PH problem, need help!


Hello everyone,
I use Bio-bloom, top-max, bio-grow and bio-heaven for vitamins for my plants and I use all-mix as soil from the brand biobizz. Recently my plants got really sick because the PH was way too low, now that I checked my water after adding the vitamins the PH dropped to 4.5. Can this mean that my vitamins are old or should it be like that? Also I wanted to know if I can just add some PH up to bring the PH to around 6.5 for my plants and then still give my plants the water with the vitamins but just corrected the PH with KOH to bring the PH up? Or would this be a bad idea? Any help is welcome!

Thanks for all the help,


Well-Known Member
well first off your soil should have buffered the pH so you must have been watering with this water high in pH for a while soil, losses its buffering affect over tim using water pHed to a general area between 6.0 and 7.0 retains this buffering for a longer time period. you will ned to mix dolomite lime into your soil from now on and maybe add some to your watering since your current soil has lost its buffering capabilities. yes you need to raise the pH KOH would be best since you will have to do this often (normally i would say baking soda but it depends on the distribution and amount of water less is better with baking soda because of salt in it)


But should I stop using the vitamins who are bringing the water ph back to 4.5, or can I still use them but need to add a bit of KOH so the PH will become 6.5? Thanks for the help!

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
But should I stop using the vitamins who are bringing the water ph back to 4.5, or can I still use them but need to add a bit of KOH so the PH will become 6.5? Thanks for the help!
Hey buddy. You can add up to a TBSP of dolomite lime per gallon, but other than that you are doing a great thing already by using organic nutrients and organic soil, so the good news is you don't have to worry about pH!! When growing organically your soil changes the pH for you, as long as your soil has everything you need in it. Most people feel the need to amend their soil a bit though, like with the addition of some lime and worm castings and other things.

But yea, there is no reason for you to check the pH of your water with organic nutrients. No worries man. And if you're gonna continue to grow organically, check out the organic section, there are some stickys with some great info for you!!