
Yuhp shes a mean one! Scary girl she is.
I take her into PetsMart, Always get attention from one of the 3 employees that have pits them selfs. Not some lil punks. 20 year old college chick, i'd say mid 40's has 3 with 2 kids. 5,9. and a very professional looking vet from the clinic there.
Baby just chills, just checks out the area we are in. If there are other dogs, she''ll give them a look and go about her business as if she doesn't care they are there.
I'll be honest when a friend brought over his mature red nose female. they started fighting when we introduced them on leashes. It was are fault we should have just let them meet with out us, not on leashes. Lessens the need to protect their mast. Also they are females. This is Baby's house you know. Witch feeds from the high level of loyalty these dogs have for us.
Shes around 6-10 year old kids all the time in the back yard. they can run and play football she wont bother them one bit. but if its some friends and I, shes right in the action.

For all the un-educated, critics out there. Google Their significance in American History. I mean as big of an icon as the Bald Eagle today.Do some reasearch.

now far as the thugs and $30,000 Millionaires the streets here are polluted with. They raise them with no responsibility. Only the thought that getting tugged by your wild pit is tough. man do these kids have something coming to them

:joint: :joint: bongsmiliebongsmilie


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they were clowning that dog on "the soup". she said "5 + 4" and the dog was counting before she even finished the question. then when it get to 9 she says "good boy" and it stops. that dog was totally being coach on his answers. :roll::roll:

Awh, Fdd. You went and ruined it for me. Haha. I thought the dog actually was smart. Hahah. I just thought the owner kind of trained it to do that. Haha. Oh well.
i sure hope it's not me that you all keep referring to as "un-educated". i am the thread starter and i HAVE LIVED WITH PITS. not one person has acknowledged the fact that i've lived with them and don't like them. it was a life experience, not some bS research. i even got this -rep, .... "fucking moron who doesnt know shit about dogs"

the "fucking moron" is the one who didn't see me post numerous times, "i've lived with dogs for 20 years".

ignorant dog owners seem to be more of a problem than the dogs themselves. i may have to correct myself.

why do dogs need to be trained to behave?
If you were aiming the "calling you un-educated" at me fdd, I did not mean that in any way at all. I was just joking around. Cus I believe you on that, but i honestly thought it was real. Haha. Un-educated would be among the names i would never call you. I mean you do know your shit. Haha kiss-ass
If you were aiming the "calling you un-educated" at me fdd, I did not mean that in any way at all. I was just joking around. Cus I believe you on that, but i honestly thought it was real. Haha. Un-educated would be among the names i would never call you. I mean you do know your shit. Haha kiss-ass

i wasn't pointing out anyone in particular. i've seen it stated numerous times by numerous people. they all just keep saying how pits are misunderstood. maybe i just wasn't around the right ones. all the ones i have been around, and there have been many, were all nut jobs.

i walked out my backdoor a few weeks ago and 2 huge dogs were sitting in my backyard. they had to have come down the driveway thru the gate and into the middle of the yard. huge pit and a huge lab. i had NO idea where these dogs came from or what they were capable of. i calmly called them and got them to follow me out front. i stood with them on the front lawn for a few minutes. the lab was cool and approached me but the pit was sketchy. the neighbors cat across the street happened to stroll out to it's own front yard. the dogs saw it and made an immediate dash after it. it ran thru a hole in the fence and the dogs followed right behind. broke a fence board on the way thru. there was NO stopping them. if they would have caught that cat they would have killed it. fuck dogs!!! :evil::evil:
Haha. I was smokin' the other day at one of my friends neighors houses, and they had a pit and it was going crazy cus it didn't know me, so they said can u pet it so itll stop going crazy, so I did, and it just layed down calmly. Such a nice dog. :) Weird thing is my dog won't even BOTHER going after cats. He only starts running after other dogs, or rabbits. Haha.
Right after I read this thread when it was started, I watched my satellite news from Cali and the first story was on a poor little girl who died after being attacked by a pit. The pit was a puppy too. No matter what was said on this thread that particular dog ruined many lives that day besides that poor little girl, who died after a week. That my friends is just sad as hell...... I'm sorry to that family for their decision to take that puppy in their home. I'm sure they feel like shit that their pit killed that little girl. Most of all I'm saddened for that girls family. Now you can say it was the people or they were'nt watching the children with the dog yada yada, Fact is the dog was a pit puppy and it killed a little girl.
I stated that FDD. Was not directed to you at in any way. It's to all the BS propaganda the media flaunts.
Right after I read this thread when it was started, I watched my satellite news from Cali and the first story was on a poor little girl who died after being attacked by a pit. The pit was a puppy too. No matter what was said on this thread that particular dog ruined many lives that day besides that poor little girl, who died after a week. That my friends is just sad as hell...... I'm sorry to that family for their decision to take that puppy in their home. I'm sure they feel like shit that their pit killed that little girl. Most of all I'm saddened for that girls family. Now you can say it was the people or they were'nt watching the children with the dog yada yada, Fact is the dog was a pit puppy and it killed a little girl.

