Picking a place to grow legal

Here's a link to the tester

Looks like the price went down

After the test they would print me a couple pages with all the info ,

I have a plant with over 10% cbd if u want

I've seen those before and they seem pretty interesting. I haven't seen any data confirming that their results are comparable to to lab results but I bet if I went looking for it I could find some.

I went back to school in my 30s and got a diploma in environmental chemistry where we used a lot of the same equipment that's used to analyze pot etc. HPLC, MS and after almost 30 years since I graduated have forgotten most of it but can still understand enough of the info to know what's up with the technology used with these analyzers.

If I had the spare coin I'd likely buy one myself but for my own use sending samples to a lab is a lot cheaper and I'll know for sure that I have accurate data. Once I have that it's a simple matter to mix different strains to get the exact levels of each component to get the mix I'm after.

I made a batch of my cocobudder for a friend a couple months ago from pot she'd bought from one of the LPs. It's Cannatonic that they have renamed Sentinel and I have two girls growing now that are a cross of Cannatonic and the aforementioned Otto#1. Those and the Otto girl I have are destined to get lab tested. She was over here a week ago and is really happy with the budder and I'll likely be making more of it for her but hopefully out of my own product. I'll be supplying it for half the cost of the LP. She uses it to help with the grief and resulting depression and insomnia she's been suffering since her adult son was killed in a car crash about 6 months ago.

Thanks for the offer of the plant but I think I have matters in hand for now. :hug:

The gold rush is over in the legal states. Get into selling pots, soil and nutes. That is where the real money is going to be going forward.

And as far as selling tomatoes, I have some experience with this. Down here in Florida you do have to have a permit to sell produce. It is free, but you have to swear to sell only what you grew yourself. I've made a lot more money on melons that I ever did on weed.
The gold rush is over in the legal states. Get into selling pots, soil and nutes. That is where the real money is going to be going forward.

And as far as selling tomatoes, I have some experience with this. Down here in Florida you do have to have a permit to sell produce. It is free, but you have to swear to sell only what you grew yourself. I've made a lot more money on melons that I ever did on weed.

I agree the green rush is over unless you got big grows and big connections. Up here in Cannaduh the prices are bound to fall as rec pot becomes legal and every Tom, Dick and Mary can grow a few plants at home. Then normal market prices according to supply and demand can take over.

At one time the big producers tried to have home growing of tomatoes made illegal as well so all this crap going on now will fade away in a few years and cannabis will finally be freed.

As it stands now Cannaduh isn't so much going legal as it is starting Prohibition 2.0.

12 plants per person in AZ.... if you can find a spot more than 25 miles away from a dispensary.

AZDHS has a handy tool for checking if your address falls within that 25 miles or not.

The "as the crow flies" radius was amended in 2014 to be 25 miles road mileage per Google Maps, so I don't know how accurate that address checker is.
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12 plants per person in AZ.... if you can find a spot more than 25 miles away from a dispensary.

AZDHS has a handy tool for checking if your address falls within that 25 miles or not.

The "as the crow flies" radius was amended in 2014 to be 25 miles road mileage per Google Maps, so I don't know how accurate that address checker is.
The road miles vs sky miles will add a lot of folks.
Just went through this whole thread. I didn't realise they were trying to crack down on laws like they are.

Will this change things from how they have been even for the growers who aren't legal?
Like are they putting extra funds in each state specifically for fighting growers?