Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

Thanks fellas, I appreciate it. Wifey went out and grabbed some of those Hot Shot strips today, should be 100% bug free shortly. DIE BUGS! HAHAHA! Yeah, moving the clones was sweet, and it helped my old friend out too.We're moving the wife's plants into bigger containers today, I'll take some pics later.
Be careful with those Hot Shot strips, Bus. :o

I've heard they can be dangerous to use in an indoor grow room, nothing official, just word of mouth type stuff. Please do some research before you go through with it, and make absolute sure that they're safe for indoor use.

Not trying to lecture or anything, just want to make sure my people stay safe. bongsmilie

Also, please post the results of your research so that we all may have an idea of what comes with using the strips.

By the way, the boys are right, them ladies is looking fine!
Sweet, I love my air-pots. Air-pots for dense pot, it's a new motto. Welcome!

I read all the Hot Shot pros and cons I could find, including the company spec sheet and MD treatment instructions and what I came away with was that 1, It's not carcinogenic, and 2, It is toxic to people, pets, etc. A little confusing. I might call the company and see what they say the actual health ramifications are. So far it just seems like too much exposure will just sick you out. For what it's worth, the treatment for exposure to this stuff is actually identical to the treatment for exposure to neem oil. I checked my own bottle. I'm using 2 right now, 1 in my veg chamber and 1 in my flower tent, which are both in a very well ventilated garage that's way bigger than 2 strips are rated to cover. Should be alright, although I'm gonna pull the strip in flower out after it has a day or 2 to work. Don't want poison buds! Anybody else want to share their experience or theories on these things? Personally, I just want to nuke every single rat-bastard bud-sucking little arthropod in my space, and I've read report after report that these do what nothing else does, eradicate all your mites. That's worth it to me, after you get rid of em you can up your "security" and hopefully stay rid of the little fuckers. Again, if anyone has any experience with these, let us know! Always curious.
Ill pull my stip out of my cab for flowering. Since I got rid the MOTHER FUCKN MITES!
Then Ill put it in the shed my cabs in.

Mites kicked my ass last grow. 3 month asskicking.

Nothing i tried worked. They always came back.
I cleaned the cab out an started fresh.
The strip was just to be sure I realy got rid of em.

Check out this thread, it convinced me to go with one.
Lots of info on how they use em.


Originally Posted by GrowTech
"You should read the toxicological report I posted... I think that the only reason there is a lack of evidence regarding cancer is because the animals they tested toxicity on died before having a chance to GET cancer from it."

"ok so after a long read and i do mean fuckin long 280 pages. my conclusion is that unless your eating drinking or rubbing the strip on your skin and not washing it off or putting it within your breathing range for a prolonged period it will not harm you. as i have no intention of doing any of the above. im giving it a go. "

those poor rabbits were fed the stuff and allowed only to breath air contaminated by the strips its no wonder they died."

I cant believe he read the whole thing lol.

Good shit, thanks Scarhole. The important distinction to make here is between carcinogenic and toxic. Carcinogenic means that the chemical in question has the capacity to remove, replace, or otherwise change segments of your DNA when it gets into your cells. When that altered DNA replicates during cell division, you can end up with alien tissue, or a cancer. Nothing to fool with, I've seen too many awesome people go down to that disease to take chances. Toxic means that exposure make you sick, and too much exposure can kill you, but only if you expose yourself to enough of the chemical. I'm well within the safety guidelines, and I still plan to cut back to one strip after they work their toxic magic. Hmmm, toxic magic... sounds like a bad emo band.
Pulled these out today for a flushing, the last water they get before harvest this week. These are some of the last defoliation victims, but they only got trimmed once so they bounced back alright. I wish I had the space to give em another week, but if I did that my next round would overgrow my veg area. Here's a Super Skunk, just showed her first ambers today. Sigh... if only I had another week...







