Perpetual Short Bus: A Crop Circle Story


Active Member
I was hoping for a little more, but these had no post-training veg and the plants since these have shown this to be important, so there's the reinforcement. Following the right steps in veg is crucial to the CCOB tactic, wish I'd figured that out sooner.
Looks good Short! Sorry you didn't get more out this one but I know how yah feel. Harvested my Blue Dream and it was 25oz wet and ended up with 5 1/2 oz before cure so more weight to lose. Taste is a big thing to me too but fortunately it's pretty bomb stuff. I would like to know the steps you are refering to that might have helped you to yield better since I will be bending a few plants over in the next couple of weeks.

Short Bus

Active Member
Man, I love me some Blue Dream. The steps in veg basically come down to maxing the rootball in 2 smaller containers before dropping em in the bucket. That "phases" post a while back covers it pretty good. The next round will be better, much bigger plants, and I think they'll continue to improve. It's all a learning process, right?
Good work bus been checkin out your grow for some time man followed you from hobbes thread anyway im goin to run a dwc soon so ill be askin Qs here n there if you don't mind nice one. Thos girls look sweet. Sorry to hear bout your og man was thinking of investing in some of that from cali connection but might hold back now but wot bout Dr greenthumb BIT more money but have read that his strain is the business taste and yield wise wots your two pence on that nice.
ps first timer on here so give me a shout if im takin the piss


Well-Known Member
Good work bus been checkin out your grow for some time man followed you from hobbes thread anyway im goin to run a dwc soon so ill be askin Qs here n there if you don't mind nice one. Thos girls look sweet. Sorry to hear bout your og man was thinking of investing in some of that from cali connection but might hold back now but wot bout Dr greenthumb BIT more money but have read that his strain is the business taste and yield wise wots your two pence on that nice.
ps first timer on here so give me a shout if im takin the piss
seriously?? learn to use punctuation, ffs.

Short Bus

Active Member
Well, I'm glad you guys worked that out. What the hell does FFS mean, anyway?
Moving on... I've heard good things about OG, I know Cali Connect breeds almost all of their strains with the same OG male, and it's vigorous as hell. Roots like tentacles. Mine just tastes lousy, and has kind of a weird high. Still wondering about phenos. Doc GT's strains are real well-reviewed, and personally I'd go with his over CC's, but for my money Jack the Ripper is the good shit and I'd rather grow that good shit. As far as DWC goes, I'm new to it so we can learn together, 2 heads are better and all that. And ask all the questions you want, man, if I know the answer I'll tell ya! Merry Twistmas and Happy Chronika to all my RIU folks!


Active Member
As far as DWC goes, I'm new to it so we can learn together, 2 heads are better and all that. And ask all the questions you want, man, if I know the answer I'll tell ya!
GL with DWC Short! I started doing DWC and all it was problems!!! Switched to Coco and I will never go back!

Short Bus

Active Member
Thanks man, I've had mixed results with hydro, but I've seen so many people say it's the way to big harvests. I'm just gonna play with a few experimental plants at first, see how it goes.
Thanks bus i think i might try jack the ripper then a seed bank im gonna use stocks it so top bombing, but i might try og from dr green one day. Dwc is the way to go iv seen the results but like you said can be trouble (its a learning curve) so iv been told anyway whatever works for you buddha, ya never no this is gonna be my first dwc i could end up shit deep in algae but we will see . lol
FFS means (for fuck sake) bus just to let you no.
have you seen hobbes yet bus still trying the link for his ebook but nothing, want it for future ops.
Quick Qs bus have used Advanced nutes or know anyone who has just got some gonna try them out.
I read up on them sound good bit pricey but supposedly good shit.

Short Bus

Active Member
Haven't heard from Hobbes yet, I'm guessing he's been organizing the ebook, which might be why it's down. I tried to download the latest "edition" a few days back and couldn't get anything to link. It's the 26th, so I'll post and ask.
AN's supposed to be great shit, I've heard it's overpriced but I also hear they cannabis-specific products and customer support, which is freaking awesome. Everyone I know who uses AN sticks with it, so there's a vote of extreme confidence for ya.
Thanks for expanding my pinner e-vocab, I appreciate it. Gotta get with the century sometime, right?
Haven't heard from Hobbes yet, I'm guessing he's been organizing the ebook, which might be why it's down. I tried to download the latest "edition" a few days back and couldn't get anything to link. It's the 26th, so I'll post and ask.
AN's supposed to be great shit, I've heard it's overpriced but I also hear they cannabis-specific products and customer support, which is freaking awesome. Everyone I know who uses AN sticks with it, so there's a vote of extreme confidence for ya.
Thanks for expanding my pinner e-vocab, I appreciate it. Gotta get with the century sometime, right?
Yeah ya could be right bus he's maybe editing it.
Sounds good bout the AN tho, i got the connoisseur A+B, voodoo juice, big bud, b-52, overdrive, piranha, sensizym after reading up on them people are saying only use half what they say on there web page (Nutrient Calculator) because thay burn ya girls :cry: this seems the way to go but we will see i guess.
Hope ya haven good holidays anyway bruv take it easy :hump: :joint: (well to a point anyway):blsmoke:
ps hows the light mover goin bus and wheres saladman ya heard from him lately peace
Whats up Super Silver Hazer!

