PC Tower/Server CFL/LED Grow


Active Member
ya dude thats wishful thinking. the picture in my avatar was a WW i grew under a 70watt HPS and it was 2 feet tall from the soil,was about as big around as a Red Bull can and it only got me a half ounce dried, manicured bud. Looking good though, nice ingenuity on display, I'm sure you will continue to put it to good use, hopefully you can upsize in the future.
Thanks man; I appreciate the honesty.


Active Member
lets go buddy! updates!
Haha. I know man. I'm just waiting patiently while the buds continue to fill out. I'll either be harvesting this Friday, the 19th, or Monday the 29th (either right before or after spring break).

I'm going to be making a mini bud dryer this week similar to this one: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/8973-bud-dryer-manicured-smoke-3-a.html

but with a very weak fan so that I do not dry them out too quickly. My room is about 35-40 % relative humidity at the moment so I shouldn't be too bad there. There will be pics, macro shots, and dry and wet weights! The White Dwarf is getting super resin-ey from the UVB bulb. It might just be the end of flowering but she does seem to be "sunscreening" herself in response to the light--especially in areas of the plant closest to the bulb.

Also, I turned the whole box over to 12/12 for the White Dwarf to finish and to induce the Amnesia Lemon so she finishes before school is out.

I probably won't post any pics until harvest because the plant is pretty dense and the LEDs make it hard to get good macro shots of the main cola--which is the only real way to do justice to the grow at the moment.

Also, bought a 30x pocket microscope on ebay for like $9 shipped to analyze the trichomes. If I can get it to work with my camera I'll try to post shots of trichomes! I'm going for max yield and a semi-balanced high on the couchey-side since the Amnesia Lemon later this semester should be really speedy.

Thanks for all your help and support guys! Thanks also for not posting any shitty comments--a nice, happy thread overall.

(P.S. I'll keep the Amnesia Lemon under the same thread since it's technically the same grow--having planted her w/in days of planting the White Dwarf. Stand by for her flowers!)


Active Member
Minor update:

My education-quality pocket microscope arrived today--it works well.

I looked at trichomes today and to my delight they're still clear and underdeveloped! Some people are like "wtf?" This means I can continue to pack on yield before harvest on the 29th or so. No amber coloration in the trichomes yet and only a few stigmas have become even a bit red-looking at the ends. So, I figure I'll have another 2 weeks or so until harvest which should put me at about 11 weeks from seed--but this is expected since many of my lumens are coming from LEDs with only blue and mid-red spectrums. (I'm thinking of adding some high-power deep red 660 nm LEDs later this spring or during the summer to cut down on the extended flowering times of my LED setup.

When I have time (maybe on Friday)--I'll try to get pics of the trichomes through the pocket microscope--no promises though as that might be a bit tough.

Later dudes and dudettes,



Active Member
SORRY!!! I have not been on rollitup for weeks and weeks since I was starting to spend way too much on this site. Anyway. Quick updates:

1) Harvested the White Dwarf--dried it--great up high but no anxiety--not super potent but definitely nothing at which to scoff. Only got about 5g dried though--kinda disappointing but it's really only half a harvest since I planed it in my box the same time of the Amnesia Lemon.

2) Amnesia Lemon is only days away from harvest--and btw--it is looking SO MUCH DANKER THAN THE WHITE DWARF. I'll post pics to justify these claims but it looks as crystal-covered as a high times advertisement. The UVB, tons of flouro, LED, and the HPS gives the plant all the spectrums it could desire and having only one plant in there drastically lowers the temps: 78-82F.

3) Topping the Amnesia Lemon twice gave me four almost perfectly-proportional main colas--I'm using up almost the entire SCROG with the one plant and there's lots of photons hitting lots of leaves. I'm expecting at least twice the yield.

4) Lots of pics arriving soon. It smells like haze and lemons--just as advertised--which is sexy.



Active Member
Hey guys. So. Sorry. I haven't been on here in awhile but I harvested my first bud from the Amnesia Lemon I planted back in MID-JANUARY! 3 more main colas left to harvest (want the trichomes to turn a bit amber a bit more). This is, in theory, the same harvest as the White Dwarf since I planted them in the same box at the same time but Autoflowering vs. Sativa lifecycles = you get the idea.

This first cola weighed in (partly manicured) at 6.3g wet. It's in my bud dryer which I might post pics of later. Smells of spicy-haze, skunk, and lemon--just as advertised and much, much more resinous than the White Dwarf. Enough of my big mouth. Let these pics tell the story:

Gd, I just sat and read every post of this entire threat.

Props on the ingenuity and balls to try out some things most of us would have dismissed up front. It has definitely opened the doors to some new spins on some old rides.

Thanks again.

Ps- What were the end results for the entire grow? I am sure the details are coming, but it would also be interesting to know the entire cost of the mats that ended up in your final case.


Active Member
Starting the two plants at the same time but harvesting at different times yielded 5 grams of dried White Dwarf and 10 grams of Amensia Lemon for a total of 15 grams of organic, brand name, sensimilla. I'm a super light smoker (maybe an 8th a month at most) and I'm still working through smoking my harvest. I'll be starting a new grow soon in a new thread with only plant--an OG Kush that I'll really SCROG to truly use the entire canopy.
Wow :0 Deff an amazing setup, props

So i'm just wondering cause i'm doing something similer, but with a desk, why did you replace the ona block? Did it stop working, or did you have an open setup that needed better smell protection? My setup is prob the same size but wider a bit, its gonna be sealed with two 120 mm intake and two 120 mm exhaust fans, so would onablock work?


Well-Known Member
This thread makes me want to buy another ATCS 840 and cram it full of LEDs (I do have plenty of room for a couple small plants in the ATCS 840 I stuffed with $1200 of hardware for gaming). Then I would have my ol PC grow box for seedlings, then the ATCS840 could handle a few plants for a month of veg before going into tent for more veg or flower under my 395w Spectra LED

Look at all that amber!


I'd like those blueprints pleASE... thx

Back at it again, dudes and dudettes.

So, I can't see to stop improving my grow box. Here's what I've done:

200ml Crown Royal Bottle turned into carboy with 1g champagne yeast (tolerant to 18% abv), water, 35g sugar, a tad of lemon juice, and a crushed up multivitamin--roughly per this thread's instructions (scaled down): https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/162265-co2-via-yeast-right-way.html
Definitely check it out, this guy has done some serious calculations to maximize DIY CO2 fermentation setups. I need all the help I can get because this is only a 200ml bottle--it's all I can fit in the case.

DIY Fermentation Vessel:

I topped the Amnesia Lemon and will continue to do this rigorously until I have maybe 4, 8, or 16 main colas--she's got a lot more time in veg until the White Dwarf finishes and I'm going to have to do my best to keep tabs on her. She's already taking off like a rocket.

Amnesia Lemon:

White Dwarf Pics with a Macro Shot of the Main Cola:

I also upgraded my carbon filters in a specific way for them to work with PC fans. I think I might start a thread with instructions because they turned out really well and this is an apparatus of my own creation--as far as I know--it's a different approach than any of the DIY carbon filter threads on this site. Smell is gone and I didn't sacrifice hardly any CFM.

DIY Carbon Filter with Bounce sheets, Activated Aquarium Carbon, Duct Tape, and Activated HVAC Filter Carbon Sheets:

Hope you all enjoy.




Those are amber as F&%K!!!! Man that musta been some mashy highs...

Hey guys. So. Sorry. I haven't been on here in awhile but I harvested my first bud from the Amnesia Lemon I planted back in MID-JANUARY! 3 more main colas left to harvest (want the trichomes to turn a bit amber a bit more). This is, in theory, the same harvest as the White Dwarf since I planted them in the same box at the same time but Autoflowering vs. Sativa lifecycles = you get the idea.

This first cola weighed in (partly manicured) at 6.3g wet. It's in my bud dryer which I might post pics of later. Smells of spicy-haze, skunk, and lemon--just as advertised and much, much more resinous than the White Dwarf. Enough of my big mouth. Let these pics tell the story:
