Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
ROFL, the crows just couldn't stay out of it.

someone should take that video and make a comedy skit of the crows talking shit! LOL That would be some funny as shit! Like those videos of people talking mad shit before a fight egging the people on, I think it could be funny as hell!


Well-Known Member
someone should take that video and make a comedy skit of the crows talking shit! LOL That would be some funny as shit! Like those videos of people talking mad shit before a fight egging the people on, I think it could be funny as hell!
just watch a mcdonalds fight video

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
What parent in their right mind would allow a child to do that to a cat. Idiots. I bet the kid was in a beat down on the cat, why else did they have a camera? The adult should get their ass handed to them for allowing this.

ANC, love your posts.


Well-Known Member
An uncle up the road from me has a crazy cat, its very loveable, and then suddenly attacks about like the cat above. Even when you step back he comes at you.


Ursus marijanus
I know, I know, parents today drive me nuts. I never allowed that kind of behavior even as a toddler. It's kind of like letting them burn themselves with hot things.

Cats do the strangest things.
Oh but the look on the cat's face. "You have crossed the LINE, little mister!!" I think that kid learned a lesson his own species wasn't teaching him.
I do agree that it qualifies as "heavy wear mileage" for Kitty. cn