Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

July 21

didn't do anything today had to work thought i'd be home early but came home really late so i just turned lights on to take pic and turned um off. soil looks dry on the 3 regs but good enough to run until tomorrow afternoon. growth is coming along nice. will be trimming some more tomorrow.

bent about 2 branches down but thats all i really did nothing major. the top right corner is slowly getting filled in and some of the lower branches that i was gonna cut off making it to the net so im just going to continue as is for now.

today marks day 4 of flip. i believe i just need to water tomorrow not feed so imma do that but i plan to just feed 1 last time on veg nutes then swap to flowering nutes. been giving my plants sugar additives via carboload towards the end of veg before i flipped only about 2 doses on my pineapple and 3 doses i believe on the 3. stopped adding silicone of course.


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July 22

Lots of issues today. First off leaves wilted due to not watering ( under watered ) this leads into my 2nd issues which is soil too dry not soaking up the water and just repeling it. most in particular the plant in the top right corner dumped 2L of water on it and it just went right out the pot luckily i took out all my cords from the tent so the cords are wet but they will be fine no cuts in um or anything of that nature. i don't think the water went through the sides but i think it went straight down the pot. can't really see so i just left as is. the pots will soak up the remaining water anyways so not too worried. just need to keep in mind that i need to stay on my watering so this doesn't happen but i watered more then enough to make sure the bottom halves are moist and not bone dry.

last issue really isn't an issue but to me it is. lots of bud sites growing and idk where the fuck to put everything at anymore. lots of the holes where im trying to fill out on the top right corner can't reach that end so some holes got like 3+ bud sites.

So far so good i pruned a little bit i was going to take a before and after pic but forgot to take a before pic. didn't prune too much maybe about 20 fan leaves to open up the canopy and give some breathing room. i got my door wide open to air out the tent get rid of some of that moisture a lot quicker but i think last i watered was 4 days ago so gonna try and stay on a 2-3 day schedule from now on.

i am almost certain the wilting is due to lack of water but if it is a humidity issue i am thinking of schwazzing this grow to lower my humidity. other then that though i think it is going okay for now still can't tell the sex of any of the regular plants today will be day 5 of flip so im guessing sometime in the 2nd week is when i can really tell.

back corner is slowly.. getting filled in once that happens im going straight up no room to bend after that. if it's my pineapple i am going to keep bending but im trying to keep canopy as even as i can the only parts i let go vertical atm is the ones i can't bend backwards cause the stems are stiff already it's all at the edges though

EDIT- just checked logs looks like the last time i watered was July 17 so they went for about 5 days off 1 watering. think if i go 3 days they will be fine. got to take into consideration the different sized pots so possibly 2 days for the 7gals and 3days for the pineapples 15gal. the 7gals do dry up fairly quicker not sure what he used in the pots i think my pro mix HP


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July 23

BAD NEWS- all 3 regular plants are confirmed males. i can clearly see the chunks of balls forming and they are grouped in masses thus how i can tell. gonna talk to my dad about chopping them later on today really don't want to be stuck with all of his plants knowing they are males now. i am 100% certain no way they are females as i thought i was looking at new node sites but not these are in the areas next to the new node sites where you'd find pistils if they were fem.

so from here on since im down 3 plants are stuck with my pineapple only i might just reveg since it's early on. that is IF he lets me chop them down. if not then idk because honestly i don't want to flower them. knowing him though he is gonna say "no they are not males, it's too early to tell"

if he doesn't let me chop them then i might honestly just leave as is continue to flower, chop later and just flower my pineapple despite im losing space. if he wont let me chop them at all ( which is possible, then i might just seed her. )

either way i go about it though is his call im fine either way. i simply don't want him telling me to put more plants in my tent while im trying to scrog my pineapple alone though


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as you can see dad said it was okay to remove his plants. he was a BIT.. skeptical on 2 of um but i kept showing him exactly where the big ball clumps were. he literally didn't want me to chop um i know cause he doesn't take into consideration he is going to need to grow more plants since he is growing reg seeds so most of his grows are all males or mostly males.

my pineapple is all weird tbh. kind of hard to bend her main branches because they are stiff as fuck. the inner nodes on the main branches are super limp like it has humidity issues but im not sure if it was caused by humidity or simply just growth spurt ( shot up to hit the light but didn't fatten up it's branches ). i see what looks like humidity issues down below though some of the growth is clawing downwards.

if said growth is not receiving any light at all tomorrow im just going to lollipop her again for good this time to open up the bottom for air flow. Humidity should go down now that a lot of the growth was removed and a lot of water from the 3 plants were also taken out im probably going to veg her just for a little bit tbh. nothing super crazy but she does veg slow vertically as you seen over time. 6 days of flip hopefully she can hit re veg in less then 6 days like it was nothing to her.

