Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Guts or Balls?

There is a medical distinction. We've all heard about people having guts
or balls, but do you really know the difference between them? In an
effort to keep you informed, the definitions are listed below:

GUTS - Is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met
by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: 'Are you still
cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?'

BALLS - Is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of
perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass
and having the balls to say: 'You're next,

I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions.

Medically speaking there is no difference in the outcome. Both result in death.






This one reminded me of the Twilight Zone episode about where the 'thing' starts ripping parts off of the plane. Wasn't that Shatner that did that one?

The Iranian Ambassador to the UN had just finished giving a speech and walked
out into the lobby of the convention center where he met U.S. General Patraeus.
They shook hands.
As they walked the Iranian said, "You know,
I have just one question about what I have seen in America ."
The General said, "Well, anything I can do to help you, I will."
The Iranian whispered, "My son watches this TV show called Star Trek and
in it there is Chekhov who is Russian, Scotty who is Scottish,
Uhura who is black and Sulu who is Japanese, but no Muslims.
My son is very upset and doesn't understand why there aren't any
Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians or Pakistanis on Star Trek."

The General laughed, leaned toward the Iranian ambassador, and whispered back,
"That's because it takes place in the future".