Ph doesn’t seem to be changing

my miracle grow potting mix technically isn’t soil? So should I be using 6.5 from now on even tho it’s down to 5? Do I even attempt to raise it or just lower to 6.5 from now on and hope for the best?
It is referred to as soil by growers, but yes it is technically not soil. Soil is made up primarily of rock mineral particulates (sand, silt, clay, loam), plus organic matter.

This is what's in your Miracle Gro Potting Mix, I see no soil:

Screenshot (46).png

Yes, you should just feed 6.5 ph. Likely you are feeding too strong of a fertilizer, which is causing the ph to drop. What EC are you feeding at?
so I just finished flushing and whatever’s going wrong is affecting the soils ph. The runoff now reads 5.05 ph when it was previously 6. The ph I water with has been a consistent 8.75 or so. Very confused at how soils ph doesn’t raise when using significantly higher ph. I couldn’t raise it before and now that it’s at 5 I definitely need to raise it and I don’t know how since my previous efforts went to nothing. Do I continue to use my tap water at 8.50 or so or do I bring the ph I water with down to 5 as well? Thanks for any input I appreciate it. I’m definitely an amateur this is only my second grow.
Fucking hell mate 8.odd shit , ya wanna stop that . Stop adding all that other shite aswell if ya unsure what ya doing . If ya in soil just get some Dolomite lime . That will stabalize ya ph . Once stabalized Stop fucking about and let ya plant/plants do there thing . KISS