Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

(for future viewers, its march 13 2011 and that was a charlie sheen burnout reference...)
Watch grandmas face light up as she unwraps a homely selection of chocolate cracks

Human Centipede Tatt

i read that and the bible and jewish torah (old testimentof the bible) the quran and the necronomicon.....the more you know indeed
WTF is this bullshit, the thread is PICS THAT MAKE YOU LOL, not EMOTIONAL AND INSPIRATIONAL DRIVEL thread

Gota agree with the point of your post that this thread is for funny posts not sentimental stuff.
Now the way you worded it sounded like you thought the guy dying for his country and getting the medal of honor was drivel.
I don't know if thats what you meant, but I can def agree with you that particular post shouldn't have ever made into the funny thread, if anything its down right depressing and takes the funny right out of you, as long as shits out in the air.

I personally would like to see more funny pictures and less stories, but thats just me.

this thread has simply become "run up my post count".

hasn't been funny for months. :(

i don't see the LOL. :?

Did I forget how to count? Cause last I checked that was two. :D Your post that you said was the second one on that page actually started a new page, so wrong again. :P

I fear if I have to explain the awesomeness of the pipe picture, it would take so many words as I would lose interest before I was done typing, so I'm not gonna try.
Did I forget how to count? Cause last I checked that was two. :D Your post that you said was the second one on that page actually started a new page, so wrong again. :P

I fear if I have to explain the awesomeness of the pipe picture, it would take so many words as I would lose interest before I was done typing, so I'm not gonna try.

your page settings must be different then mine. this page starts at post 9991 for me.

this is the "LOL" thread, not the "awesome" thread. you took a wrong turn at the sheen thread. :)
You both have your heads up your asses.

STFU, everyone knows you two dont like eachother.



nice insult. :clap:

I'm not here to battle anyone. i simply wish we could go back to ONLY POSTING FUNNY PICTURES. i see the same handful of people running up post counts with shit that was never even meant to be funny. i'm here as a moderator trying to moderate the direction this thread is going. i'm aiming for "FUNNY PICTURES".

every post is a fucking battle with you all. it's rather old and boring at this point. can't even follow along on a thread theme. :roll:
Lol, I wasnt tryin to insult either of you.

I just got the notifications that this thread was bumped, kept checking back to nothing but a catfight.

Glad its over, Now I need to remove the foot from MY mouth.

fdd, no disrespect. i have read several of your posts when it comes to cannabis and although not directed twards me you have helped me in growing my plants, i thank you for that. this thread is what it is now, it has regular posters and the odd poster and funny or not it does not need to get negitave. if you would, could you please step aside and allow the thread to continue. i will start an asshole thread and if you like you can join in and rip on whomever you like. i would be a daily poster as im sure a few here with a slight darkside. this is the haha thread you are far from making me haha. after 3 bottles of wine to my face i think i have exprecessed my opinion in a calm manner. the asshole thread will follow shortly and i think it will be funn there