Paradise Seed - Strain: Belladonna


Well-Known Member
Well if height is resticted, I can understand the short plants. I did a little experiment and put 2 freshly rooted clones in 1gal pot, 2 in 2gal pots, and one in a 3gal pot. The plants in the 1gal pot actually yielded the most. I think it is because the root mass is so small that the smaller pots worked better. They were nowhere near rootbound in the end. Those 1gal pots are barely 6 1/2" in diameter, so you can cram a ton of those in your room.


Well-Known Member
I think the pots I am using are 1/2 gallon. Will be feeding 5 times during flower cycle. Grow Medium is 100% Chunky Perlite from Fox Farm. So they should grow fast and get plenty of air and nutes. Hopefully they will yield ok.

What light where you using. My last harvest, I got over an oz per plant off a 400 soil. But now I am using a 600W hydro. Who knows. Will see.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your project is coming along just fine Dewey. I got 3 clones going in the Aerogarden right now, they are clones of a large indica that I got from good bag seed. I'm waiting for my Belladonnas, Blue Cheese, Red Diesels and Power skunks to show pre flowers so I can have some Moms. I think I will go to a local hydro shop and look into some DWC buckets.


Well-Known Member
Nice Dragon. DWC buckets are def. nice. The plant I put into flowering looks a little shriveled up today. Not sure if its the light change, or the hydro or if its not getting enough nutes cause there roots are not long enough. Does perlite have any wick properties to it?


Well-Known Member
Perlite pretty much has no wicking properties to it. It is more for avoiding soil compaction and is really bad at absorbing moisture. You will pretty much need to be on a constant drip using perlite. You could try mixing in some hydroton or something to help absorb some water.

As far as the light I use, I was using a 600watt HPS in a 4'x4' area using a 3'x3' footprint to grow in. I usually yield 2-3oz's per plant, so that 10g's was just not enough to make it worth trying again for me. I just built my first vert grow the other day, and I am using my 600watt and a 400watt HPS for flower right now. As soon as this harvest is done, I am going to replace the 400watt with another 600watt light.


Well-Known Member
Very nice. So perlite not good for hydro. Even watering every 2 hours while light is on? Will look into Hydroton.


Well-Known Member
Came home, and it perk right back to normal. Hopefully will see some growth in the next week. Im sure it take a good week to shoot off in the growth adpating to new conditions and rooting to uptake nutes and what not.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure exactly what hydro method you are using, but when I was doing a drip system, I just ran the pump 24/7 with out any problems. I was using hydroton, which absorbs water, and running the pump 24hrs didn't hurt a thing. If you are using a drip system, just leave it on 24/7. If you are doing like DWC or something, once the roots are in the nute solution you shouldn't have any problems. But if you are doing a flood table type setup, perlite is not going to be a good choice.


Well-Known Member
Ebb and Flow. Floods about an inch lower then the Rock Wool Cube. Will see how it goes. But I might pick up a bag of Hydroton to see the difference.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you're doing an ebb and flow setup I would suggest something that holds a bit of water. Some people simply use a large rockwool cube on top of a rock wool slab, or you could even go with out the slab and just use the large cubes.

Instead of using your pump to flood, have you thought about using it to drip? A drip setup is just as simple as an ebb and flow, and you don't have to worry about your roots drying out because they are always kept moist. But the porous surface of the perlite, and its non uniform shape will allow for plenty of oxygen too.


Well-Known Member
I think I am going to stick with the way things are now, and see how it goes. I am feeding them 6 times while light is on. Should keep them moist and lots of air for the roots. Just hope I don't kill them. Going to lower the PPM today maybe pick up some Hydroton. That way if the perlite does not work, I have the Hydroton on hand for the other clones. I could also do a mix of the 2.


Well-Known Member
Date: 12/31/08 9:00AM
Days 6/1

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (600W HPS) ON 12/12
Distance from top of Growing Medium 38"

Temperature – 65-70F
Humidity - 50-60%
Room/Light vent running-
Small room fan 0/0

Nutrient Solution:
House & Garden Aqua Flakes A&B(77mL for 14 gallon rez) with Root Excelurator (@1mL per gallon) with H202 (35%) to keep the system clean @ 1mL per gallon.

PPM: 800

Notes: The One clone the looks the best in the front center has been in for 5 days, all the other clones just got put in last night. So far the 5 day clone is starting to look much better then the first 3 days. Its showing life and growth. Im sure all the others will too in a few days. Hopefully they really take off in the next 2 weeks.

