Well-Known Member
so how are you going to support that concrete roof? It looks like the boards you have in place are temporary for the pour. Will that slab span that distance unsupported when cured? How thick are you pouring it?
we're pouring it 12" thick. we build what is called an "armadura" here (not sure what they call it in english). kind of how they pour bridges. basically it's a rebar fence that is tied into the exterior vertical columns. the boards you see are to hold up the 2x12's we use to pour the concrete into. Basically the boards go up. Then we build stronger support columns out of 4x4's. Then the rebar fence is tied in and laid on top of the 2x12's floated 2" from them actual wood. Then we pour PSI tested concrete in 1 shot while using a special machine to make sure no air pockets exist in the concrete. it's basically just a big metal bar with a cylinder inside that spins rapidly. they call them concrete vibrators. LOL.
Remember the initial drawing as well. there are 2 interior walls so there are no extremely long distances that the pour must span.