tomorrow i got to clean her up some more as well she is getting attacked by bugs from my dads plants not so bad right now if it gets worse imma have to spray her down. you can kinda see the clawing leaf on bottom left corner im sure it is humidity issue cause it's super limp i've had that happen to my plants inner growth many times. idk if it will perk up but it is attached to a small node that i doubt will make it to the top anyways since it's mostly blocked


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July 24

I see some growth but not too much. trimmed some bug infested leaves and snipped 2 lower branches off to open up the lower parts up more. bent some stems and that is about it. gonna water today just water due to the excessive amount of stress over these past few days with the constant pruning and all that.

literally not expecting much of of this girl in general she grew a lot faster when i flipped but since i am revegging again i think she will slow down. i mean i honestly could try and flower her fully but i don't think the net would get filled at all lots of bald spots here and there as well so i think re vegging is my best option right now. not gonna trim her or anything for a few days just gonna keep bending where i can.

overall i think she is turning out good tbh i want to try and flower her as is and see if she can manage to fill the net out but i have my doubts.

EDIT- bad news had to revert back to flowering cause my dad is shoving more of his damn plants in my tent -.-" im at the point where like fuck it my tent/grow told him how many times im trying to scrog so he can't be shoving all his plants in here so if they get shaded idc. imma run them on 12/12 whether he likes it or not.


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That’s shit sharing grow space’s bro, hope you work something out
Yea but he just forces it onto me so it fucks up my grow space and i got to try and cater to his plants. If i wasnt scrogging i dont mind. I got plans to slow growth down on his plants though so i can finish mine off. His is likely another male anyways
July 25

day 8 of flip; calling it day 8 since i went 1 day only on 18/6 so i doubt she would of revegged from that alone. bent some stems back but not much else to do trying to bend 1 back but it's pretty stiff yet not long enough to bend also to tuck onto anything near it.

soil is semi dry meaning it's moist but tomorrow i have to water. will be feeding one last time on veg nutes full strength then going to swap to flowering nutes for next feeding. depending how my compost is looking as well i might take out some compost fill pot up a little and work with that. i could feed today tbh since i got the worms in there as well but by now i would assume most have died off already.

for some reason the growth in the front and right is slow compared to the growth on the left and back that is where all the tucking tends to take place daily. usually by now though it is already slowing down on the stretch from my previous grows ( different strains ) i am thinking by end of week 2 of flip imma stop bending and let them grow vertically idk yet though. i don't see any pistils right now just a bunch of new nodes trying to pop out. will check back on that later on when it gets closer to day 14 of flip.


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July 26

Fed both seedling and pineapple full dosage of veg nutes. not really seedling it was just stunted for a while lack of nutrients and lighting i believe. topped pineapple with 2L tap water since i didn't feel like going for a 2nd trip to mix nutrients again. my last feeding on veg nutes for her next one will be flowering nutes.

bent some branches not much growth is slacking imo stretch wise i think this is the most she will ever get tbh. for some funny reason my lights were dimmed idk why i know i dimmed them yesterday but i was almost certain i turned them back up. it was in the middle area i think or i could of just dimmed it myself since i knocked it over so not too sure.

stem is fat af now which i like, roots are looking thick af from my past grows as well. got about 1.5-2 squares to fill out all around before net is completely full but will on day 9 of flip so i aint super worried the smaller nodes that are growing are slowly.. getting big i mean they are super slow but i have hope. if there stems don't thicken up soon idk how they will support the buds. i still don't see any pistils either


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July 27

slowly getting height on the thickest branches was able to bed 1 or 2 of them out of the 6 hopefully they don't pop back out. net slowly filling out were almost at 1 square away at the top and left side but the bottom and right side are about 2 squares away. found some pistils but they were browning off. they should start producing more soon if i am not mistaken. were on day 10 of flip though.

pots still fairly moist, baby plant is doing better a lot greener today since i fed yesterday. branches shooting off the main branches are slowly getting fatter still pliable but i can feel they got thicker.


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July 28

watered about 1gal minus 2L since i had to water the baby plant that is iffy right now. it's gotten greener but growth is still super slow. bent some branches down as usual but the same main branches keep popping right back out every single time i bend them. plant is getting stinker though but only if i touch her she smells like pineapple and what i assume what cheese strains smell like. smells good imo but i would think this one would be the stinkest bud i've grown thus far when the buds start forming. my last grow which was strawberry cough that smelled pretty stink to me but this one might be worse.

overall i think she is doing good. day 11 of flip i believe. i think i need to switch to a 2 day watering schedule because today her soil was repelling the water again top was pretty dry. kinda lazy but she could use more water tbh at least 4 more liters to to make sure the bottom is fully dampened.


