<<<< I think that would be a better rule of thumb, just add an "about" in there and bam, you just made a rule of thumb up!Each hole needs to be the same size of your extraction fan.
Yes I need to maintain negative preassure so if I only do one hole nd keep it small would that be fine ? I can use an intake fan ? Will enough air get in or will the room implode from too much negative preassure?One more thought to confuse you more, if you intake is as large as 3x your output you will lose the negitive presure effect. I use smaller intakes than that so no smell will escape my grow room. Negitve presure, get it? just adjust your fan size as needed. This way i can use a spare bedroom and rest of house does not smell!
If you are using passive intakes then you have to make sure the exhaust fan can pull enough clean air through the holes. This is why you have to have more holes when its passive.
If you are using a powered intake fan then aslong as you fan is roughly 25% less powerfull than that of your exhaust you will not get any odour leaks.
You also will not get any odour leaks using 3 5inch holes in your door. Just make sure they are vented to reduce the light leakage.
If you are using the 5inch as exhaust then aslong as the 4inch is 25% less powerfull than your 5inch then you DO NOT NEED passive intake vents as the negative pressure will be enough to keep odour leakage at bay if you opt for a powered intake.
However if you are running a Carbon filter attached to the 5inch you have to allow a 20% reduction in the power of the exhaust. Thus you have to allow this into your intake fan too.
so for instance if you are running a 5inch 690m3/h fan with carbon filter your extraction is only going to be pulling around 550m3/h with the filter attached. So as long as your intake fan is 440m3/h or less then you will be fine.
Did that make sense?
I loldThat rule of thumb is beyond my mathmatical skills .