Pandemic 2020

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Doesn't seem to be. It's more contagious but hasn't shown itself to be worse in terms of sickness where it has been found.
we've been phenomenally lucky so far, most mutations haven't been that bad, i'm just waiting for the one that combines omicrons transmissibility, and the deadliness of delta... because we'd be seeing a lot more shit like this on the news...till they went off the airxxxxx.jpg
…i wonder if we would even still be talking about this if we had a 100% vaccination rate? there's not much reason, outside of political buggery, and personal stupidity, for the entire world to not be vaccinated by now.
I have wondered this too and think this probably is the case in the US where we’ve had good availability to vaccines for almost a year now. However, I also wonder if we’d still be kind of in the same situation regardless because many areas of the world have not had anywhere near the same level of vaccine availability. Wealthier countries have done better with vaccine availability than poorer countries have.
The US certainly can’t hold itself out as a paragon of good behavior during the pandemic. It is depressing though.
It makes me feel slightly better that we Americans don’t seem to have the corner market on swallowing misinformation and conspiracy theories, lots of wealthy countries have their tinfoil hatters too.
More countries are dropping all restrictions, have they given up on control and the hope of herd immunity? With omicron being the most infectious virus the herd immunity number must be well over 90% to achieve with vaccines which seems impossible with the antivaxers.
Hayes On The ‘Dangerous’ Growth Of The Anti-Vax Movement

Chris Hayes: “The anti-vaccine movement had its big coming out party in Washington, D.C. this weekend—we should say, that’s as almost 2,000 Americans are still dying every single day from Covid.”
you know, i almost see this as good equals more dead republikkkans, more dead antivaxxers...the only down side is those who try to do the right thing and get fucked anyway, because assholes won't mask and vaxx, so they just keep the pandemic rolling along.
i wonder if we would even still be talking about this if we had a 100% vaccination rate? there's not much reason, outside of political buggery, and personal stupidity, for the entire world to not be vaccinated by now.
Yeah sure, there won't be any cases and we won't be talking about this with 100% vaxxed since vaccine prevents transmission. lmao

Just wait these selfish stupid antivaxers to be dead and all will be gone. lmao
we've been phenomenally lucky so far, most mutations haven't been that bad, i'm just waiting for the one that combines omicrons transmissibility, and the deadliness of delta... because we'd be seeing a lot more shit like this on the news...till they went off the airView attachment 5074017
Viruses don't normally evolve that way. Omicron is a good example of what works best in terms of survival and ability to spread. It's very contagious but doesn't kill the host (most times). It's an airborne disease. The host can't spread it if he's dead.
Viruses don't normally evolve that way. Omicron is a good example of what works best in terms of survival and ability to spread. It's very contagious but doesn't kill the host (most times). It's an airborne disease. The host can't spread it if he's dead.
the virus isn't a sentient being, and bad mutations do's all the luck of the draw, doesn't matter that the new strain would kill it's hosts, all it needs is enough traction to get started...
the virus isn't a sentient being, and bad mutations do's all the luck of the draw, doesn't matter that the new strain would kill it's hosts, all it needs is enough traction to get started...
I bet you'll be here saying the exact same shit in four decades if you're still here at this point.
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