People who cant hold their weed.

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Well-Known Member
On acid, I always start thinking everyone else is an idiot and they all think I'm an idiot. I totally start to withdraw from the situation but then I become interested in the visual off somewhere and forget about it, then describe the visual to my fellow trippers, who then try to describe it to me...
lol true, eventually you stop thinking about that and realize you're just fcking high on anything you're taking..

I no rite dude? Nobody notices your post...
yea it sucks, I think im gonna start counting the posts on each page.. :leaf:


Some people should just kill thierselves. lolololololol Make life easier for us sane people, Hey bro pass me sum more of that rat soup. And gays have the right to do what they want, just dont do anything in front of me cause Ill throw up and have to hurt your faggott asses.
well said, and agreed.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
and why should they be hated for it. although there is a certain level of gayness that seems to be on purpose. Personally I cant stand the in your face, jumpin around, barely wearin clothes gay people. I just think they're obnoxious.

But who am I to judge.
I don't mind gay people. I don't hate them for being gay. But, being gay does not mean you have to:

Speak with that STUPID voice that gay men prefer.

Act like you don't have a brain

Tell your straight friends about the hot guy you met

With all that said, there's a gay guy down the hall who is one of my better friends around here. He doesn't smoke, but he's very mature [compared to a lot of upperclassmen also] definitely more mature than the dudes always congregated in the hallway. He doesn't speak with a stupid ass voice. He keeps track of cigarette math at the right level. [Not obsessive, but if he bums a smoke one day, the next he'll throw you one] Also, I understand he doesn't want to hear about tits and ass, and respectfully he doesn't tell me about how tight his boyfriend's asshole is when I don't tell him about the hot asian chick walking by or this girl from the past or that girl from the past.


Well-Known Member
I don't really mind when someone can't handle there weed, it's somewhat adorable in a looking back kind of way. Just more reason to get them more High haha.

You have to remember, and I'm not being arrogant *if you CAN even be about this type of thing* But I am, WE rather, on RIU are not like 'normal' people. In the sense that most people don't smoke like we do, most people don't do 'drugs' as we do in types and quantity.(yeah yeah alcohol is a drug, shut up though.) You can't expect everybody to be a seasoned veteran.

The body has this ability to get used to drugs, I don't mean just in a sense of tolerance either. I mean, every time you do a drug, your body knows what it's expecting and you lose that suspense, that initial 'I don't know what I'm expecting on this particular high' feeling. - It's how the 'gate way' concept works with drugs. It's because of this that with our over use, including tolerance we've become accustomed to this 'high' and can operate almost as normal in our day to day activities.

Example: You take a drug, say MDMA - It's awesome the first time, you're destroyed on .1gram
You're awake all night long. Keep doing .1gram every three months (enough for your body to not have tolerance impede on your high) and each time the high will be more and more progressively mellower then before. - In the gateway drug concept individuals practicing this within a fraction of the time interval I gave simply move on to the next drug for that initial 'I dont know what to expect from this high' High. When people talk of mental addiction to drugs, it isn't mental addiction to that high, it's mental addiction to the suspense and excitement of expectation. Once that's gone, harder shit hits the fan so to speak.

At any rate, I'm off topic. My main point is, just tolerate it man, how were you your first time smoking weed? Probably little different. The only thing that differs is you smoke like the filthy dirty hippy bitch you are, just like WE all are. Our high control comes with the trade, theres doesn't yet.

I mean sure, I still know people who are just silly ass bitches when high. To be fair though, they were silly bitches to begin with. On the bright side it accentuates the persona. It makes shit funnier, allows you to laugh like you used to just a bit more. In the end isn't that fun in that of itself? Could be.
your close- bush fucked up the country, and obama will help fuck it up more,

well not obama as much as the people controlling him (previously stated)

Political BS aside, sounds like people are smoking a lot of couch lock and going out or trying to make political opinons... While some of us are seasoned, Watch out for the jaberwocky my son (the tri's, o young grasshopper watch those tri's. ) Makes alot of difference on the cerebal cortex!!!

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Some people should just kill thierselves. lolololololol Make life easier for us sane people, Hey bro pass me sum more of that rat soup. And gays have the right to do what they want, just dont do anything in front of me cause Ill throw up and have to hurt your faggott asses.
Yep. If you're gonna be gay, I don't have a problem with it. I just don't want to be involved, I'm not gonna be your wingman picking up dudes, but we can be bros.


I don't mind gay people. I don't hate them for being gay. But, being gay does not mean you have to:

Speak with that STUPID voice that gay men prefer.

