Personal Medical Grow in Coco. [Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefurit Haze, Casey Jones]

2 Casey Jones under a 600w HPS in a 2.5x4.5 ft hut. Bloom Day 21.

For boosters I am doing.

Week 3-8 Bud XL
Week 3-4 Hydroplex
Week 5 (3 days) Top Shooter
Week 6-8 Shooting Powder

What do you fellows think about the line up?

Also what kind of yield do you think I could pull of with this one.






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Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefruit Haze. Bloom Day 13

GFH has very low stretch. Lets see how it turns out, it has great chances of being a keeper.

G Rom and Chem D both stretch a hefty bit, but as far as vegging goes I like G Rom more than Chem D, CD more lanky.








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wow man the difference between the romulan and the gfh is huge eh!

everything taking shape man im totally into the scrog thing now, cant believe i didnt switch to it sooner really!?

thats some boost mix your rocking there bud, nice balance tho im fairly new to the shooting powder but it works wonders eh

happy growing matey
bender! just found the journal! been busy movin and gettin some ideas together, i got my cab and im gonna set it up tonight and tmrw. hope u dont mind if i pull up a chair

bender! just found the journal! been busy movin and gettin some ideas together, i got my cab and im gonna set it up tonight and tmrw. hope u dont mind if i pull up a chair


Welcome brother, actually this round I am charging $5/chair. Hahahah just kidding bro, the more the merrier.
everything's lookin real proper bender ;-)

and you'll find that the shooting powder is a definite keeper. Im using/used it my current soil grow and I could tell that the shooting powder actually forced new growth and added weight. there were all kinds of new calyxes popping up with new white hairs after a couple days since applying it. raider got me stuck on this shit :-D
Hey Bender, not been round your bit in a HERE I AM. Bloody 'ell, your gear always looks so bloody neat and tidy....please don't tell me you Colour (oops Color) code your sock drawer!!

Well my Casey Jones is a shadow off the beauty you got there.....although I must say my latest CJ clone is loooking mighty perky and I am reverting back to my old coco so hopefully not so many problems with it. Not that the smoke isn't killer, I was just very surprised the last time to see the fan leaves disappearing so early on. I guess you ditched the OG Kush? (wow, that is some weed to ditch if you did, hehe)

Peace bru,

Thanks a lot fellows for the props. Really appreciate the input everyone.

Quick Update

Casey Jones - Bloom Day 25 [PK boost started on Day 18]

Chem D, GFH, G Rom - Bloom Day 15 [PK boost started on Day 13]

For the early PK boost, I used a weak booster, Hydroplex Bloom Maximizer. Now that the flowering is initiated I am backing off the hydroplex a bit. I will do the top booster around week 5-6. Then comes the shooting powder.

Casey Jones







Chem D, GFH.






ur grow looks great man im subbed. and watch out for that chem dawg that shit is DANK


everything's lookin real proper bender ;-)

and you'll find that the shooting powder is a definite keeper. Im using/used it my current soil grow and I could tell that the shooting powder actually forced new growth and added weight. there were all kinds of new calyxes popping up with new white hairs after a couple days since applying it. raider got me stuck on this shit :-D

Thanks mate. Really looking forward to the powder.

Hey Bender, not been round your bit in a HERE I AM. Bloody 'ell, your gear always looks so bloody neat and tidy....please don't tell me you Colour (oops Color) code your sock drawer!!

Well my Casey Jones is a shadow off the beauty you got there.....although I must say my latest CJ clone is loooking mighty perky and I am reverting back to my old coco so hopefully not so many problems with it. Not that the smoke isn't killer, I was just very surprised the last time to see the fan leaves disappearing so early on. I guess you ditched the OG Kush? (wow, that is some weed to ditch if you did, hehe)

Peace bru,


Hey D, great to see you mate. Yeah I myself have been so busy that I make an appearance rarely.

Thanks a bunch for all your kind remarks. Holy crap man, I actually have my all my clothing and underwear color coded, that's the only way to do it man.

