Parents!!!!! Growing with younger children... Do you explain?

I don't think there are real dangers to cannabis. Do I support kids using it? No, unless for serious medical conditions.

The bottom line is we should be free to choose what we put in our bodies. Period.

You are holding on to the stigma and the taboo of it. The stigma is based on lies. The prohibition is due to crooked reasons. The dangers are not what the government claims.

Furthermore, you have jumped on people for being open and honest with their children. Drugs, sex, all the uncomfortable things happen regardless.

I think it is very poor parenting to ignore these subjects and just sweep it under the rug. You can't just ignore it and let them figure it out. That's how poor choices are made.

Dude were way past this and theres good reasons why not to and why to.
Your making your kids sound WAY more mature than kids are (the word kids defines immaturity ). Drug teaching in schools has diversified and is a much more open subject thesedays so youll be happy to know but the policy is drugs are bad and they dont bring in half a pound of columbian gold as a show and tell or explain how you gain access to the good shit through hydroponics.

Your kids experiences as a child will influence the rest of their lives. Yor relying on a lot of ifs and buts with how your kids develop. How many out of ten kids you have weed and hydro gear in front of wont go on to try weed recreationally (and then maybe fuck up on drugs)?

I just don't agree. I think arming them with information from both sides will serve them the best.

I will say - out of the kids I went to school with, just because they grew up around it doesn't mean they developed a problem with it, and quite the opposite with most. They were completely indifferent to it, rather than intrigued like most kids get when you tell them something is 'bad'
My father taught me how to smoke, and now I'm teaching him how to grow. We have a great relationship, and the best parts usually revolve around weed.

That being said, if my wife and I have children, I'll stop growing and smoking before they're born. I have a great time with my dad, but I'd want something different with my own child.
My father taught me how to smoke, and now I'm teaching him how to grow. We have a great relationship, and the best parts usually revolve around weed.

That being said, if my wife and I have children, I'll stop growing and smoking before they're born. I have a great time with my dad, but I'd want something different with my own child.

I can respect that. Just curious... Do you smoke recreationally or medicinally? To just stop for me would be misery again, and that misery had a trickle down effect on my whole family.
I like the way how people cling to the word 'Medicine'. Here in the Uk thats pretty much a joke but you Yanks have jumped on that band wagon so hard you broke the axle.

Not me, I recognize that its main use is an intoxicant.. Nor will I pretend to have medical conditions to get a card to consume marijuana... well unless its to get clones outta cali.. :) Yeah I'd totally fake it for that.
I can respect that. Just curious... Do you smoke recreationally or medicinally? To just stop for me would be misery again, and that misery had a trickle down effect on my whole family.
I continue to smoke because it helps me be less cynical. It helps me enjoy life and it's easier to let things roll off my back and sustain healthy relationships. I beat myself up less.

I Dont do it to alleviate pain, so our circumstances are probably pretty different.

I never thought less of my dad for being involved, and I'm 5 years older then him when he had me. He was in a diff. Spot than I am now. If not for bud, I might have been wearing dirty diapers over again or something.
So I just read the first page of this thread, not going to read the next 125 messages. You do pose a valid question.
I think the biggest and best thing you can do is to NEVER smoke in front of the kids. That way when the teacher or parent inevitably asks if their daddy uses it around them they say no. Growing and consuming is medically legal, but exposing children to mind altering second hand smoke is illegal; maybe not specifically as the law is written but can be considered child endangerment. Make sure all edibles are properly secured. If a teacher reports you and child services want to look through your house; as long as all paraphernalia is out of reach and inaccessible you cannot get into trouble. Also best to not allow the kids to partake in any part of the gardening process so you can't be accused of letting them get psychedelic residue on their hands.
One of the best ways to have teachers or parents not be concerned is to portray yourself in a nice manner and be honest when the subject is brought up. If you talk and dress like a scrubby stoner they are going to assume the worst. I'm not saying wear a suit and tie, just be presentable and well spoken.
Marijuana is slowly being accepted by the general public and in a few more years won't be such a big issue for you. Sorry for the long rant and good luck to you in your medical marijuana endeavors!
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Not me, I recognize that its main use is an intoxicant.. Nor will I pretend to have medical conditions to get a card to consume marijuana... well unless its to get clones outta cali.. :) Yeah I'd totally fake it for that.

No doubt... I would agree it is probably more widely used recreationally than medically... But I feel it does have its place in the medical community. And I totally support recreational use, 100% all the way. For one.. I just don't like being told what I can and cannot do with my own freaking body (as long as I'm only affecting myself). Also.. I'll go back to the argument about it being less harmful than alcohol. I think booze causes WAAAAAAY more problems in a day than marijuana in a lifetime - but it's socially acceptable. Not that I think that right to drink should be taken away either! Just don't so much understand the logic.

