Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story

Congrats on the Baby!
Hope all goes well.....

I still havent got a true CCob into flower yet. lol
In about 3.5 monthes Ill have one done an compare its yield to LST sharksbreath, an 4 cola topping with LST cronic.
ShortBus, no biggie man, just thought id offer it out there.

Ive been trying some new stuff with a few babies that had some mites, its called Doktor Doom, aerosol spray that comes in a green can. Seems to be working.

I also spoke with a local friend that owns a hydro shop and they said it works great, you just treat every 3 days until about week 2 of flower and you should be rid of them. Maybe that'll work for you.

to bad the ccob didnt work out for you, Ive always had my doubts but it seems to be an awesome method if perfected.
Good looking out man, I appreciate it. I think CCOB is great, but requires either perfect and meticulous training, or a 1000 watt light to penetrate the canopy. If the plants would just quit stretching for those first couple weeks it'd be perfect, but they won't listen...
Ok, I'm back, and I'm a DADDY! Forgive me if I'm on the site a little less these days, I'm just embracing the parenting experience. My son was born Thursday night, and despite being a couple weeks early, he's a tank, a regular little eating n pooping MACHINE. Hands down the best thing my wife and I ever did together.

The garden is excellent, I have like 6 plant worth of harvest pics to update and a few notes on my hydro conversion. The 2 DWC buckets were harvested over the last couple days and yielded very well, the best 2 plant harvest I've had yet. Also coming up on veggie season, and I'm planning to try the crop circle system on tomatoes, beans and anything else that looks trainable. Oh yeah, peppers too, I think they'll do well.

Thanks Doc and Scar, we really appreciate the good thoughts. All 3 of us!
Way to go, bro!!! Congratulations, young man. You have many years of responsibility ahead of you, make sure you keep the little guy in your thoughts at all times, that way you keep straight and don't do anything silly. And, early on, try to get them to enjoy learning. I did with my kids, I have a son now who is ending his sophmore year at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO and a daughter who is finishing her freshman year at Arkansas State. her with 4.25 and him with 3.25. And, I don't have to pay a thing, the best part they earned their own way, with grades. Really glad for you, very proud of you, and I know you are grinning from ear to ear about having a son. Congrats!!
Naw, bro, they will be great, don't worry! My kid got the Vice Presidential nomination to the Naval Academy, didn't want to be stuck on a ship but he also received both senators nominations to the academy. You'd be suprised, depending on where you live there are a lot of spots open for kids. The Air force is just the hardest to get into (for the smartest of the smart, NERDS!! Suppposed to have a 31 on ACT's I think, my son had a 28. He reminds me he's surrounded by nerds so I keep telling him he fits right in. Keep studying, you want to be rich get yourself into college. Thats what we told our kids from when they were little. If you want to be successful, study hard, good grades, get yourself in school (cause we are not going to be in the position to help)! It was necessary and it worked! Also being there for awards, etc. makes kids work harder. If you don't show up for them to receive it, why should they try? Just a quick "how to keep kids interested in school" note, sorry bros! Main thing is to be positive and supportive of your kids, thats all. Now that they are in college I look around and miss when they were young.