speaking of the cape i miss fishing gorilla rock! Still slammin stripers off the orleans coast i wonder? The cape is nice but the fucken ticks on the ground are fierce!
was once a time when you could give me some bombay sapphire and EVERYTHING was looking good! Well that and i was one horny marine when i got leave! There's something about a new englander we can go anywhere in the world and they'll know immediatley where were from by our accents! nomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!
nomaar is wicked retahded, what a fackin loozah goin to L.A. likes he's some big sha't... fuckin loosah
I vacationed there awhile back, stayed in one of those $10,000 a week houses. Had a good time, found out that reisling goes good with scrambled eggs when you're drinking with breakfast.