I'd like to get my hands on some of those clones too!!! Never had any legit west coast fire.
I continue to smoke because it helps me be less cynical. It helps me enjoy life and it's easier to let things roll off my back and sustain healthy relationships. I beat myself up less.

I Dont do it to alleviate pain, so our circumstances are probably pretty different.

I never thought less of my dad for being involved, and I'm 5 years older then him when he had me. He was in a diff. Spot than I am now. If not for bud, I might have been wearing dirty diapers over again or something.

Not a darned thing wrong with that :)
I just don't agree. I think arming them with information from both sides will serve them the best.

I will say - out of the kids I went to school with, just because they grew up around it doesn't mean they developed a problem with it, and quite the opposite with most. They were completely indifferent to it, rather than intrigued like most kids get when you tell them something is 'bad'

exactly. do you remember todd marinovich? the superstar QB that never even ate a big mac? see where that got him.

i think you know the answer to your original question. just have the conviction to do what you think is right for both you and your family.

know the saying opinion are like assholes? everybody has one and some of them stink.
If you talk and dress like a scrubby stoner they are going to assume the worst. I'm not saying wear a suit and tie, just be presentable and well spoken.
Marijuana is slowly being accepted by the general public and in a few more years won't be such a big issue for you. Sorry for the long rant and good luck to you in your medical marijuana endeavors!

I'm been totally off topic during this thread however.. I have to agree with you when presenting your side of marijuana.

Totally agree with this comment, the marijuana control board was dressed as professionals. Some of the owners of the social clubs were not. Leave the stoner gear at home, we are trying to sway public opinion in our favor. People do judge you on how you dress.
So I just read the first page of this thread, not going to read the next 125 messages. You do pose a valid question.
I think the biggest and best thing you can do is to NEVER smoke in front of the kids. That way when the teacher or parent inevitably asks if their daddy uses it around them they say no. Growing and consuming is medically legal, but exposing children to mind altering second hand smoke is illegal; maybe not specifically as the law is written but can be considered child endangerment. Make sure all edibles are properly secured. If a teacher reports you and child services want to look through your house; as long as all paraphernalia is out of reach and inaccessible you cannot get into trouble. Also best to not allow the kids to partake in any part of the gardening process so you can't be accused of letting them get psychedelic residue on their hands.
One of the best ways to have teachers or parents not be concerned is to portray yourself in a nice manner and be honest when the subject is brought up. If you talk and dress like a scrubby stoner they are going to assume the worst. I'm not saying wear a suit and tie, just be presentable and well spoken.
Marijuana is slowly being accepted by the general public and in a few more years won't be such a big issue for you. Sorry for the long rant and good luck to you in your medical marijuana endeavors!

Thanks for that.. Well said. As far as their school is concerned.... We are respected in the community and our kids are involved with every extracurricular we can squeeze in. I think it would come as a surprise, but I hope we've already established ourselves in people's minds, and that they could accept it. I can guarantee people do not see me as the 'grubby stoner'. I am really considering contacting each teacher, and the principal, and lay it on the table before they hear bits and pieces elsewhere and draw their own conclusions. Not sold on this idea, but my gut tells me it's the best way to handle that part.

Also.. I agree about kids being exposed. ABSOLUTELY not!! My kids have never seen the final product, or know how it's taken. Oblivious to that part, and it will stay that way for a good number of years.
Your making your kids sound WAY more mature than kids are (the word kids defines immaturity ). Drug teaching in schools has diversified and is a much more open subject thesedays so youll be happy to know but the policy is drugs are bad and they dont bring in half a pound of columbian gold as a show and tell or explain how you gain access to the good shit through hydroponics.

Your kids experiences as a child will influence the rest of their lives. Yor relying on a lot of ifs and buts with how your kids develop. How many out of ten kids you have weed and hydro gear in front of wont go on to try weed recreationally (and then maybe fuck up on drugs)?
Assuming you don't know his kids or what school they go to... do you have kids?

Anyways, the point is there is a difference between 'drugs' and a plant. Especially where Cannabis is concerned. The goal I think is to teach children to respect that plant.

