Ahh Semper Fi bruh.It's easier to help and love then it is to bitch and hate! I learned that in Aghan fighting.
Alright guy's I got to go! PEACE!
Ahh Semper Fi bruh.It's easier to help and love then it is to bitch and hate! I learned that in Aghan fighting.
Alright guy's I got to go! PEACE!
Likewiseit is personal but i will talk about it in pms
i like u guys
People on this forum need to stop bitching about people trying to cut corners man!
Wow bro this thread isn't even about that once againPeople on this forum need to stop bitching about people trying to cut corners man!
Wow bro this thread isn't even about that once again
Shaved balls and soft eggs...![]()
This thread is about shaved balls and soft eggs now?? Fuck yeah THREAD OF THE YEAR
this thread is whatever u want it to be
got some suggestions me i prefer tits and ass female ass of course over shaved nuts and eggs but hey im 46 and old dont know how u young bucks freak it these days
How about 21 and Married?![]()
Lol the worse kind of combination,How about 21 and Married?![]()
then u r set u got in house tits and ass on call
How about 21 and Married?![]()
lmao you must not be married.. lol
did i mention shes pregnant
Lol the worse kind of combination,
I hope this is a contract military marriage.
not at the moment unless she got a hot single sister
u got a child coming congratulations bro that is a big thing
I have an idea. Quit reading the grow forums and newbie forums since you are so all high and mighty ultimate grower. I've answered the same questions over and over before, the search function rarely ever finds useful info, and if you don't like it, fuck off. What I hate is holier-than-thou people who think they are all knowing. Guess what asshole, look through your started threads. "is this a male or a female?" "what's wrong with my plant" "is this a good light" "my plants are dying what the hell." Doctor heal thyself. You have plenty of stupid questions you've posted, even double posted, and you're complaining?? People like YOU are what is wrong, and before you start calling all the kettles black look in the goddamn mirror ya dipshit.
thank you. Its due 11-11-11 gonna be an evolalex jr soon.. and no sisterslol
9 days before my bdaythank you. Its due 11-11-11 gonna be an evolalex jr soon.. and no sisterslol
Dam coming in here with this bulll shitttt. GO back to sleep.fuck off fagot. at what point did you get the impression he was bringing and trying to put anyone down? he makes a valid point and it's idiots like you who keep feeding the retards. There plenty of legitimate questions being asked that deserve responses, and then there lazy fucks who are so focused on the end result that they loose focus and but the labor and research on the back burner, also numbnutz, most of the shit i retain and use i read from elsewhere, only dip shits like you take what you read on forums as gospel, the bottom line is everything you read on forums ARE FUCKING OPINIONS!!
"You don't need a lot of money to grow, don't listen to this fool. Sure, if you want danky danks. But it's a plant, and a weed at that...the damn thing can grow with just water. Don't discourage someone from growing because of lack of funds"
Is that the kind of shit you looking to learn from? How much you wanna bet that moron alone is responsible for 3% of the retarded questions on here? There are dumb fucks out there, that's life, but you don't have to coddle the retards, that just makes shit easier for them and they dont learn to do the leg work. I lean more towards a Darwinian approach, Google that if you need to dips shit. The focus isn't newbies you non attention to detail paying, hick. the focus is lazy, do everything for me, retarded questions, cheers mate![]()