Pinkish leaf stems and veins anything to worry about? *pics inside*


Well-Known Member
Like what dirt/nutes size of pot would be helpful info
It look really green kind of drooping can't tell for sure
need a pic of the whole plant I'm leaning on either
overnuted or undernuted it's hard to say with out the
whole picture........


Well-Known Member
Like what dirt/nutes size of pot would be helpful info
It look really green kind of drooping can't tell for sure
need a pic of the whole plant I'm leaning on either
overnuted or undernuted it's hard to say with out the
whole picture........
DSCN2752 (Large).jpgDSCN2750 (Large).jpgDSCN2751 (Large).jpgDSCN2753 (Large).jpg

there ya go :D


Well-Known Member
you are over-watered, my man. those purple stems are screaming stress. P is being locked out. back off the N, also.


Well-Known Member
you are over-watered, my man. those purple stems are screaming stress. P is being locked out. back off the N, also.
I agree that something is getting locked out but I don't agree with being over watered , because the PH in those fuckin cubes always drifts alkaline and I have to completely flush it with fresh nuts to take it back down to 5.5 then it just goes back up to 7 in a week....

I'm sure the PH is locking shit out. Those cubes are hard to over water when you shake them out and make sure they aren't soaking


Well-Known Member
7 seems so benign, but i'm a soil guy. i guess in those cubes that's high. they always look as wet as a drowned rat to me:)


Well-Known Member

Looks like you hit the nail on the head as for P being locked out. I need to put them on a drip system so they get flushes several times a day so the ph wont fuckin drift to 7 in 4 days ahhhhhh!