
Yep, chihuahuas are the meanest dogs I know, little vicious protective rat dogs. Good thing you could pick em up and throw them 100 yards.

I HATE little rat dogs. If you plan on getting one, do yourself a favor and buy a cat, they're just as stupid.
I've noticed that smaller dogs are alot more aggressive. Maybe because the bigger dog knows he'll use your cawk as a chew toy if you fuck with him enough.
Yep, chihuahuas are the meanest dogs I know, little vicious protective rat dogs. Good thing you could pick em up and throw them 100 yards.

I HATE little rat dogs. If you plan on getting one, do yourself a favor and buy a cat, they're just as stupid.
I don't hate them all, but the majority that I've come across are allowed to rule the roost. And it's often because of their appearance, they are cute. I treat all dogs the same way, and they all tend to react the same way. Given firm guidance and as long as they know who their Alpha Bitch is, they're pretty good (except the really smart dogs who have to occupy their minds). I generally prefer big dogs, just my own thing, but no matter what kind of dog it is, I prefer them to be trained. ;)

I can't bag on cats. They have their place, and I like ours, especially Stink-mon, who hangs out with the dogs and meows to me the way the dogs bark and woof at me. I think he may have forgotten his feline past, and then he comes with a lizard or a bird and shows me he has an inkling. Oh, and he is NOT a stupid cat. He knows "OUT!" exactly as well as the dogs.
hey SeaMaiden my vet told me that the lizards will make my cat 'trip' like they are on acid, have you ever heard of this? My cat comes in looking all trippy sometimes.
My boxer is ALWAYS attacked by the little rat dogs, she's a big wuss, and lets them bite on her.

Funny smilie sunny, aren't you afraid your little rat is gonna eat the bird?

Wait, maybe it's the other way around?? :bigjoint: :clap:
like maiden said, noone ever fucking reprimands the little yappers. i was walkin my dog one day and these peoples 10lb yorkie came runnin 50 yards to attack my lab. he was yappin and bitin at his legs. my dog growled and got ready to swallow him whole so i had to yank him up by his leash and leave him suspended in the air by his leash. i wanted to kick the little fucker but his owners were watchin and did nothing. he never gets no consequences but let him try that on the wrong dog and bye bye mr. yappy. we watched my girls springer spaniel take her miniature yorkies head in this mouth and shake him like a rag doll. by the time we grabbed him blood poured out of his little lifeless mouth. pretty upsetting to her, so i promised we wouldnt get such a fragile dog next time.
You know I am teasing you!

My bird would eat my dog if given the chance. My index finger nail is just now growing back... My chi is trained, she knows her place. No problems out of her, never. She is a larger chi and doesn't possess a lot of the normal characteristics that most chi's do.

I do agree that little dogs do tend to be nippy. I think it is 'little man syndrome' in dog form:)

My boxer is ALWAYS attacked by the little rat dogs, she's a big wuss, and lets them bite on her.

Funny smilie sunny, aren't you afraid your little rat is gonna eat the bird?

Wait, maybe it's the other way around?? :bigjoint: :clap:
I've noticed that smaller dogs are alot more aggressive. Maybe because the bigger dog knows he'll use your cawk as a chew toy if you fuck with him enough.
That may be in part their breeding (oops! should I even say that?), and is definitely due to how people treat the cute dogs.

I recently learned that black dogs have the worst home placement rates. Do you think it's because black dogs are worse-behaved than other colored dogs? Less trainable? No, I think it's firmly rooted in human perception.
That may be in part their breeding (oops! should I even say that?), and is definitely due to how people treat the cute dogs.

I recently learned that black dogs have the worst home placement rates. Do you think it's because black dogs are worse-behaved than other colored dogs? Less trainable? No, I think it's firmly rooted in human perception.

