Pics of your Pets thread :)


Well-Known Member
He really is the biggest baby ever.. Looks very intimidating to some but he doesn't even know how to bite. I delivered these two along with 7 others so I've had them since before birth.. I actually cut all the umbilical cords and all..
What a kool Story!

You 2.... 420God, I treat my two cocker like the daughters I never had. I'll post some Pics tommrow


Well-Known Member
ROTFLMAO!!!! how many times does it take!?!?
I'm usually not one to harp on misspellings, but this one's too fucking funny to let slide. Stay golden Ponyboy!!! I like you, in a nongay way.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahah I didnt even see it LOL Im fuckinkg laughing so hard at my ownself LOL.............awesome point out Bobby.........shit ....SPRAYED ........oh god Im fucking dieing........


Active Member
Its unbelivable how many people are still hung up on the whole "WHAT CATS AND DOGS HATE EACHOTHER LOL OMG" thing. Every one of my friends and relatives did that. Anyways here are some pics of them when they were babies. The cat we saved when he was 2 weeks old astray with a bad infection that cost him his eye. He is evil. And my dog (bitch, to be excat) you can say we saved cause we got her as a puppy from a pretty creepy guy who chained the mother outside and never took her on walks and stuff, she was literally a flee bag.



Well-Known Member
This is the only pet I can get: if you know what this pet is from then it makes since hehehe



Well-Known Member
[Slojo69;5316959]This is the only pet I can get: if you know what this pet is from then it makes since hehehe

You like WoW too huh.


Active Member
Hey no to judge or anything but some people here need to stop "high fiving" each other virtually. Its gay when you do it in the flesh, but saying High-Five!!!!!! (yes yes with words beginning with capital letters) to each other... maybe i should be more tolerant, i dont know but what i really want to do is give you a swirlie :)


Well-Known Member
[Slojo69;5316959]This is the only pet I can get: if you know what this pet is from then it makes since hehehe

You like WoW too huh.
dude pony, yer old, you ride a bike, you know how to use the computer AND you know WoW ... I hope i'm half as cool as you when im 90 lol. And no, i don't play wow anymore, but i remember lovin the monk pet! lol


Well-Known Member
dude pony, yer old, you ride a bike, you know how to use the computer AND you know WoW ... I hope i'm half as cool as you when im 90 lol. And no, i don't play wow anymore, but i remember lovin the monk pet! lol
I forgot to grow up LOL


Well-Known Member
my dog pogo, this was from when he was a puppy but he looks exactly the same now just a bit bigger



Well-Known Member

I shaved my ladies dog, then gave him a J as a kind of "sorry"... too bad he ate it and forgot to pass that shit!!!