sad fucking day today, ive admitted defeat, the proverbial white flag is blowing in the wind. turns out my seeds mustv been from the bad bunch of nirvana seeds after all. when it started eventually flowering i thought it would be ok,,,,but around three weeks after first pistils it never really done much else and at the rate it was going id have been smoking that bud in 2030. dont have time for that shit. i wont be disheartened tho, at least ive developed a bit more understanding if anything.
i murdered her, straight into a bin bag and off to planty heaven, oh well, round two asap, gona try some non autoflowering strain next time ,,,possibly lemon skunk or something,,,,DEFINATLEY not from nirvana,,,,they are dead to me.
so thanks for anyone who commented or gave me advice
and thank you nirvana for sweet fuck all.