Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
Here is a few more shots of our baby ( since our youngest child is 24 ) He is a Mama's boy for sure, and I want it that way.
These are from roughly 7 weeks to 10 weeks. I sensed the force was strong with this one :twisted:

Here he is at that awkward as hell stage. His legs were so heavy, when he tried to scratch his head, he would flip over.

Here is a few as of the last couple of years. He is 5 1/2 now and loving life. He gets no people food with the exception of a ham bone at Easter. He loves the surf and can rival any kid at opening a present.

When this gentlemen has run his course, his replacement will be a Belgian Malinois.
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Well-Known Member
I'm getting a Samoyed puppy in a few weeks, very excited about it, had two before for five years but had to leave with a friend when I moved countries. This is my boys mum and dad, don't have pictures of him yet as owner is still choosing which dog will suite my needs (agility/obedience).

Since I was probably 5, Sammy's have always been my favorite dogs. Don't think I've ever even seen one in person... don't know any breeders remotely close to me... but there's no way in hell I won't have had one before I die lol

So jealous!


Since I was probably 5, Sammy's have always been my favorite dogs. Don't think I've ever even seen one in person... don't know any breeders remotely close to me... but there's no way in hell I won't have had one before I die lol

So jealous!
They are amazing and lovely dogs, good with people, other animals of all sorts, children and highly intelligent, easy to train providing you are firm and calm. I really hope you can have the pleasure of owning one of these lovely animals.

Even if there is a breeder close to you it is not always easy to get one, I started looking back in September and a breeder who lives in the same city as me said she would have some at the end of October but then the dog absorbed the puppies between 3-6 weeks, so that fell through. Another woman said she would have some at the end of April as she was importing a dog from UK but that all fell through also. Finally I found this litter of puppies and the lines are some of the best out of all the dogs I looked at so I was super happy when she agreed to give me the best boy of the litter. I am not sure how much they are where you live but here they aren't a cheap dog, around $1900 for a show dog and $1600 for a pet. Many people aren't willing to invest that much in buying a dog but I cant put a price on what will be my best friend.


Well-Known Member
Some more pics of my baby lizards , they are growing really fast !
I saw 1 today drinking from the bowl i have in there , atleast i know they are drinking .
I have also seen a couple of them catching pin head crickets , so they are eating aswell .
I havn't seen the mother for a few days though so i am abit worried for her .
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Active Member
here is my good buddy. goes with me everywhere, loves to hunt and walking in the woods.

one pic is him while a puppy he had nice looking fur. he is a year and half old and just a mut. a good happy one :)DSCN4886.jpgDSCN5367_crop.jpgDSCN5499.jpg


Well-Known Member
I get to take Roxy in today to get 3 shots.. and her nails clipped... I have attempted to cut her nails in the past myself.. but she freaks the heck out wont allow anyone here to do it.... she shakes and wiggles too much.. I actually cant stand doing this.. nor could I stand when wifey had to cut the kids toenails.. so I get all squeamish and pansylike.. so... My fear of needles is pretty bad too.. not sure who is gonna be more traumatized by today.. me or Roxy..


Well-Known Member
I use a dremel with a coarse sanding file for my dogs nails. takes about a minute for all nails, as long as you regularly do them. get them used to the noise, and reinforce nail trimming as positive time with treats and belly rub. run them of energy first, makes it a lot easier. a bully stick afterwards.

Scarlet 420

New Member
I used to use the attachment on the vacuum cleaner on my dog. Only in the summer though when he was
moulting. It wasn't a past time or anything. But I think he liked it.


I get to take Roxy in today to get 3 shots.. and her nails clipped... I have attempted to cut her nails in the past myself.. but she freaks the heck out wont allow anyone here to do it.... she shakes and wiggles too much.. I actually cant stand doing this.. nor could I stand when wifey had to cut the kids toenails.. so I get all squeamish and pansylike.. so... My fear of needles is pretty bad too.. not sure who is gonna be more traumatized by today.. me or Roxy..
sorry to hear that, you know your dog has probably picked up on your negative energy, dogs are very perceptive, you can't be scared, nervous or frustrated when cutting nails especially from a young puppy or your dog usually will have some nervousness about this all their life, if you do cut to short and they bleed stop what your doing and distract them with a toy or something fun, then go back to it, another good method is to introduce the cutters or needles with treats and a calm environment, vets often rush and don't take the time to ensure that the dog is calm and so are they, that's why dogs often get nervous


Well-Known Member
I can't post a picture of my cat because my wife uses FB and I've seen that Catfish show. I know that facial recognition software works better on cats than on humans.

But he's my best buddy ever. He looks like dannyboy's avi but without the blue eyes. He is a "social eater" - which is actually a thing. When we got him from the pound he was undernourished. It turns out that he will only eat in the presence of others. Mentioned it casually to the vet who promptly wrote "social eater" on his chart. Good thing he is so damn cute or he would starve.

He acts like a dog, but he's a cat. This is a rare pheno. Gonna keep him.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I can't post a picture of my cat because my wife uses FB and I've seen that Catfish show. I know that facial recognition software works better on cats than on humans.

But he's my best buddy ever. He looks like dannyboy's avi but without the blue eyes. He is a "social eater" - which is actually a thing. When we got him from the pound he was undernourished. It turns out that he will only eat in the presence of others. Mentioned it casually to the vet who promptly wrote "social eater" on his chart. Good thing he is so damn cute or he would starve.

He acts like a dog, but he's a cat. This is a rare pheno. Gonna keep him.
As long as you're not tempted to cut a clone from him.


Well-Known Member
Everything is working out really well with my new dog/puppy. He's been for a long walk around parc guell and is amazing well trained already. He sits at the kerb, waits outside the shop for me. He's fine off the lead and didn't retaliate a jack Russell's snarl or a yappy Yorkshire terrier. The cat has come within 4 ft of him and knows the dog is scared! I was so worried about Minky (cat) but he's been fantastic. I didn't for a second think it'd be this easy!

New name: Monty. I've already got a Minky?? Well??
