Paradise Seed - Strain: Belladonna


Well-Known Member
OK, got my flood and drain down. Flood now takes 2 minutes on 396GPH pump. Drain takes 6 minutes. Much better. Now I just need some freaking plants to test out.......


Well-Known Member
Here is the veg room. Its ready for hydro, once I get the res and plumbing for it, other then that, the room is done and the mum's are looking good. Also have some White Rhino and Power Skunk that need about 2 more weeks till clippings start.

The Belladonna mum's are recovering from there first clippings very well. Many new shoots coming off and also trim/fim them.

The second to last shows both rooms with light on, but the room to the right has changed. If you look at the table its on the floor, instead on bricks.

I really just need to work on light proofing the rooms from them selves.



Well-Known Member
Clones are looking strong and green but still no roots ..... :( Oh well, I have 3 different batches going, bound to get a few, just a matter of time.

Still have smoke from last harvest, but dam, down to 3 large colas! :)

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
That is one sweet set up you got there. Went all out with making 2 rooms right next to each other. Im gunna have to check out your last grows

edit: very nice, 6.25 ounces of some tasty lookin buds.. I cant wait till Im gettin pulls like that


Well-Known Member
That is one sweet set up you got there. Went all out with making 2 rooms right next to each other. Im gunna have to check out your last grows

edit: very nice, 6.25 ounces of some tasty lookin buds.. I cant wait till Im gettin pulls like that
Thanks man! I have worked hard on the rooms the last few months. It's sort of like an addiction, always improving it.

Yea, tasty it was. Very impressed with the last harvest. I just keep getting better at it. But finally got some quality seed and strains to try out. Should be tons of fun come harvest time. Can't wait to sample some variety!

Thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
subscribed + rep. i've always been a little Belladona curious lol
Thanks for stopping by. I will defintly give a nice review on the smoke and reactions and time to flower and what not. So keep an eye out, and in 2-3 months, should have some nice stash for the winter....

I see your using Fox Farm Nutes from your Sig Pic!, Me too, until hydro kicks in.......Good stuff for sure.


Well-Known Member
Still no roots, Maybe I need to heat things up a bit more? Its about 55 in the garage, and the heat mat i feel is just not cutting it. What else could I do?


Well-Known Member
Good job on the extra room, I've been working on my room too. I noticed the temperature change slowed down my grow a lot. All I can say is you need to figure out a way to get your room temps into the high 60's or low 70's or it will be slow going. I got to go shovel some snow now....enjoy

Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
Still no roots, Maybe I need to heat things up a bit more? Its about 55 in the garage, and the heat mat i feel is just not cutting it. What else could I do?
Okay, you're actually gonna want to get it between 72-77f degrees Fahrenheit. This is where you can maintain your optical growth in seedling and veg stage. I'd actually say 75-77 for seedlings. If you have the money you'll need to buy an electric heat fan. Check online for "Pelonis" just for reference or ex. At such temps as 55 for plants as young as yours, you shall see little results, and that s not your goal.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure of the temps with inside the dome. Will check tonight and see. But the heat pad is def maiming the dome humid and is warmer then the outside temps for sure. I just don't have a correct reading within! Will find out tonight how cold the clones them selves are actually. In the meantime, will research that heat fan as well.


Well-Known Member
Whats up Dewey! I never get on this site anymore, but I thought I would stop in and check out what threads I have tagged, and it looks like you are still on the road to success and learning some indoor garden skills! Get those temps up! GL with everything and happy holidays to ya!


Well-Known Member
Hey chris, long time no text! Been busy? Yea things are looking good. Clones are taking longer, but when I came home from Xmas, one clone had lots of roots. So just a matter of time for the rest! Hope you had a good Xmas and a happy new year! Keep stopping by once and a while.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Glad to hear your clones are coming to life. Do you think it was just the cool temps that made them take so long?


Well-Known Member
I think it's a combination of belladonna being a harder strain to clone, and the cold combine. I think I will be build a clone room that can shield the cold and heat up better soon!


Well-Known Member
I had one clone that was showing about 7 roots out the bottom. And 2 more clones showing roots. So I should be pushing a few more into flower, but want to make sure I got this Hydro down.

OK, hopefully I did this right.

Mix the soup. Poured House and Garden A & B(A with half a tank, then B). I used 75ml to 14 gallons. Then mixed in the Rapid Root at 1ml per gallon, and also 35%grade H202 at 1ml per gallon. Then I PH'd the water to 5.5

PPM is at 900. I Figure I should start out low and work my way up to 1400 till the roots develop.

Cross your fingers this hot little sexy female thrives.....

Did I do this right?

Will update tomorrow morning! Feel free to give some input! Will up late tonight!



Well-Known Member
4 of the clones showing roots! Yaaaaaay! Will be planting 3 more into flower in about 2 more days once they show enough roots......

So far the clone in the flower setup is looking good!


Well-Known Member
I just flowered some clones straight after rooting, and I only got like 10g per plant. I was growing a pure indica that didn't stretch much, but 10g a plant is not what I was looking for. Especially since my other plants yeild 2-3oz's. This is just something to think about. If you veg them for a couple of weeks, your yield will increase a ton.


Well-Known Member
I would bit don't have room in the veg room nor is it hydro. Not to mention my flower room has a height limitation. So the clones need to be very short. Thanks for the info. I might leave them in the clone dome longer and start feeding them to grow! I need to change a few thing in my setup and get things smooth sailing!