Pay it Forward


Pickle Queen
Really. Lets give this shit a break and show some respect. Take it to pms if you want to fight with April.

Edit : let me re phrase that. Take it to pms if you want to fight with each other.
So not fighting I like sunni. Just stating how I felt. Back to scoobs.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha omg that's fucking glorious coming from you
Sorry keep forgetting how old u glorious will be ur attitude in a few years my dear.
Really. Lets give this shit a break and show some respect. Take it to pms if you want to fight with April.

Edit : let me re phrase that. Take it to pms if you want to fight with each other.

Good cause Scoobie. Sorry for the loss, hope that your family can find some peace through this.


Well-Known Member
Back on topic. From what you say scoobs it sounds like your brother was a stand up guy.

Now generally I do not "support the troops" I believe that the way the government have pushed this hero line down our throat is for a very specific reason. It's easy, logical and right to disagree with what our soldiers are fighting for. It's not so easy to disagree with a fellow humans courage and belief that they are doing the correct thing. It's the human element.

I have friends in the forces, with one of them in a similar situation to your late brothers (sbs) some of the things he has told me are not to be praised. War is terrible and bad things happen to people everyday.

Now that doesn't mean I don't respect your brother or your loss on a personal level. People will have different opinions but I think as a society we are losing the ability to show the character and respect that your brother undoubtedly showed many times throughout his life.

Scooby, best of luck a scholarship seems like a great way to honour his memory.


Ursus marijanus
i felt it necessary for people to know what the money from my brother's scholarship fund was going to. wouldn't you want to know where the money you donated went to? and i didn't start a "Save the Children" narration. I shared something extremely personal that has affected my life and will for the rest of my years. Somehow the same people seem to turn it into a hate thread. Sunni has been trying to get me booted from the site for over a year. I asked the site admin about this 6 months ago and approved it so if she has nothing positive to add then she should stay out of the thread in my opinion. as should you CN. we agree on a lot of things but you have crossed the line with your comments about the intention of this thread and my sharing it with this community of ours. This time around CN I take it as disrespectful.
You are doing more than that. You are plucking heartstrings, engaging in salesmanship, manipulating.
If you wish to interpret that as my disrespecting you, I cannot stop you from that conclusion, although I see it as unwarranted.
It is unfair for you to present my objection (to Caretakerdad's impropriety to sunni) as hate. That adds manipulation upon manipulation, and it is my right and perhaps my duty to speak up about it. You may disagree; that's OK. But for you to talk about hate is rhetorical abuse. Jmo.


Pickle Queen
You are doing more than that. You are plucking heartstrings, engaging in salesmanship, manipulating.
If you wish to interpret that as my disrespecting you, I cannot stop you from that conclusion, although I see it as unwarranted.
It is unfair for you to present my objection (to Caretakerdad's impropriety to sunni) as hate. That adds manipulation upon manipulation, and it is my right and perhaps my duty to speak up about it. You may disagree; that's OK. But for you to talk about hate is rhetorical abuse. Jmo.
I picture u saying this in a silk robe and fat cigar squished between ur buff manly fingers..


Well-Known Member
You are doing more than that. You are plucking heartstrings, engaging in salesmanship, manipulating.
If you wish to interpret that as my disrespecting you, I cannot stop you from that conclusion, although I see it as unwarranted.
It is unfair for you to present my objection (to Caretakerdad's impropriety to sunni) as hate. That adds manipulation upon manipulation, and it is my right and perhaps my duty to speak up about it. You may disagree; that's OK. But for you to talk about hate is rhetorical abuse. Jmo.
just as you say i am entitled to my opinion i will say the same to you. but claiming that i am "plucking heartstrings, engaging in salesmanship, manipulating." is just wrong. if you noted in my original post i also included other service member organizations and support groups who need help and donations. 100% of my brother's $400,000 SGLI insurance policy was donated to this and other charities by my family. 100% of my brothers $60,000 TSP (Military 401k) was donated to an organization in Virginia, per his will, whose sole purpose is to bring inner city kids to a learning center and camp in the mountains free of charge. i don't interpret it as you disrespecting me...i interpret it as you disrespecting my brother who died defending the liberties so many of us take for granted everyday. 95% of the world does not live in a society with the liberties we have and it takes brave men and women to defend those liberties. i do not agree with most wars; i don't agree with us being in the middle east at all. but i will always support our troops because the fact of the matter is that fat old men in back offices send our brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters to die in wars based on politics, vendettas, oil, land, etc...

if you had read my post more carefully you would have seen that i was accusing Sunni of turning it into a "hate" thread. I never accused you of this. my issue with you was the "Save the Children" narration comment. I'm not here trying to peddle pictures of kids in Africa for $2 a month. I took to a forum to which i belong to express personal feelings on an issue and raise awareness to a cause that is dear to my heart. I thought it to be a good idea but i am beginning to resent that.

and just so you know; and obviously without being able to divulge much information because it is classified and was told to my family in confidence; my brother was the team leader of a 6 man special operations force tasked with security of a VERY high ranking US military official (HRO) to a meeting with Afghan National Army officers. when the firing started my brother was inside of an armored transport vehicle. he made the choice to open his door so that it would block the line of fire the enemy had on the HRO and then took 9 bullets to the chest and head while still being able to furnish his sidearm and fire 2 shots into the shooters head. the HRO never took a bullet because my brothers door blocked 4 rounds.

so please excuse me if i find some of your comments out of place and unnecessary in this thread. you wish to argue semantics which derail the actual point of the thread. i'd much anther concentrate on the original post and trying to help our troops and their families as well as supporting a cause that will help the legacy of my brother survive.


Well-Known Member
and you Brother's sacrifice will be honored in the form of a scholarship which is a great thing. As a scholarship recipient I know first hand how very helpful they are and am grateful for the modest amount that I received towards my education. A person receiving the scholarship should be made very aware of the fact that their good fortune is because of a man that paid the ultimate sacrifice.


Well-Known Member
and you Brother's sacrifice will be honored in the form of a scholarship which is a great thing. As a scholarship recipient I know first hand how very helpful they are and am grateful for the modest amount that I received towards my education. A person receiving the scholarship should be made very aware of the fact that their good fortune is because of a man that paid the ultimate sacrifice.
the young man we gave the scholarship to plays football also and wears a set of my brother's dog tags during every game. we give a set to every winner of the scholarship.