How do people deal with explaining to children that alcoholic beverages are just for adults and not them? Daddy can brew his own beer in the presence of his children and quite frankly I bet you that might seem a tad more bizarre to them than Daddy growing a plant. But that is A-okay in the eyes of most people because the drug in beer is socially acceptable. Micro-brewing is a socially accepted hobby. Children see how that end-product is consumed all of the time. Of course, drinking fluid looks entirely innocuous right? Well kids aren't stupid, the obviously know when adults drink the stuff something happens to their thinking/behavior.
Also.. I agree about kids being exposed. ABSOLUTELY not!! My kids have never seen the final product, or know how it's taken. Oblivious to that part, and it will stay that way for a good number of years.

I had a wierd problem with that last year.

I had the unfortunate experience with that when trimming at a clients house we were doing a final trim on the dinner table and the grandma is smoking a joint and the grandkids just pop out of their rooms.. as we have a table full of flowers.

The kids kept circling around, "what that?.."... "whatchadoing?"..

That was so awkward.. I told them go away, this is for adults.. not for you, Grandma finally told them to go away..

This is not something I would expose my kids to..
Assuming you don't know his kids or what school they go to... do you have kids?

Anyways, the point is there is a difference between 'drugs' and a plant. Especially where Cannabis is concerned. The goal I think is to teach children to respect that plant.

How do people deal with explaining to children that alcoholic beverages are just for adults and not them? Daddy can brew his own beer in the presence of his children and quite frankly I bet you that might seem a tad more bizarre to them than Daddy growing a plant. But that is A-okay in the eyes of most people because the drug in beer is socially acceptable. Micro-brewing is a socially accepted hobby. Children see how that end-product is consumed all of the time. Of course, drinking fluid looks entirely innocuous right? Well kids aren't stupid, the obviously know when adults drink the stuff something happens to their thinking/behavior.

All excellent points.. Thanks for your input.

I had a wierd problem with that last year.

I had the unfortunate experience with that when trimming at a clients house we were doing a final trim on the dinner table and the grandma is smoking a joint and the grandkids just pop out of their rooms.. as we have a table full of flowers.

The kids kept circling around, "what that?.."... "whatchadoing?"..

That was so awkward.. I told them go away, this is for adults.. not for you, Grandma finally told them to go away..

This is not something I would expose my kids to..

Yikes!!!!! Talk about uncomfortable!! I would never allow a situation where that would be possible. That would cross a whole lotta lines for me personally :)
But that is A-okay in the eyes of most people because the drug in beer is socially acceptable. Micro-brewing is a socially accepted hobby. Children see how that end-product is consumed all of the time. Of course, drinking fluid looks entirely innocuous right? Well kids aren't stupid, the obviously know when adults drink the stuff something happens to their thinking/behavior.

Totally on point there, kids are more observant than we give them credit.

I distill and nobody cares, there is no shame attached when I put out a batch of high proof liquor. The only time it attracts any attention is when I rig up the distillation column. And nobody seems to frown on that.

As you said "drinking fluid" looks innocent enough.. because its hard to offend anybody doing that. But when somebody sparks one up in a public area people get pissed because of the _smell_ the smell alone offends many people. They know somethings up and it gets people all worked up.
I'm a teacher .... I would rather I didn't know about the parents. Keep the teachers mind free about who your kids are. If you are not a stoner and use in a reasonable manner then no one will give a flying crap. I've taught all ages from 4 right up to 16 ... Kids aren't stupid. We all have this fear that they will blurt something out and some random ass time. While small children do sometimes say things out of context, normally it is a big issue for them. If you are involved in what is happening in school then you will know what the students are learning or what topic they are about to learn. So when you see a "growing" unit come up. Talk to your kids. If you think you can grow then you must also trust your kids as well. I would talk to them and remind them that this is not to be discussed.

I would be more worried about the older children. Right now they are trying to do the right this but soon at around 12 - 15 they start jocking for social position. This is when in a mindless thought they tell people about the family secret. This is the time to impress on them how important it is to remain quiet. Young teenagers are random. They are on that border between child and grown-up. This means they can act like 4 years olds one minute all the while a minute later be seriously discussing American history. Older kids work better with two-way communication. That means talking, answering questions and educating more than you did when they were younger. By the age of 12 the word cannabis is a commonly heard word in the classroom. They don't really know what it is but they do know you smoke it and it makes you feel funny.

So in my mind it is possible to grow with children. If you educated your children slowly and at the right time, trust everyone in the family to remain quiet then I believe you shouldn't have too much trouble.

Word of advice though, you're growing too big. If you have two 4x4 tents then you have more room than you need if you are just growing for yourself. I use a 2.5 x 2.5 and I can get 3 to 4 grows a year in if I wanted. I only need one grow normally as 120grams lasts me most of the year.