Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.


Well-Known Member
hello riu fam well good news i dug down and found the three sprouts and they were trying but not good enough for me so i moved them to right at the top of the soil i also transplanted alll the others they were stretched out too much but i got a vid here it is



Well-Known Member
yea me too man lets hope they get going i gotta come up with some cash pronto got rent due today and dident get paid enough gonna have to come up wit a hustle for she gets off work.


Well-Known Member
i feel you on that sometimes i wish i wasnt so p'noid i'd pay all my bills off weed. but til then it's every hustle under the sun.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah i ran outa weed the other week and the moneys tight as hell, good job i got some hanging and some to chop lol. I had to dig one of my seeds up last time i did some so one seedlings about 2 weeks behinde the others lol


Well-Known Member
ha finally got the temp under control sold the big grow box today so it looks like im gonna have to use the fishtank


Well-Known Member
well they r at 85 degrees with the lights on and no intake just passive 2 of em but thats a hell of a lot better than 100 and i think i can rig up a intake with the other exhaust if i find a 3 inch hose and can get it in there but ill take a vid here in a minuit


Well-Known Member
ok so i figured it out temps r stayin at 81 2 83 and i am gonna cut a hole in the closet tomorrow and put one of the exhaust the 70cfm on the outside of the closet and then run the 3 inch line in to the tent and i will also add another cover adjacent to it where the ehust from the can fan is going out the room later i will worrie about smell and carbon but this is all so i can close the closet door and hang clothes in the closet cuz her parents wanna see whats in that room weve been here a year over and they know i have a badass fishtank but have never seen it lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
so u gonna have to make out all the outlet and intake pipes are essential fish tank stuff then or jus drape clothesover it?


Well-Known Member
alright well i worked all night literally and finally got done here is what all i did there is two videos


here is what it looked like when i finshed



Well-Known Member
oo its not an issue at all ive decided not to go under the fishtank im jus gonna find a nother cab made outta wood and make a mother box