Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
A bowling alley in Clearwater, Florida, Bowl-O-Bama, is doing record business despite a bad economy.

The alley also reports a record number of 300 games.
Since opening in November 2010, 963 patrons have bowled a perfect game, including strikes in the warm-up frames.
This alley also has the highest bowling league average in the country, with a 237. And that’s the senior league.



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah that's cool. Wonder how you hire them? How cool would it be to have a thunderstorm on call at bed time? I know some of my brst sleep has come during a nice mid-summer thunderstorm.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah that's cool. Wonder how you hire them? How cool would it be to have a thunderstorm on call at bed time? I know some of my brst sleep has come during a nice mid-summer thunderstorm.
Your not alone on that one. Same thing for me. Night thunder boomers give me the best sleep. I used to have a rain storm/thunder storm relaxation CD that I would play at night when I had trouble sleeping.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Tell your wife she should be happy for having a smart hubby. Almost wish we got those type of storms so I do it myself. you could even class it up to not look backwoods redneck.
Nah, I like the redneck look :) I am not racist, but I consider myself somewhat redneck/hillbilly.
When we killed a turkey a few years ago, I hung it from the front yard bird feeder to bleed out and dressed it on my trucks tailgate.

The neighbors definitely know guns live here.
I am harmless, but the neighbors thinking I am a little off sure does keep them from messing with me... :) :)


Well-Known Member
I live in the country and am a red neck, by day a HiTec VP. I have 2 big Pits and on my street everyone says, don't worry about the dogs, worry about Woodsman. Been there 12 years and the first year heard the neighbors dogs barking so jumped on the four wheeler and checked it out, 2 guys robbing the place, back to the house call the cops, grab the bat and head back, caught the first guy loading the van and his partner on the stairs, they were going to charge me with excess force till they found a gun in the van.I never have problems, word travels fast.



Well-Known Member
Alright I'm on a hunt for good ones hopefully someone will be helpfull and embedd them for me since I don't know how. They will be good


Well-Known Member
A 50ish woman is home, NAKED, happily jumping on her bed & squealing with delight.
Husband watches & asks "Do u have any idea how ridiculous u look? What's the matter with u?"
The woman continues to bounce on the bed & says, "I don't care wha...t u think. I just had a mammogram, & the doctor says that not only am I healthy, but I have the breasts of an 18 year old."
The husband replies, "What did he say about your 55-year-old ass?" "Your name never came up," she replied.