Wow, lotta garbage about dogs in this thread, I don't condone pitting two animals against each other for sport.

A forty lb game bred apbt would kill a wolfhound ...when dog fighting was legal n popular why did they not use wolfhound in any lines?
You clearly miss the point. I have said this thing before as well. If you are the high roller you claim you are, then all the bullet proof vests in the words are worthless, you'd just get shot in the head. Your vest means bugger all :-) if someone wants to kill you, you will

lbe dead, you could spend as much as you wanted on your vest and it woundnt change shit ;) seems Mr big shot gangsta has no common sense :-)

u know what... ur right.... uve inspired me... lit a fire under my ass... im gonna have to geta bullitproof helmet now too..... walk around this bitch like robocop... the vest i have has a nutt guard too... lolol
Wow, lotta garbage about dogs in this thread, I don't condone pitting two animals against each other for sport.

A forty lb game bred apbt would kill a wolfhound ...when dog fighting was legal n popular why did they not use wolfhound in any lines?

seems only u... me... and kenny ass know this doe....
Oh, n killing a wolf is nothing like fighting a game dog bred to kill you...wolves are pack animals...they try to avoid injury, injured in the wild is almost certain death if you can't hunt or keep pace with the pack.
Oh, n killing a wolf is nothing like fighting a game dog bred to kill you...wolves are pack animals...they try to avoid injury, injured in the wild is almost certain death if you can't hunt or keep pace with the pack.


seems you don't know shit about dogs either... pitbull cant even stay on it's feet playing, just think if the wolfhound was actually trying to kill it. The dog is twice the size more powerful and just as agile. not being nice and letting the pit come back at it... the wolfhound would eat the pit! I have both! the wolfhound isn't even a year old yet and tosses the pit around the yard!

Please try to dispute video proof. Play fighting isn't far from real fighting, just like when me and my brother box, we are playing but I still get my ass kicked. Wolfhounds are bread to eat wolves and dogs. One on one fight or even 2 pits vs a wolfhound, the pits don't stand a chance!

seems you don't know shit about dogs either... pitbull cant even stay on it's feet playing, just think if the wolfhound was actually trying to kill it. The dog is twice the size more powerful and just as agile. not being nice and letting the pit come back at it... the wolfhound would eat the pit! I have both! the wolfhound isn't even a year old yet and tosses the pit around the yard!

dude i just want u to know u dont have a fight dog pittbull... you have a fucking show dog!!!!
Hey dummy, I said game bred...which you have probably never seen...n answer my? ...with the whole world at one time breeding the ultimate fighting dog...why no wolfhounds?...the bigger you are the faster you gas out...apbt has more psi bite strength...wont get tired...bred to do one thing only...fight.
dude i just want u to know u dont have a fight dog pittbull... you have a fucking show dog!!!!
Might be why mine looks better than yours... LOL! Might be why when take it to the dog park people try to pay me to breed her... LOL!!! Let's see your dog lock like mine!!! Not happenin hommie. Look into what the pit bull was really bred for not what people started doing with the breed. They are meant to lock, let's see your dog lock. I train my dogs like they are supposed to be trained. Not to fight.
Hey dummy, I said game bred...which you have probably never seen...n answer my? ...with the whole world at one time breeding the ultimate fighting dog...why no wolfhounds?...the bigger you are the faster you gas out...apbt has more psi bite strength...wont get tired...bred to do one thing only...fight.

Because they used it to breed the dogo argentino... LOL!!!
In the 1920s the Argentine Dogo was developed in Argentina by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez and his brother Agustin. The brothers wanted an ideal companion dog that was also a good pack hunter and guardian. The breeds that were used in the development were the Great Pyrenees, Irish Wolfhound, Pointer, Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux, Boxer, Spanish Mastiff, Bulldog, Bull Terrier.
They started with a wolf hound to get the dogo!!! LOL! DOGOs also eat pits!!! IDIOT!
putts dont lock there jaws its a myth.. they just dont let go till they feel like it.. usually a few min. after the animal there biting on dies..
Holy fuck, you guys are arguing the same bullshit last night that got the thread closed.

Why ya gotta flex your nuts, no one cares.

Now cut this shit out guys...really.
putts dont lock there jaws its a myth.. they just dont let go till they feel like it.. usually a few min. after the animal there biting on dies..

My pit has hung from her rope for over 10min. Lock or not, your dog cant bite like mine! She's holding on while I spin her 70lb body, with the centrifugal force applied from the spin, she is holding much more than her own body weight...