Passthatsh!t23's First Official Gr0w


Well-Known Member
Ohhh I gotcha now, Sounds like a plan now.
nutes,molasses,plain water. then repeat.....i might add another day to the just watering. Just so i dont have a fungus industry brewin in my soil.
yes, u dont have to do it like me thas just what i felt it needed and it worked well for me, u can always change it up some to.

and theplants are lookin nice and frosty, she gonna love that hps when it comes in she is just gonna swell up


Well-Known Member
yes, u dont have to do it like me thas just what i felt it needed and it worked well for me, u can always change it up some to.

and theplants are lookin nice and frosty, she gonna love that hps when it comes in she is just gonna swell up

Iknow i dont have to do it like you. Im just trying a way i like and the easiest way to please my plant.
Yah man. it should be here today! But the sad news is that i have to wait to buy a bulb for flowering. the bulb that is coming with it isnt good for flowering.
Dude i need to get this girl to swell up. im tired of just seein tiny nuggets everywhere and the cola not being dense with buds. 4 weeks left till harvest I got time.
Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member

The 400w is here and is hookd up. My baby toook to that light soo fast. She is loving it. So i took a couple of pictures of her before the lights went off. Tomorrow Should Show the differnce. Hope you enjoy the ride from here, because i know i will. bongsmiliebongsmilie



Well-Known Member
I hope you dont mind the buds getting fatter and heavier,lol. Great man, hook up a couple inline fans an you got it knocked. Great lookin plants,btw. Very well cared for.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the 400 bro! Im loving mine and i know my plants do too! Can't wait to see her show her stuff!


Well-Known Member
Very nice bro.Your mystery girl has already taken off.

I think it will do really well because it will have a lot of space for air flow and the light will reflect to the low sides of the plant.



Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:MORE PICTURES!:mrgreen:
12/12 since 5/12/10

I can already see the pistils taking off. The buds shall be great now. I have like 2-3 weeks till harvest. Do you think that is enough time to have my buds thicken up? I have bad news tho. I just had court yesterday and now i have random piss tests. So i cant blaze till i harvest or a little after that. I have been smoking striaght for 3 years. So by the time i can smoke again. i will get retarded off the littlest bud. When i harvest im gonna cure them for 3 weeks. Well i fed her today she just suckd up all the water w/Molasses&nuts. I also put my babies in the grow room too. I am getting blueberry seeds. Some blueberry strain. But i cant wait to get these.
Quick questions:
1. Will that plant with no leaves just stalk and 2 circular leafs resume to grow again?
2. When is the perfect time/latest to brush pollen on 1 or 2 buds?

Thanks everyone so far! Enjoy!




Active Member
I just looked at your avatar. You smoke weed? who'd ever guess.
haha, but seriously, that HPS has done wonders! Your gonna have delicious dense crystalized buds!

I reckon you'll have anything from 2 - 2000 googleplex's oz!


Well-Known Member
alright how far is your light from the tops. and yes the small seedling will still grow but it will take awhile now it ha sonly the water leaf. and to pollinate u should look up fdd's seed production tutorial. u dont want to polinate late though or u will have useless seeded bud. and they might need more then just 2-3 weeks to finish it could take longer