PH question


I have just got a PH meter and it is soaking in 7.0 right now. After I calibrate it can I just put it in the soil? I know it's a dumb question but since it has a recessed glass bulb in the end I thought I should ask first.

Illegal Smile

If it's a water meter you can use it to test your runoff water.


Well-Known Member
If you're doing a soil grow PH isn't critical. Generally speaking all of the tap water in US is drinkable. If you can drink it you can grow dank with it in soil. I have water so fucking hard it clogs my sprinkler heads for my yard. Yet my plants are the shit. Some won't agree with this but do you think these 1 acre grows in NorCal are phing 1000gallons a day. Nope. They grab the hose and water.

Rockwool and all that other stuff ph is much more critical. If you can drink it you're good.

I'm about to go indoors with rockwool so I would still love to hear about this. But for soil, indoors or out just water them.


Well-Known Member
Its used for water not soil. Test your water before giving it to the plants. It should be at 6.5


Jes so ya know, dip/clean ur PH pen in distilled water before u put it away, run off has salts and checking ur nutes ph before u water can start to gum up the electrode tip...oh yeah make sure the electrode tip always stays damp during storage, hope that helps..

Good Growing,


Well-Known Member
Its used for water not soil. Test your water before giving it to the plants. It should be at 6.5
I know he's testing his water. Actually, I think he's calibrating his meter for the purpose of testing his water for a soil grow.

I'm curious about how he is going to calibrate his meter because I know nothing about calibrating Ph meters because I don't know anyone in the state of Ca that Ph's water for soil if it comes out of the tap.

His water is for a soil grow... assuming he lives in the US and that he's doing a soil grow his PH isn't that critical because it's soil.

Not jacking your thread bro I'm just saying that nobody is Phing 10/100/500/1000 gallons of water a day for their soil grows. Not even filtering.

I think you should learn all you can about that meter for other grows.

And hey, that Miracle Grow Organic soil...add some Perlite and it's great dude.