PCP and LSD recipe

I would not, could not, in a box.I could not, would not, with a fox.I will not eat them in a house.I will not eat them with a mouse.I will not eat them here or there.I will not eat them anywhere.I do not eat green eggs and ham.I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
does anyone know of a good recipe for LSD or PCP?

if you have to ask this then there is no need to post an answer. First and foremost, it is not a recipe, it is a synthesis (or syntheses if plural).

ergotamine + NaOH -> lysergic acid
DEET + NaOH -> diethylamine
lysergic acid + diethylamine + peptitde couple reagent -> LSD-25

or something of that nature.

as for pcp.. you're gonna have to look that one up, it can't be too difficult.
if you have to ask this then there is no need to post an answer. First and foremost, it is not a recipe, it is a synthesis (or syntheses if plural).

ergotamine + NaOH -> lysergic acid
DEET + NaOH -> diethylamine
lysergic acid + diethylamine + peptitde couple reagent -> LSD-25

or something of that nature.

as for pcp.. you're gonna have to look that one up, it can't be too difficult.

:mrgreen: [10] characters
Blaznb... Sorry to rip on you again, but I just noticed something strange on your posts.....

Is it actually possible that you lack the basic ability to spell the word FUCK ??? Go smoke some more PCP.
god why would you want pcp ? Hell even lsd is a far stretch its madness your playing with grow some shrooms there natural like weed it wont make you go crazy and fuck your life up seriously name one good thing to come of doing such a thing?
Blaznb... Sorry to rip on you again, but I just noticed something strange on your posts.....

Is it actually possible that you lack the basic ability to spell the word FUCK ??? Go smoke some more PCP.

there is a gud reason why i dont type K after C.