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Are you pinching, when you say “bend” the branches do you mean trying to lst it open? If so that will reduce what little stretch that strain will give you. It’s a technique used to limit stretching. Pineapple chunk is usually a stinker, tasty too! Looks good so far, enjoy!
Are you pinching, when you say “bend” the branches do you mean trying to lst it open? If so that will reduce what little stretch that strain will give you. It’s a technique used to limit stretching. Pineapple chunk is usually a stinker, tasty too! Looks good so far, enjoy!
when i say bend im just talking about pulling the branches down into open squares. i don't super crop them or anything. all the main branches are super thick though so they are kind of hard to bend thats why the one in the top left i just kinda leave as is for now she has nothing to grab on and every time i try to bend her she pops right back up. the net is kinda filling up nicely as the days go by so im not worried anymore i got it to a point it's actually nicer then it used to be back when i first flipped with all 4 plants inside. i used to prune and did like another ghetto lollipop i think last week so yea that kinda slows things down as well. i got about 10 more days of stretch left to go though so it's doing good so far.
July 29

plant getting harder to bend looks like she is reverting back to her usual self of growing bushy versus growing vertically. ended up raising the lights up to try and see if i can get her to stretch more over these next few days. leaves starting to get frosty though i can see some trichs not much pistils though but plant overall looks close to producing flowers. Day 12 of flip

i did not bend any branches today btw they need more length to do so thus why i raised the lights only by an inch though. still got time not worried i am already pleased with how the net filled up for what has happened over the grow


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Me thinks she’s about done with stretching and will start filling in. Mine went about 8 and 1/2 weeks and maybe 1.25 stretch. Mine didn’t get as bushy as yours but I only vegged till it was about a foot or so. Was a freebie and I just wanted to try it. I have a couple more, I want to see how yours comes out!
Me thinks she’s about done with stretching and will start filling in. Mine went about 8 and 1/2 weeks and maybe 1.25 stretch. Mine didn’t get as bushy as yours but I only vegged till it was about a foot or so. Was a freebie and I just wanted to try it. I have a couple more, I want to see how yours comes out!
This is a freebie too only got 1. I vegged for 6 weeks i think but yea she slowing down but usualy mine dont start flowering until week 3 of flip
She surprised me, mine flowered fast. One of those that I wish I had cloned. Maybe I’ll do that next round, plant count is full. There is always tomorrow;)
Well until there isn’t, but not much can be done about that.
She looks healthy and vigorous, in a couple weeks she will stink sooooooo bad/good, mmmmmmm.
July 30

Day 13 of flip babies needed water badly after just 2 days. made sure to water my pineapple fairly deep more then 1gal she took i gave about 1.5gals i would assume. she looks like she stopped stretching or pretty much thats as far as she will grow so im going to stop bending already and i looked closer at the tops and they look ready to flower. pistils started shooting out already but the tops look prime for flowering. im expecting maybe around sunday/next week tuesday she will be covered in pistils.

kinda busy as hell right now with life working 6-7 days a week but im gonna lollipop her for good eventually. going to give her some time see if she wants to stretch a bit more if not then im going to lollipop and prune some fan leaves on sunday as i work on saturday and idk what time i will finish.

the only issues i seem to be having right now though is the leaves in the top right corner near the fan are now tall enough to get swatted repeatedly so they got major damage from that. i still have pests laying around on my plant but damage wise not too much so got to cut those fan leaves off and on one of the branches i see the leaves curling down idk what it is from but if i had to guess it looks like a nitrogen/under watering issue. it looks clawed but in a weird way. leaves felt fairly stiff so i think too much nitrogen tbh. it only looks like that branch is affected as well.


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She surprised me, mine flowered fast. One of those that I wish I had cloned. Maybe I’ll do that next round, plant count is full. There is always tomorrow;)
Well until there isn’t, but not much can be done about that.
She looks healthy and vigorous, in a couple weeks she will stink sooooooo bad/good, mmmmmmm.
yea this one i got as a freebie it's been in the fridge for months now and i only got 1. she does seem to have stopped stretching phase imo i checked photo's and in person plant doesn't seem to have gained much growth and she has started to put out pistils and the tops look like they are flowering already.

im gonna give her some more time before i do any pruning though and check tomorrow for more growth but today i literally couldn't even bend anything looks the same as it did yesterday imo just a little more sprung after bending