That's pathetic. Because a dog would have almost no reason to ATTACK a human unless it was being provoked by something. Most of the time the owners. Who can know if the girl hit the dog or not?
Very rarely dose a significant attack happen. Last time i checked Poodles had the highest number of bites, that resulted in drawn blood/bruising/ or injury. It's cause of the Rep. the pit has you see it more.

BS media presented propaganda.

Right after I read this thread when it was started, I watched my satellite news from Cali and the first story was on a poor little girl who died after being attacked by a pit. The pit was a puppy too. No matter what was said on this thread that particular dog ruined many lives that day besides that poor little girl, who died after a week. That my friends is just sad as hell...... I'm sorry to that family for their decision to take that puppy in their home. I'm sure they feel like shit that their pit killed that little girl. Most of all I'm saddened for that girls family. Now you can say it was the people or they were'nt watching the children with the dog yada yada, Fact is the dog was a pit puppy and it killed a little girl.
That's pathetic. Because a dog would have almost no reason to ATTACK a human unless it was being provoked by something. Most of the time the owners. Who can know if the girl hit the dog or not?

you aren't serious are you. you don't think dogs attack unprovoked?
I went to a party and the houses pitbull would attack your feet from un der the trampoline outside. When i pulled out the bud he sat right down next to me
i had a bad rap for pits too at first, because i had never really played with a pit. now that i've seen pits that have been well raised i see they're gentle as all hell. it's the ones that are neglected that get mean and start attacking randomly and all that. as a puppy you've really got to train them well but at the same time i would never leave a baby pit with a little girl

when i was a kid i would pull on my golden retriever's tail to no end. he hated me haha, i'm just lucky it wasn't a pit! but sad story, that family will never get over it
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Pic's of the kids I think


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Dogs are going to do what they are going to do, even with great training. I've seen a doberman puppy attack my own child years ago, you know why to Dobie attacked? Me neither, my daughter was petting her on the head telling her she is a good girl and the dog jumped right up and bit her between the eyes. I was standing right there and saw the whole thing. The dog was unprovoked. I also beat the fucking shit out of that dog after that incident. It's wasn't my dog but I still took matters into my own hands. :evil:

I have a little Shih Tzu that if he was a larger dog, he would be a danger. He likes to guard things. He always leaves a few bites of food in his bowl so he has an excuse to attack any cats that walk by. I would call that a premeditated attack. A ShihTzu is a terrier, a pitbull is also a terrier.

Yes a lot of times pittbulls get a bad rap, but just as many times they attack without reason a do a lot of harm. There should really be regulations to owning that kind of dog. Mandatory obedience classes, routine agression checks. Especialy since a lot of Pitt owners are careless at let their dogs get loose a lot.

That's pathetic. Because a dog would have almost no reason to ATTACK a human unless it was being provoked by something. Most of the time the owners. Who can know if the girl hit the dog or not?
Cocker Spaniels are actually one of the most aggressive and unpredictable breeds... But they are considered a family friendly pet...

Not true. my family has had cocker spaniels for years and they are the friendliest, most loyal, obedient, loving companions you could have. i miss my dogs.

we once had an old english sheepdog. now theres a great dog.


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Not true. my family has had cocker spaniels for years and they are the friendliest, most loyal, obedient, loving companions you could have. i miss my dogs.

we once had an old english sheepdog. now theres a great dog.

It's no more untrue than it is true...I guess it depends on how they are bred and raised..... We could argue the same way as with the pitbulls...... I knew someone with a cocker spaniel and the thing always growled at me for no reason....I just meant that they are known to be a little nasty...I'm in no place to say that any dog isn't dangerous at all, but cocker spaniels are more susceptible to be as opposed to other breeds...If I had children and I was looking for a new dog, a cocker spaniel would not be on the top of my list of choices...

Cocker Spaniel, like with any other breed there are always exceptions. Due to this breed's popularity one must be careful to choose from a reputable breeder, as some have reported cockers to have poor temperament and to be bad with children
You know what breed tends to put a bug up my butt? Chihuahuas. Because they're small people don't want to reprimand them. It's the only dog I've ever been bitten by, repeatedly. Thusly, my recipe for EnChihuahua. :lol: