PCP and LSD recipe

I'd hope that you'd realize that in the thousands, maybe millions of tabs that only two have been shown to have Heroin while thousands have been shown to have Meth, thousands have been shown to have Piperazines. Two have Heroin.

You are my brother, but the argument at hand is his coke pills, and his 5lbs of DMT and his LSD recipe. With every post you lose your credibility dood.
I'd hope that you'd realize that in the thousands, maybe millions of tabs that only two have been shown to have Heroin while thousands have been shown to have Meth, thousands have been shown to have Piperazines. Two have Heroin.

well i could very well be wrong if these facts are true, but if there wasnt coke in that X pill there was somethin very very very similar 2 its effects. what else could it of been?
Because you are a total idiot, look at the site. There are millions of pill reports, 5 containing heroin, I don't know how many containing cocaine, but still an insignificant number. It still stands that heroin and coke are not cutting agents. DXM and Methamphetamine are... [And you probably got the meth ones, saying how you could 'tell' it was mad coke based] I'm pretty sure if I ate a half gram of cocaine it would be pretty well nothing compared to putting it up my nose.

i didnt eat it. i crushed it and snorted it. it didnt feel like what id expect meth 2 feel like.
Of course, but you asked for it, remember?? Just giving my very good friend Shepj what he wanted. :-D Love ya!

hehe I do :-D I'm glad to have someone like you to converse with, always keeping each other in check. lol

I have had many an X pill that was pure meth... But Blaznb to come on here and say your x was cut with coke is an idiot thing. Besides, on that heroin 2% [by weight?] doesn't look like there's enough heroin in all the pills shown to have an effect.

meth bombs suck dicks (well.. if you think they are mdma lol).

ah 2% heroin on a 5.1g pill my friend, that is 102mg's diacetylmorphine (which in turn converts to ~202mg's morphine in the body) :-D

oh well i guess im wrong then. i will admite this. but would you care to tell me why it felt like coke and what it probably was?

I would gladly do the honors.. like I said they do use caine anasthetics (lidocaine, procaine, novacaine, benzocaine, etc) and apparently a small few that used cocaine. My guess is it is to dim the burning sensation from either amphtamines or piperazines and to give a numbness feeling/drip similar to that of cocaine.
hehe I do :-D I'm glad to have someone like you to converse with, always keeping each other in check. lol

meth bombs suck dicks (well.. if you think they are mdma lol).

ah 2% heroin on a 5.1g pill my friend, that is 102mg's diacetylmorphine (which in turn converts to ~202mg's morphine in the body) :-D

I would gladly do the honors.. like I said they do use caine anasthetics (lidocaine, procaine, novacaine, benzocaine, etc) and apparently a small few that used cocaine. My guess is it is to dim the burning sensation from either amphtamines or piperazines and to give a numbness feeling/drip similar to that of cocaine.

Word. .....
Originally Posted by Brevity, The Soul Of Wit!
I'd hope that you'd realize that in the thousands, maybe millions of tabs that only two have been shown to have Heroin while thousands have been shown to have Meth, thousands have been shown to have Piperazines. Two have Heroin.

You are my brother, but the argument at hand is his coke pills, and his 5lbs of DMT and his LSD recipe. With every post you lose your credibility dood


^^^^^^^ Still unsure as to what you were talking about in that post...
he is talking about how much he wants to touch shepj's nipples whilst you two smoke a bowl of chillax ;-)
hehe I do :-D I'm glad to have someone like you to converse with, always keeping each other in check. lol

meth bombs suck dicks (well.. if you think they are mdma lol).

ah 2% heroin on a 5.1g pill my friend, that is 102mg's diacetylmorphine (which in turn converts to ~202mg's morphine in the body) :-D

I would gladly do the honors.. like I said they do use caine anasthetics (lidocaine, procaine, novacaine, benzocaine, etc) and apparently a small few that used cocaine. My guess is it is to dim the burning sensation from either amphtamines or piperazines and to give a numbness feeling/drip similar to that of cocaine.

much thanks bro