PCP and LSD recipe

He brought his stuntman movie acts to the forefronts of the political game here in california... but hell you cant blame the guy too much... were in recession what in the hell can you do when you have nothing to work with. But heck its what the system wants us to think!
lol I was praying that you would pop in and say that.

But to me it just seems like if someone can not even attempt to use proper terminology, it is worthless to even read the synthesis or try to understand the mechanics of the synthesis, ya know?

so because i use a certain slang word i cant understand synthesis? quite prejudice arent we?
first of all its dude not dood like i took a doodie. There is plenty of reasons you shouldnt explore much into those regions ( you might never come back seriously) I did acid a couple times a week for like nine months and i was dumb for like a year afterward my reaction time was off my social skills took a kick to the nuts if you wanna trip id stick to shrooms acid isnt all that its cracked up to be look at charlie manson for example or sid barret.

ya well doin it that much is abuse. if ur doin it 2 explore ur mind and dont over do it u will be completely fine.
first of all its dude not dood like i took a doodie. There is plenty of reasons you shouldnt explore much into those regions ( you might never come back seriously) I did acid a couple times a week for like nine months and i was dumb for like a year afterward my reaction time was off my social skills took a kick to the nuts if you wanna trip id stick to shrooms acid isnt all that its cracked up to be look at charlie manson for example or sid barret.

2many ppl spell it like that. ill keep sayin dood
i gave you a great link..... it is in there, i think a few times..... you will not find a simpler version.... i suggest that you accept the fact of "if you have to ask, you do not have the capability" and move on.... or go back to college and prove us wrong in a few years.... if LSD were as easy to make as meth, dont you think it would be as available as meth?? it is a very complicated process; there is no "one pot method" for LSD synthesis.

good luck... eat a shroom:lol:

well i will try. end of story. if i fail horribly then u guys were rite. but isnt there that small chance i could succeed and put sum good LSD on the street?
well i will try. end of story. if i fail horribly then u guys were rite. but isnt there that small chance i could succeed and put sum good LSD on the street?

not that hard to grow a batch of shrooms, and fresh shrooms are a whole other trip :)