Well-Known Member
This is a pizza alternative, the recipe is simple but versatile as all components can be adapted for other ingredients based on preference.What I love about this is that it is quick to make and tastes great.
Ingredients needed:
4 back bacon slices
3 slices of rye bread (or preferred bread)
Tomato based (For pizzas, but garlic tomato sauces for sandwiches works great.)
Low fat cheese (Or other favored cheese, just be aware this impacts the calories count.)
Calorie counter:
4 bacon slices (without fat removed) = 216 Calories
3 slices Rye bread ( 50% rye, 25g per serving ) = 165 Calories
Cup of low fat cheese (roughly) = 100 Calories
Tomato base sauce (one tablespoon serving size is 50kJ) = 12 Calories
Total= 493 Calories
How to make:
1. Slice the Rye bread into 3 slices, then proceed to toast the slices till a crispy consistency or apply the tomato based directly if preferred (without toasting.)
2. After toasting the 3 bread slices, apply a thin based of tomato sauce to the toast/bread.
3. Grate a cup of low fat cheese, then begin to spread the cheese onto the tomato base covered bread/toast slices.
4.Cook the 4 slices of bacon on the stove or under the grill of the oven till favored consistency ( I enjoy bacon crispy)
5.Chop the bacon into peaces or place them whole on the slices, dividing the one extra bacon peace between the 3 slices of bread/toast.
6.Place the toast/bread into the microwave, this melts the cheese. Enjoy!
Happy Toking.

Ingredients needed:
4 back bacon slices
3 slices of rye bread (or preferred bread)
Tomato based (For pizzas, but garlic tomato sauces for sandwiches works great.)
Low fat cheese (Or other favored cheese, just be aware this impacts the calories count.)
Calorie counter:
4 bacon slices (without fat removed) = 216 Calories
3 slices Rye bread ( 50% rye, 25g per serving ) = 165 Calories
Cup of low fat cheese (roughly) = 100 Calories
Tomato base sauce (one tablespoon serving size is 50kJ) = 12 Calories
Total= 493 Calories
How to make:
1. Slice the Rye bread into 3 slices, then proceed to toast the slices till a crispy consistency or apply the tomato based directly if preferred (without toasting.)
2. After toasting the 3 bread slices, apply a thin based of tomato sauce to the toast/bread.
3. Grate a cup of low fat cheese, then begin to spread the cheese onto the tomato base covered bread/toast slices.
4.Cook the 4 slices of bacon on the stove or under the grill of the oven till favored consistency ( I enjoy bacon crispy)
5.Chop the bacon into peaces or place them whole on the slices, dividing the one extra bacon peace between the 3 slices of bread/toast.
6.Place the toast/bread into the microwave, this melts the cheese. Enjoy!
Happy Toking.

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