Pay attention to detail while searching the web. here's the mistake I made.

I looked at my defenseless seedling plants, wondering what I could possibly do to aid them in their fight for survival. I had little water, and was too lazy to walk all the way back home to get more. I thought "I got it!". Swiftly I removed my personal smart phone out of my left pocket. Knowing I had an idea no one could have possibly thought of. As I calculatively typed the letters required to make words, then put those words in a set order to create what most would call an incomplete sentence.
I imagined how awesome the idea had been, how experienced and intelligent I would look once it turns out successful and I share it with all those who mean to protect their baby girls! But Then I returned to reality, remembering that the task at hand must be completed. I had to press enter, praying the Google search engine would understand. In the search bar read "does pee hurt your plants" the results were promising. Telling me that a little helped, even gave it fertilizing nitrates, but too much can built Up salts and prevent osmosis. So I thought "I will only do it one time." I did it that one time, and four days later the two plants of the pots I had urinated into were shriveled up and pretty much dead(they are seedlings).
At first I had no idea what had happened because I figured "they would have died sooner." That's when I literally read though almost all the links until I found that urine can/will biodegrade into ammonia after a few days after its explosion into the environment.​

Nor-Cal Cuttings

Well-Known Member
Thats wat being lazy gets you pee is probably the last thing you want to put on your plants its how your body gets its toxins out just becouse its sterile dosnt mean u should use it even if you were in the desert dying of dehydration jus dont lol it would probably make your situation worse. but a baby plant it was probably like dropping a nuke on it:clap: