Patent 6403126


New Member
Ok so its illegal for us to grow the stuff but the government can do it and put a patent on it? They are committing a felony. copy those patents just in case you get busted then you can show the judge that the feds are growing a controlled substance and convicting you of the same crime.


New Member
When the feds find out its illegal to sell cannabis oil then im sure they will stop. Im putting a patent on how to extract maple syrup


Well-Known Member
are you guys sure that patent is real?
Quite real, I'm afraid. The very same government who blatantly LIES saying that cannabis has NO medical value (one of the reasons they say it's a schedule one drug) and then they get a patent on its medical properties. What's funny about this is somebody is going to call them on it very shortly and when the patent is overturned they are screwed. They cannot have it both ways. :)


Active Member
it is owned by the people,,,,,bought with taxpayer dollars,,,,,the dates are also wrong,,,,,,,this was done prior to George Jr. leaving office.