Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Yeah, it's been posted before. But the good stuff should be posted more than once, don't you think? I liked it just as much the second time around.

not sure if this one has been posted yet. still playing catch up on this thread

Okay, this is over the top with the religious stuff. But it is about an incredible staircase in a church.

The best dream ever lolol
The best charcter ever
A mad funny skit
One of the best movie scenes ever

I got way more on the way =]

Your mommie's a whore. She fucks everybody. LoL!
I fucking LOVE WKUK. :)

Here's some higher brow comedy for ya...

...and some lower brow comedy for ya...


That wife pic is so perfectible perky even gets my heart throbin, that might be someones mommy heheheheI would you ever stop breast feeding HELL NO
The strongest Dog in the World. Working in Russian Army Special Forces.


i saw the myspace thing then had to search because this is fucking freaky as shit. it looks real as fuck because the muscle structure is so dead on it really is trippy if that is real. if you look in detail you can even notice there is no mimicking veins its fucking freaking me out! that is some crazy genetic technology they must be using because how the fuck is that possible, or its god damn alien shit. russia scares the fuck out of me now, i knew they were the most advanced but holy fuck! fuck!