Good to meet you buddy, sorry I couldn't speak with you earlier, still trying to recover from the holidays :lol:

Sorry to hear about the E-Book being taken down, I myself only downloaded a couple chapters, one's that were needed at the time. I didn't ever consider Hobbes taking them down, and I'm in the thread just about everyday so it was never really a necessity. I should know better by now than to take things for granted. :(
Anyways, I'm going to reply to you in Hobbes thread as well, I'd like to keep it alive and I'd like to do most of the Q&As over there, so hit me up with any questions you might have, and I'll do my best to help you out. bongsmilie

Dr. Nuggett

Nice thread Short Bus. Looks like you have a pretty good setup going there. I did notice a few burnt looking tips on 1 of your ladies though and was wondering if that was nutrient or light caused. Not that it matters much they still look real healthy and mouth watering.

Short Bus

Active Member
Probably a lttle of both on the tip burn, oopsy. Still learning, and when I added the light mover, there was a little trial and error involved. Thaks for the kind words and the visit, Dr. Nugget, it's an honor. Say, I posted a q to you in the Hobbes thread regarding OG Kush and getting it to bud solidly, if you feel like answering feel free to do so here or there.
Sup Bus, just a couple Q's...

1. What kind of dry weight were you seeing per branch on the recently harvested JTR, Sour G & OG?

2. How many average branches did you get per plant?

3. How tall did the branches get on average?

4. How tall was the tallest branch?

5. You said total yield was about 3.5oz, how did that break down? 1.5oz. of OG & 1oz each of JTR & SG?

6. What kind of nutes are you running, at what dosages?

7. Do you use any supplements?

8. Have you tried Humboldt's Own Gravity? Everybody says it's an amazing product, wondering if you have any input on it. ;)

I realize you may have answered a few of these Q's before, but I just want to get some info consolidated for quick reference. bongsmilie

Oh yeah, one more Q...How are the new girls doin'? What kind of yield are you anticipating this round with the added veg time?

Short Bus

Active Member
Man, I gotta start updating more often. Just been busy as all hell, I usually just sign on and check for q's in the Grow Lab thread. Since I was last up-to-date, I've also pulled a Super Skunk and an OG, one of the giant ones. Giant or not, it really didn't do shit, furthering my general disinclination to keep running the shit. Of course I have 4 more in flower, and last night my friend dropped one off for me, as he didn't have room for it. So I should be finally done with the stuff in about... 10 weeks. Sigh. Now that I'm done whining, my Super did pretty well. About 1.5 oz, dry weight, was hoping for at least 2, but I'm still learning. My OG probably did 2 oz total, but it was all larf, even the colas were pretty airball and usually that stuff comes out like a brick, even if it tastes bad. On to the q's...
1. Per branch, maybe 2.5g on average, with variance between strains. I'm guesstimating here. Better on the Super Skunk, although my cut of Super doesn't stretch much so I feel it wants more veg time. Seriously, all the work in CCOB is veg, not bloom. If I'd figured that out 3 months ago I'd be ballin right now. But I digress.

2. 15-20.

3. On the unvegged OG and mixed buckets, probably 8 inches, with a hefty standard deviation. On the Super, 12-14 imches. On the OG, 2 feet of bare-ass branch.

4. The tallest were around a foot high, on the Sour Grape in the first batch.

5. More like 2 on the first OG, 3/4 each of Jack and SG.

6. In early veg I use GH trio, along with Floralicious Plus and occasional doses of General Organics BioRoot. When they hit the 32oz containers they get a bottom layer of super soil. I still add the FP, along with Hygrozyme, small doses of molasses, and Snow Storm, for the rest of their lives, but the super soil does most of the work. Basically, super soil MURDERS little plants, even in tiny doses. I've buried the bodies. So I use GH to get plants big enough for the super soil. I also treat with myco a couple times.

7. Oh yeah. At this point, I cycle through the following at some point: Bloombastic, liquid Kool Bloom, Uncle John's Blend, and Gravity. I'd like to get some Overdrive as I hear it's good shit. Gravity is a great product, but I use it at half strength and I'm real careful about what add into that same watering. I don't know why, but Gravity will burn your plant if added with your usual nute/supplement concentration. Still working on the right mix for sups in the super soil, doesn't take much.

The new batch is looking pretty good, some were rushed into flower due to the "motel room principle" of filling up a new larger grow room, and might be kinda little. I'll take some pics soon.
Good stuff buddy, thanks for the quick reply.

Have you given any more thought to introducing the Zeba Quench into your medium? The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. It seems like it would turn a basic handwatering setup into a (and I use this term loosely) kind of hydro system. A ghetto hydro system, but you get the point. Like a Flood&Drain, NFT or similar setup, it maintains a constant supply of food and allows the plants to feed whenever they're hungry without losing much of the excess (which can be a lot due to transpiration, condensation & evaporation) nutient/water solution, with the added benefit of saving time and water. Since the CCOB is somewhat of a modified SOG, and the Quench crystals act as a kind of hydro setup, it would likely give the best opportunity to get closer to, or match Hobbes' numbers.

What do you think? bongsmilie?

Short Bus

Active Member
I haven't found it local yet, but I'm interested for sure. I've been doing some ghetto hydro experiments lately, my bubblers are still bubbling, starting to pick up steam. I've been playing with growing in pure coco with a few ammendments to save on soil, so far I love it. Wet or dry, coco stays puffed up like a cotton ball and roots love it. I've got a tray full of little clones, fresh into party cups of my coco blend, along with an airstone and standing nutes. Mad ghetto, but it's something I read up on and thought I'd try. I actually used to fake hydro by using a fast drying medium and being able to give frequent doses of nutes throughout the grow cycle. Worked well, I'm pretty set on phasing out regular Roots Organic for coco, it's cheaper and seems way better for root development, which I think is the key.

Short Bus

Active Member
To any moderators or site big-wigs... the new layout is ass. Sorry. Slap your web designer for making your site harder to navigate, or at least cut the guy off when he's working.