You can see the mite damage on both of these plants, so fuck it, bring on the strips! I'm going Starship Troopers: "The only good bug is a dead bug." Here's a Sour Grape.






That's wrap, I'll post harvest pics in the harvest journal later in the week.
So guess what Wifey went out and got me yesterday? A gorgeous, healthy little White Widow clone with big fat roots! Man, am I loved. Awesome! The WW is gonna be a mom, I know for a fact that Widow has a place in my garden. According to the source, this is the original Grenhouse cut, with a majority of white hairs even when mature, and ridiculous trich production. When I was just a litle stoner grom in the 90's, my buddy's mom was the best dank hook-up in the area. She had club weed before there were clubs, ya know? Anyway, White Widow came around a few times a year, and she usually only got a qp, so there was this feeding frenzy every time she got the Widow. All her friends, all her son's friends including me, would just swarm her house and hotbox it stupid. That shit never lasted more than a day, but it was like a chronic holiday or something, there were literally folks I only saw around those occasions. So I'm stoked, not only becuz I've always wanted to try running White Widow, but because I love the stuff and I have since my first year as a bud smoker. Thanks Wifey!
Sorry it's been a few, been busy as hell. Had a plant herm out on me pretty bad, too many nanners to pluck by hand so I had to chop it a week early. I forgot to close the clone chamber the other night, must have leaked some light through the zipper on the flower tent. So I spent the last couple days inspecting plants and trimming a larfy premature OG, which probably could have thrown double or triple the zip and a half I got off it with a proper finish. Balls.

In better news, I got my second CMH bulb today and I'll be installing it in flower in a few. Can't wait to see one of these in flower, as it's already shown me ridiculous efficiency in veg. I'll post some pics later, promise.
You get them CMH lights going in the flower room and you will be amazed at the difference in how many tric. you get. And tell your wife she is welcome and receives 2 hottie points just for wanting and being part of what makes you happy
still here net gets turned on in a couple days...been a long 3 weeks with no internet...damn verizon people are slow as hell...ill get caught up on your stuff then...still stealing shitty drops signal all the damn time
Verizon got switched to Frontier here.... such BS the bills get all screwed up and i just wanna burn them all to the ground
It's all gravy man, I've ben lurking in your thread so I know where you're at with that. Been there for sure, 4 months of stealing net from someone calling themself "Hyphy13." At leasty ol Hyphy had a decent connection.

So I was gonna tell everybody how sweet the new bulb looks and all that, but they sent me a dud. Damn! The company I order these through was real cool on customer service the first time around, and they warranty their shit for a year. I just hope I don't have to mail back the bunk bulb before they send the replacement. We'll see.

In other news, my wife's 2 Supers are doing great, she transplanted them up to 16 ozers a couple days back. She also took a few clones last week, all 3 of which rooted over the last couple days. I removed a shelf in the tower so the plants can get bigger and stop growing into the ceiling, the WW mom is doing well and begining LST, and the flower room looks great in general. Oh yeah, and whatever else can be said about Hot Shot strips, they WORK. Haven't seen a live mite in days. Fuck yeah! Pics later.
Where to start... I guess I'll start with the smaller plants and work up. Here's a look at Wifey's 2 Super Skunks, 1 of which has seriously outpaced the other, and 1 of her Northern Lights clones.




I moved em so the little one gets more light, should catch up in a few days to a week. Here's a look at the 2 buckets I started last week, starting with the Purple Cadillac.


Northern Lights before and after training, pluys the first roots to come through the weave.




You can see they got a little hungry waiting for their roots to get to the super soil, makes me think these could have used a few more days in the 32 oz containers to prime the roots a little better. Here's the same 2 buckets, along with the next 2 to go into flower and some mom plants.


And finally, the flower room. This is a look, from left to right, at the whole room.





And for the sake of Comedy, my cat eating the leaves off my hermied OG. She cries like a kid that dropped their ice cream til we let her come in and "help" with the trimming. Little monster.