Act like you don't have a brain

Tell your straight friends about the hot guy you met

With all that said, there's a gay guy down the hall who is one of my better friends around here. He doesn't smoke, but he's very mature [compared to a lot of upperclassmen also] definitely more mature than the dudes always congregated in the hallway. He doesn't speak with a stupid ass voice. He keeps track of cigarette math at the right level. [Not obsessive, but if he bums a smoke one day, the next he'll throw you one] Also, I understand he doesn't want to hear about tits and ass, and respectfully he doesn't tell me about how tight his boyfriend's asshole is when I don't tell him about the hot asian chick walking by or this girl from the past or that girl from the past.
exactly man. Im sure theres some gay people like him that are totally embarassed by how those stupid partying yelling fuckers have made them look


I don't really mind when someone can't handle there weed, it's somewhat adorable in a looking back kind of way. Just more reason to get them more High haha.

You have to remember, and I'm not being arrogant *if you CAN even be about this type of thing* But I am, WE rather, on RIU are not like 'normal' people. In the sense that most people don't smoke like we do, most people don't do 'drugs' as we do in types and quantity.(yeah yeah alcohol is a drug, shut up though.) You can't expect everybody to be a seasoned veteran.

The body has this ability to get used to drugs, I don't mean just in a sense of tolerance either. I mean, every time you do a drug, your body knows what it's expecting and you lose that suspense, that initial 'I don't know what I'm expecting on this particular high' feeling. - It's how the 'gate way' concept works with drugs. It's because of this that with our over use, including tolerance we've become accustomed to this 'high' and can operate almost as normal in our day to day activities.

Example: You take a drug, say MDMA - It's awesome the first time, you're destroyed on .1gram
You're awake all night long. Keep doing .1gram every three months (enough for your body to not have tolerance impede on your high) and each time the high will be more and more progressively mellower then before. - In the gateway drug concept individuals practicing this within a fraction of the time interval I gave simply move on to the next drug for that initial 'I dont know what to expect from this high' High. When people talk of mental addiction to drugs, it isn't mental addiction to that high, it's mental addiction to the suspense and excitement of expectation. Once that's gone, harder shit hits the fan so to speak.

At any rate, I'm off topic. My main point is, just tolerate it man, how were you your first time smoking weed? Probably little different. The only thing that differs is you smoke like the filthy dirty hippy bitch you are, just like WE all are. Our high control comes with the trade, theres doesn't yet.

I mean sure, I still know people who are just silly ass bitches when high. To be fair though, they were silly bitches to begin with. On the bright side it accentuates the persona. It makes shit funnier, allows you to laugh like you used to just a bit more. In the end isn't that fun in that of itself? Could be.
Boy you just totally made me see that from a totally different perspective, I kinda feel like a dick now lol. good post, + rep


Well-Known Member
You're right. But Ron Paul wasn't planning on taking any shit. Ron Paul would be doing the country right right now. But had Ron Paul had a chance at winning, he would have died quickly. Same shit happened to JFK. Ron Paul is an honorable man for even attempting to run, and straight up lucky to be alive today.

I voted for Ron Paul.....Then the second time I wrote him in


Yep. If you're gonna be gay, I don't have a problem with it. I just don't want to be involved, I'm not gonna be your wingman picking up dudes, but we can be bros.
I know a dude that isnt out of the closet but a lot of people, including me, think might be gay, and he's cool as hell.


Well-Known Member
Yea DJ, I read on a book sometime ago, that the nice thing about getting high, is that change of perspective, of being not-high to being high in a couple of minutes.. To me it seems that a lot of people here enjoy being high all the time, it just suits their style, while others like to get fucked up and that's it.. I think all of us like both of these things, just on different levels.. kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Nice chatting with you guys but I gotta go now..
Got a fucking trip to chile tomorrow to fight in a Jiu-Jitsu competition..
see ya!


Yea DJ, I read on a book sometime ago, that the nice thing about getting high, is that change of perspective, of being not-high to being high in a couple of minutes.. To me it seems that a lot of people here enjoy being high all the time, it just suits their style, while others like to get fucked up and that's it.. I think all of us like both of these things, just on different levels.. kiss-ass
true dat, Ill take a week where I know much isnt going on and smoke every day, then ill take a week off from smoking to get nice and baked at a party that weekend. Good shit either way :blsmoke:


Active Member
You know how in the 'truly horrible' countries, there are many militants and groups who are trying to overthrow the government and succeed?

This will happen [or need to happen] in USA within 20 years. Start collecting automatic guns and training in their usage now.

I vote, for a new government, who will follow the Constitution, a police force who is there to help.

One of many points: Jails are eliminated. If the offense is great enough, you die. If the offense is minor, you get rehabilitation [but not rehabilitation 'Idiocracy-style'].