Glad you new CJ clone is looking on point.

I have a tiny personal setup. I want to produce a good bit of medicine so may be I can take a break from growing and just go to school. In that case OG wasn't a good candidate. Plus I live in the mecca of cannabis genetics. I have access to at least 50+ different clones in one days notice with a few hours of drive. Don't get me wrong man, properly grown OG remains one of my top medicines, just the way it grows is what I don't like.

Another things it that I am certain that my new additions, Chem D, Grape Romulan, and Grapefruit haze will give the OG a run for its money. I cannot believe I am running Chem D, not long ago this cut was almost impossible to get. Also I hear Grape Rom is a legit strain with high denisty/potency/yield.
Aaaagh, lmao, you colour code your whole you need to get up with my Uncle, he measure 2inches between each of his suit hangers, colour co-ordinated sock and undie drawer, the full works...Funny what you can see in peoples set ups. Perhaps I should write a book about it...I wonder what my set up shows?
Like you say, when you got all those genetics around your way, it's a no brainer really. And the Chemd, G rom etc are close relatives anyhoo's (as far as I am aware) So what you thinking about reading at school? In a way I am envious, I went to uni straight from school and hated it (I was still a raggamuffin then and not very mature.) I left and went back a couple of years later after having some family problems, when I was a bit maturer I absolutely loved it, I was the mature student at the front trying to answer all the questions!! I ended up reading Economics and Sociology (Criminology actually)

Anyway, off to put some of the brain cells to use and do some work.

Later bru.

i have to agree with D you setup is clean as a whistle man. i reckon a touch of OCD in the mix with you buddy. im no where near, my setup was manky when i took it apart i was hoovering for hours.

plants look great as usual mate chem looks like its having quite a stretch and the early resin onthe casey looks great too.
Aaaagh, lmao, you colour code your whole you need to get up with my Uncle, he measure 2inches between each of his suit hangers, colour co-ordinated sock and undie drawer, the full works...Funny what you can see in peoples set ups. Perhaps I should write a book about it...I wonder what my set up shows?
Like you say, when you got all those genetics around your way, it's a no brainer really. And the Chemd, G rom etc are close relatives anyhoo's (as far as I am aware) So what you thinking about reading at school? In a way I am envious, I went to uni straight from school and hated it (I was still a raggamuffin then and not very mature.) I left and went back a couple of years later after having some family problems, when I was a bit maturer I absolutely loved it, I was the mature student at the front trying to answer all the questions!! I ended up reading Economics and Sociology (Criminology actually)

Anyway, off to put some of the brain cells to use and do some work.

Later bru.


Holy Crap man, I actually make sure all the hangers are the same and also be evenly spaced. I don't use a measuring tape or anything, just eyeball it. I think this sounds like a big deal when writing, but my friends and family just think of me as the clean organized person. Organization is key to visual appeal for me at least.

Your, Don's, and Westy's setup seem like you guys are really laid back chill type of people.

Great to hear you studied criminology. I bet it was very interesting.

I am on my way to getting my doctorate in Molecular Neuroscience. I still got quite a long ways though, it ain't bad though, recovering from my back injury and returning to school is the best pleasure I have had in a while.

i have to agree with D you setup is clean as a whistle man. i reckon a touch of OCD in the mix with you buddy. im no where near, my setup was manky when i took it apart i was hoovering for hours.

plants look great as usual mate chem looks like its having quite a stretch and the early resin onthe casey looks great too.

Thanks Don, LOL no OCD here, well may be borderline. Just super organized and neat.

Yeah the Chem put on some major stretch but it looks like it is going to be some Dank. Actually all four strains CJ, CD, GFH, GR look really good, I am super stoked for the harvest coming in two months.
Great to hear you studied criminology. I bet it was very interesting.

I am on my way to getting my doctorate in Molecular Neuroscience. I still got quite a long ways though, it ain't bad though, recovering from my back injury and returning to school is the best pleasure I have had in a while.

