Picking a place to grow legal

MA is 6 plants individual or 12 household. So far, nobody is getting hassled but they are about to create a new cannabis police force. So who knows what will happen.

The old sage of don't tell, don't smell, and don't sell goes a long way........ Even in a legal state.
They're creating a cannabis police force? Is this staties or on a city level? Good to know, I wasn't aware of this.
They're creating a cannabis police force? Is this staties or on a city level? Good to know, I wasn't aware of this.

State level. It's part of the new omnibus bill that will repeal the original citizens petition. All powers of regulation and enforcement go to the cannabis control commission, which will also establish a cannabis enforcement division.

It's supposed to monitor and enforce the growers, processors, and dispensaries, But you know they will never be satisfied with just directing traffic.

The legislature is a pack of cowards. Rather than directly repeal a popular bill, they transfer power to an unelected board that can act without any legislative vote. They can effectively shut down homegrowing and no pol will face heat. Cowards.
State level. It's part of the new omnibus bill that will repeal the original citizens petition. All powers of regulation and enforcement go to the cannabis control commission, which will also establish a cannabis enforcement division.

It's supposed to monitor and enforce the growers, processors, and dispensaries, But you know they will never be satisfied with just directing traffic.

The legislature is a pack of cowards. Rather than directly repeal a popular bill, they transfer power to an unelected board that can act without any legislative vote. They can effectively shut down homegrowing and no pol will face heat. Cowards.

Looks like I have some reading to do. I have been so busy with work lately that this somehow slipped by me. This doesn't surprise me one bit dude. That is such bullshit and I'll be watching this carefully to see where it goes from here. That shouldn't have happened and it pisses me off. Fucking idiots I swear.
Looks like I have some reading to do. I have been so busy with work lately that this somehow slipped by me. This doesn't surprise me one bit dude. That is such bullshit and I'll be watching this carefully to see where it goes from here. That shouldn't have happened and it pisses me off. Fucking idiots I swear.

Here is a link to the house bill. They should vote on it this week and the senate will follow up quickly, though they may change a few things.


Of course it is an image file and not searchable......
The cannabis police are standard-- in CO they are called the MED. They are actually a good thing when well trained, but they can also be pointed in a direction by someone like a politician-- not unlike a weapon. I work in industry design across multiple states, and deal with regs on a state by state basis for the application processes. I can tell you that almost all the newly expanding states are rigging the laws in exactly this fashion, with the express purpose of locking up the plum licenses so Mom and Pop are out the door, no chance, goodbye, now we own all the cannabis in your state. These fuckers were the first to shout for locking us all up with friends and family when it was illegal, but now that cannabis can make money, the state and the largest commercial players want total control over it. It's incredibly disheartening to see, as well as insanely hypocritical. We're going to have to stage a new fight for cannabis all over again, unless you want to see legalization courtesy of Monsanto and Kraft Foods.
Try Alaska, especially if you enjoy the great outdoors and don't mind the cold.
We can technically have 12 plants per household, but there are no criminal penalties for possession, until you reach 25 plants.
Hey man, sorry to hear of your problems and wishing you well. Here's a list of states that allow to grow

Alaska - 12 plants/household
California - 6 plants/person
Colorado - 6 plants/person
Maine - 6 plants/person
Massachusetts - 6 plants/person
Nevada ??
Oregon - 4 plants/person
Washington ??
District of Columbia - 6 plants/person
Can someone help me in deciding the best place to grow is? I was involved in a bad accident in work and can n
O longer do what I once was.. Instead of staying on heavy narcotics I decided to travel to a state to where it is legal to grow and I can make some money without aggravating my injuries so Incan get off the narcotics. Can someone please get back to me with their experiences. Thanks old soul
Don't try to make money selling weed. That's over or soon will be. Hope you find a place and grow some good medicine.
Don't try to make money selling weed. That's over or soon will be. Hope you find a place and grow some good medicine.

It's not nor will it be over "soon" for many of us.

Just can't be greedy. Have to follow the market. And have to have a special product that stands out and is memerable.

And variety doesn't hurt these days.

And of course. Don't talk to cops!

But that is the first obvious rule.
Hey man, sorry to hear of your problems and wishing you well. Here's a list of states that allow to grow

Alaska - 12 plants/household
California - 6 plants/person
Colorado - 6 plants/person
Maine - 6 plants/person
Massachusetts - 6 plants/person
Nevada ??
Oregon - 4 plants/person
Washington ??
District of Columbia - 6 plants/person

Mass is 6/person and 12/household

Also, if you grow there is no household possession limit (as long as you grew it).
isnt there any states that are more generous counts for medical grows? Canada its 5 plants per gram and people get anywhere from 3-40 grams per day prescribed depending on condition.
Oregon here. I've got ten plants legally. 4 recreation and 6 medical. 10 Backyard beauties in a small artsy community. Highly recommended

that's where I'm looking to end up at, Oregon - no sales tax, no car inspection only emissions, last I heard 4 plants per person & a half pound head stash was legal there
I'M a MMJ patient in Nevada who is allowed to grow my own (up to 12 plants) because no dispensary withing 25 miles of my home carry the strain I use. I use edibles and found that adding CBD helps with pain management https://potluckexpo.com/product/pure-cbd-powder/ I use a strain that's 8%THC and 12% CBD and it works well on it's own most of the time but adding CBD or kratom extract helps on bad days. THC also does a better job of managing my hypertension than prescription drugs. 6 years ago I was testing 190/110 and having an episode about once a month. after coming off the road and retiring drugs and lifestyle changes got that down to 140/90 on a good day. I still test twice a day but now im testing about 117/74 with just pot. no prescription drugs for hypertension and no opiates for pain. and none of the side effects that go with them :):):)
OR - 4rec plants per household, not per person. 6 medical but can be in addition to rec. No sales tax but we do have income taxes. Some areas the cost of living is high, so you'll want to do research.
Find somewhere you would love to live, then just grow there, F the laws. Like was said, no smell, no tell, no problem. If you live within preset rules, are you really free?
Freer than in prison.
I get it. I do. I am no sheep. Do I follow the rules? Most of the time. Do I have reasons? Yes - mostly my children. I want them to grow up with a present father and have the same opportunity I had to feel invincible, be an anarchist, break any rules they want to, and to truly live - before they have kids of their own and feel the same way I do about their life and their kids.

I've spent time behind bars in my twenties, and it is truly demoralizing. You lose that invincible feeling. Truthfully, I'd rather not play their games. I'd rather not have to be a capitalist cog. But until I find a way out of the system for my family and I, I'll play their games rather than face their penalties.
WA state you can grow up to 15 plants if your doctor recommends you can ,The bs part you have to go on state registry and law enforcement can check on u anytime or you could join a co op that can grow up to 45 -50 plant count.
I live in WA and have not heard of any private grows getting busted unless they were WAY out of compliance.
Contrary to popular belief, you MUST have a medical cannabis permit to legally grow in WA, and I think they just increased the penalties for people who don't have a license.
If you've got a permit, you don't have to be entered into the database but your plant count goes from 15 to 6. Possession limit also drops from 24 ounces to 4.
Exactly what compliance means can be tricky. It is legal to grow outdoors but your neighbors shouldn't be able to see or smell it.
For me that means that I need to have plan B ready to go, just in case someone complains. I have the capacity to bring all of my plants indoors to finish them, but I prefer to use free sunlight whenever possible. If the cannabis cops showed up and said I've gotta move everything indoors, I could set it up in an hour or two. No biggie -- except for the couple thousand watts I would need to light the space.