Racism on a canine level? Hmmm...Interesting. They do allow smaller breeds to do what they want all in the name of "Cute".
holy shit. I didn't know that. That's sad...a dog is a dog doesn't matter what color he is.
I absolutely agree. But then here we are talking about how often the tiny cute dogs are allowed to behave in a way we would NEVER let a Rottie or similar dog behave. Why is that? Because we find them cute. Human animals can be kinda fucked up.
I don't let my shihtzu act like an ass because he's cute. When he is trying to be fierce and attack I pick him up. For some reason holding him is like an off button, he just shuts down and becomes limp like a rag dog. He also can't really hurt anyone or other animal since he is too small to actually bite anyone. His mouth just isn't big enough to get a bite grip.

He's not allowed to sit outside and yap either. I think it's rude for dogs to be outside barking. If ours bark we make them come in right away. They end up learning that if they bark once at the back door they get let in.
Specially by people that think they are their kids. Now I'm not talking Rotties or pit bulls I'm talking like my dogs to little rat dogs. They would get away with murder if we would let them. They are around us all the time and I actually make their dog food. UGH I love all dogs they all have souls and I wish well to all the people on here that love their dogs. But their are all those folks that leave them chained and in a yard and barely throw them so kibble. no matter what the breed those are the ones that needed to be taken away and need help from some one so when they get lose holy hell you better watch out. Makes me feel bad for them. No one should be allowed to abuse a dog I walk mine around the hood and I see abuse every where, I live in Montana and it gets cold in winter and I called about a certain dog who's owners just left him out there and it was below zero and my local shelter didn't want to be bothered with it. I said his freaking water is froze how can he even get water and they hung up on me. I sure wish I had an aspca. By the way the owners right after that shaved his hair so he didn't even have a coat. I give him credit he's still alive ready to face another winter alone and cold!!. I have some friends that are ready at the drop of a hat to go steal him this time, I left them a letter wth the dog laws on it so they know some one is watching. I hope it works.
Some town I think in Mass. passed a law that no dog is allowed to be outside tethered for more that 10 hours a day. I think that is one of the best laws yet. I hate when people leave their dogs out in all weather.

In the winter I put my stove timer on, if it's below zero they get 5 minutes and then I check, if they aren't activly making a potty they have to come in.
NICE law, up here people seem to treat them just as a yard alarm, so they know if some ones in the yard. It is the saddest thing. Those poor dogs think it's normal for them and that's all life has to offer. Poor things I wish we had a law like that. Shit my dogs go in the car every chance they get, only when it's too hot do they have to stay home, or I wait until late in the day. My little Min Pins are my pals and I treat them the best I can. I got one from a pet shop breeder and she has real bad hips and I had to have them shave part of her bone off. Those irresponsible breeders are bad too. I guess what I'm trying to say is here we don't have any laws regarding dogs. It's a damn shame. Maybe I should do a grass roots change on that, Or I wish at the very least I had gotten that lady's name at the humane society I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate her hanging up on some body who pays their salary Right?
Around here animal shelters aren't accepting any animals at all, they are full. My neighbor found that out when a kitten turned up (must have been dumped because all the neighbors know each other and who has what pets). She took the kitten to the animal shelter and they wouldn't take it, they told her they couldn't take anymore animals. She ended up talking to a bunch of different people and found a lady in another town that runs a cat rescue out of her house and she took the kitty.

It's really sad, too many people get pets, don't spay or neuter, let them breed and bitch about having puppies or kittens to get rid of. One of the first things any of my pets did was go to the vet and have a little surgery. No duplication here.

At least my county started charging twice the price of registering a dog that isn't altered. That ought to encourage the dog owners anyway, won't do anything about cats though.
Yeah they did that here too, charge twice the amount for unaltered dogs and cats. I really feel bad about all the animals in those shelters. That was my first job when I was 16 I had to do some community service but stayed after that and got a job. It is seriously the most suck ass thing I ever had to do was put animals to sleep. Since then I find myself really getting hot at irresponsible folks. If you can't pay for the operation there are ways of getting a discount. All my animals are spayed and neutered even tho they are purebred. If I had puppies from the one who has bad hips think of how many dogs would be hurting right now. I'm not a fan of the he's so cute as a puppy and then no training then they dump him. I hate those people and I don't use hate as a word a lot but this I can say I HATE THEM! how would they like it?