Criminology was interesting, I found both Economics and Sociology quite frustrating though, nothing was ever definite, not really science if you get my drift. Economics is all Ceteris paribus, and sociology is all Theories that are unprovable due to their nature. And then both schools slag each other off (which was the interesting part)
The good part was my main Criminology lecturer co wrote a few books with my uncle (the same one mentioned above ) so I always got the lowdown, "not what you know, it's who you know".

I sometimes wish I had followed what I loved doing - technical drawing and architecture...but hey ho, I was good at Economics.

Good luck with the Molecular Neuroscience, now that sounds fascinating!!

Off to the pub to damage a few molecules...

DST out.
Quick Update-

Casey Jones - Bloom Day 27. It is growing a bit slower than last round, but last time it was on PK boosters from early on. This round I am really aiming to have healthy plants so I could give them Top booster and shooting powder. I am a bit scared if I give them too much PK now the leaves might start dropping early on.



Chem D & Grape Romulan - Bloom Day 20. Chem D is looking good, G rom stretched like a mofo, and it seems to be a slow starter. I confirmed with some other posts that grape rom indeed is a slow starter.




Grapefruit Haze & Jupiter OG - Bloom Day 20. Probably my fav plant right now. It had to be moved out of the Chem D/G Rom area due to limited space. So I put this one with a 2x2 hut with about 110 watts worth of CFLs with mixed spectrum. It sucks that I had to move it out of the HPS but I think it should still produce at least an 1.5 oz under the CFLs. In the same 2x2 I have a Jupiter OG cut flowering in a Styrofoam cup. This is just to test the JO and see if it is worthy of future growing.





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Shame about the space limitations. I know you can do it with cfl's, but I found the difference quite marked when I flowered a girl under my 300w cfl then moved her under the HPS...I am sure you'll still get some good smoke bru. Good luck with it.

Peace, DST
Shame about the space limitations. I know you can do it with cfl's, but I found the difference quite marked when I flowered a girl under my 300w cfl then moved her under the HPS...I am sure you'll still get some good smoke bru. Good luck with it.

Peace, DST

Yeah man, sucks about the space. At least know there will be more room for Chem D and G Rom, so hopefully a bit extra yield.

I really hope GFH still turns out good, it fuckin sucks to have her under CFLs now. On the bright side at least I was lucky enough to have a 2x2 on hand. LOL thinking about that I think the GFH will be moved to the CJ hut for here last week. as I need the 2x2 hut to dry the CJ in.
I don't know how she will like this fluctuation of light. Fuck it, I know she is one hell of a strong girl, she'll hang.
I feed the girls everyday. Absolutely zero run-off the entire round. If I notice salt build up I just cut the dosage down to 1/4-1/2 strength for a day or two and up the fulvic/humic acids a bit.

Fulvic is a natural chelating agent, if you ask me it is by far the sickest ingredient I have encountered in my limited experience of growing. I don't want to come across as a salesman, but anyone reading this, if you aren't familiar with fulvic acid, do some research on it and you will see for your self.

Bendy's Wanna be Compost Tea
Great White/Myco Madness along with some molasses/micros/fulvic are bubbled with a few stones. After only half a day the pH starts going up crazy and there is a thick layer of live foam on top. I make this tea on a bi monthly basis during veg and early flower. During late flower there is ton of micro life that I don't need to keep adding more.

I know I know that is a lot of products, but hell if I only get an extra O due to the extra help from some nutes than it still makes it worth it for me.

That said I am very open to criticism/thoughts on my nute regimen. Let me know if there are any questions.

Peace. Best wishes for everyone's grow.

A picture is worth a thousand words. I wrote this out for you fellows and of course for my own reference.

Note I take all my reading in EC so there is no confusion for folks with different conversion for their PPM meters




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damn your an organised chap bender! i never take that much notice and just muddle through feeding what i feel like, to a rough guideline lol till i get sloshed....

girls like fine man love the resin on the grapefruit thats going to be a winner i reckon.