recommended nations lift or ease their existing COVID-19-related travel restrictions, saying they could exacerbate economic and social stress related to the pandemic.

The new recommendation was made Wednesday by the WHO’s International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on COVID-19 following its most recent meeting.

The report says countries should lift the bans and restrictions because the committee found “they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced” by citizens.

The report said such travel restrictions failed to limit the international spread of the omicron variant of the virus that causes COVID-19, which, the committee said, demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time."

yep, most travel bans turned out to be more harmful than helpful. They are political measures that make voters feel good but they don't actually help much.

Island nations are an exception. It works for them. Hurts their economies but saves lives.
Media in Michigan are claiming we have peaked, we had nearly 40,000 confirmed cases over the weekend, does that sound like it's better, it's not.
Looks to me as tho the media has it's orders to talk positive,what a fucking joke.
"The World Health Organization this week recommended nations lift or ease their existing COVID-19-related travel restrictions, saying they could exacerbate economic and social stress related to the pandemic.

The new recommendation was made Wednesday by the WHO’s International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on COVID-19 following its most recent meeting.

The report says countries should lift the bans and restrictions because the committee found “they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced” by citizens.

The report said such travel restrictions failed to limit the international spread of the omicron variant of the virus that causes COVID-19, which, the committee said, demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time."

WHO supports vaccinations too.

Are you listening?
Links to papers in the YouTube description.
Excellent natural immunity confirmed
Every 40 seconds, 1 American dies of COVID-19, according to the seven-day average, last week it was 43 seconds and 46 seconds the week before that. Some of the early omicron states claim they have peaked but overall infections and deaths are still rising.
Every 40 seconds, 1 American dies of COVID-19, according to the seven-day average, last week it was 43 seconds and 46 seconds the week before that. Some of the early omicron states claim they have peaked but overall infections and deaths are still rising.
It's gonna get a lot worse and we are by no means out of the woods, another variant can change things as we react yet again. Other than being vaccinated and boosted there ain't much we can do about omicron except to try to avoid it, if we are able to, many can't though. Mild or not we are stuck with it for now at least and the governments are looking to ride on it's back to normal, provided it doesn't mutate and bite them/us in the ass.

Schools are open all over including here and cases are up among kids too, though we have a very high vaxx rate of about 91% not including those under 5 years old and those who are idiots. Governments and experts are looking at hospitalizations and ICU numbers and making calls based on that and mathematical models. Omicron is "mild" when compared to delta and other variants, that would be putting a lot more of the unvaxxed and previously uninfected in the hospital, ICU and ground. This pandemic is difficult to predict, we could get a more contagious and more virulent strain or less virulent and more contagious, but it is contagiousness that wins Darwin's race, not virulence.
yep, most travel bans turned out to be more harmful than helpful. They are political measures that make voters feel good but they don't actually help much.

Island nations are an exception. It works for them. Hurts their economies but saves lives.
I assumed it helped as well but I watch Bermuda pretty close and even with testing prior to entry and as soon as you arrive, quarantine until negative test results, their numbers raised drastically over the last month, just as I left :(. Not sure if that proves anything but it was eye opening :(.
I wouldn't be surprised to see some health and life insurance companies go belly up in the near future. The ongoing care for all the long covid people on top of the shit storm going on now will cost a fortune. I've seen lots of talk about insurance companies denying claims for covid care.

On a side note, I had PJ the nut job PM me about my posting of a article from a life insurance company talking about all the excess deaths. He's convinced that the article is proof of all the deaths from vaccinations, what a loon. I told him to seek help from a shrink.
I’m no expert and actually to high to look but do virus’s typically mutate this fast and so much? Ya I’ll look tomorrow but just a thought.
The Flu does, that is why you get a new shot every year.

Watches one of his vids today, with an Australian doctor. Explained why Omicron is milder and how out immune system works differently for airway infections and internal infections. Seems the airways and lungs have a different immune response as we breath in all kinds of crap and it is different that what the body does if something gets past the mucus membrane. The reason Omi is milder is it sticks to the air passages for the most part as it does not have the spike protein as the previous forms. Hanging around the throat it easily gets spewed out for others to catch. They also discussed previous pandemics and that they usually lasted around three years. Mind you we did not have air travel back then. anyway it was worth a view.

WHO supports vaccinations too.

Are you listening?
Didn't say the opposite.
you know, i almost see this as good equals more dead republikkkans, more dead antivaxxers...the only down side is those who try to do the right thing and get fucked anyway, because assholes won't mask and vaxx, so they just keep the pandemic rolling along.
i wonder if we would even still be talking about this if we had a 100% vaccination rate? there's not much reason, outside of political buggery, and personal stupidity, for the entire world to not be vaccinated by now.
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