My Vegging room is running out of room. Power Skunk is growing so fat, and White Rhino is so thick and huge. I have already taken some clones of both, and they continue to out grow my room. Looks like I will have to take some more clones and cut them back down soon!

For some reason the Belladonna Mums are not looking thre best. there more yellow in leave color instead of dark green. And I feed them all the same mix. Maybe they need more nutes then others cause of there age?


Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Lookin very nice and green. Hmmmm so full in there :weed:
So the belladonnas are the ones in the back? Wow, they have a totally different shape then the others, smaller leaves


Well-Known Member
Yea belladonna has been harder to maintain for some reason. The clones are hard like wood instead of soft green like allbthe other clones I have taken. I think I will replace them soon with clone!


Well-Known Member
I was cutting back on some fan leaves so main colas could get more light, and was just observing the big difference between a dominant Sativa and Indica fan leafs!




Well-Known Member
Date: 01/08/09 11:30PM
Days 12/7

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (600W HPS) ON 12/12
Distance from top of Growing Medium 38"

Temperature – 65-70F
Humidity - 50-60%
Room/Light vent running-
Small room fan 0/0

Nutrient Solution:
House & Garden Aqua Flakes A&B(77mL for 14 gallon rez) with Root Excelurator (@1mL per gallon) with H202 (35%) to keep the system clean @ 1mL per gallon.

PPM: 800

Notes: Plants are starting to look really good now. Starting to show new leafs. No signs of sex yet, but with in the next few days Im sure they will. Will be doing my first rez clean/ refill tomorrow. This time I will get the PPM down to around 400 and PH to 5.8. I placed a few more Belladonna's. This is about all I can do for now. Thanks for stopping by....



Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Those clones are lookin way better and your plants are lookin beautiful. So that fat one is the white rhino? I just started germating rhino

Medicinal, too strong for most people. Very intense on the body and kind to the spirit

That caught my eye :grin:


Well-Known Member
Yea that caught my eye too! WR means lights out/ muscle relaxed/ pain reliever for sure!

Yea the clones are coming along really well. Just wish I had some to harvest already! The power skunk might out grow the flower room if they grow like there mums did. I just cut 2 mums out to make more room, and cut back on the left over mums. Getting way to big and taking to much room. I only have 2x4 for each veg room and flower room. And I have about 15 veggies growing with the mums in the veg room.

Next week should be interesting for growth and flower development!

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, Im lookin forward to some of that. The rhino seed that I started yesterday was already ready when I got home :grin: Only 23 hrs. Thats a really good sign

Yeah thats about it eh lol. You maximized your grow area though, thats for sure
2x4 is about what I have for my flowering room but my veggy room is only 2x2.

I just got some power skunk and I gotta say those seeds were really small. I laughed when I saw them. Your the second person I have heard say that they grow big and fast. Makes me feel better about how crappy the seeds look


Well-Known Member
The size of the seed don't mean shit. Power Skunk is the fastest growing strain I have grown! And I have grown 4 types for far. The White Rhino will look soooo different compared to PS. I love the way the WR looks, small short, huge fat leafs. It start's to look like a lettuce head actually. Shit is going to put my ass to bed.

But so far, for my grow space, I really like Belladonna, its leafs are small, nodes are close, and it seems to not grow tall at all. Will see in the next 6 weeks when they finish up. I will have all 3 strains in there eventually, and can compare height and size and see what works the best for size of harvest for the strain that works best for me.

Ideally, I would love to have one pure sativa, one pure indica, and a great hybrid of the 2 mixed.

"That way I can hit Mary Jane any position I feel like, and in favor, she returns with ("hit this all night , or lets crash out and wake and bake in the AM)!"

I got off early today. So I decided to clean the rez. I drain all the soup, and feed the plants outside. Then I added 6ml of 35% h2o2 and filled it up half way and moved the water around. Then I pump it out, filled with plain water, and pump it out again. Then filled half way up, added Aqua Flakes A, filled up added Aqua Flakes B, MultiEnzme, Roots Excelurator, and PH'd water to 5.5. Since I used Tap Water, and its at 7.1, I always PH the soup to 5.5, and it automatically levels out at around 5.9. Which is around where I want to be. Might add a half a gallon to lower the PPM down, but I think the next to weeks, the clones will handle 950 at ease. Will see.........